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James Richard Evans was born on August 24, 1854 at AR. He was the son of James M. Evans and Cynthia Ann Brewer. |
James Isaac Henderson II was born in 1700 at Scotland.
He was the son of James Isaac Henderson I.
James Isaac Henderson II married Mary Rhodes before 1720.
In 1741 James was named a Constable. He was not very adept at this job. He was summoned to a grand jury for his activities. On Oct 4, 1743 in a court session (the King versus James Henderson) "being called, appeared and pleaded not guilty by Samuel Swann (founder of Swannsboro), his attorney, the jury was sworn and found on their oaths the sd. James Henderson not guilty of the trespass whereof he stood presented." Records indicate he lived in Onslow County, NC. James was in possession of 220 acres of land that he obtained from one Nathaniel Averitt who obtained it as a grant. The land was located on Kisabel's Creek in Onslow County, NC. It was the land on which James Isaac lived. It was located near James Henderson's (James Isaac's father?) Landing. James willed this land to his daughter Lucy. James Isaac Henderson II died circa 1770 at Onslow County, NC. James Isaac lists the following people in his will, His children: Lucy, Arglass [Argulus], Bethany, Elizabeth and Nancy. He also mentions a granddaughter Sarah Nixon (who was a daughter of Bethany). he does not mention sons, James, Joseph or William or his wife Mary. It is assumed these four people predeceased him. However, more research needs to be done to determine for sure when they died. The actual will: Onslow County, NC; Will of JAMES HENDERSON October 20, 1770 In the name of God amen. Oct the twentieth day anno dominy one thousand seven hundred and seventy, I James Henderson, being weak in body but in perfect sense, mind and memory, Thanks be to God. Therefore calling to mind that all men are mortal and knowing that it is appointed once for all men are mortal and knowing that it is appointed once for all men to die, I do make and ordain this my last will and testament. First of all I recommend my soul to God that gave it me and my body to the earth from whence it came to be buried in a Christian like manner and form at the direction of my executor and as touching such worldly estate as it hath been please god to bless me with. I give and bequeath as followeth. Item first I give to my daughter, LUCY HENDERSON the plantation where on I now live with all the land belonging thereto. Item I give to my son ARGLASS HENDERSON one new gun. Item I give to my daughter BETHANY NIXON one shilling Sterling. Item I give to my daughter BETTY JENKINS, one cow and calf. Item I give to my daughter, NANNY HENDERSON, one cow and calf and one sorrell mare and one feather bed. Item I give to my Soninlaw WILLIAM JENKINS one rone horse. Item I give to my grand daughter SARAH NIXON, one sorrell mare and bay horse colt and one cow and calf. Item I give to my daughter, LUCY HENDERSON all the rest and remainder of my estate. Also I cosstitute (sp) and appoint my daughter LUCY HENDERSON sole executor of this my last will and testament and acknowledge this and only this to be my true and last will and testament and Je...... all others and allow of this only in witness whereof, I James HENDERSON hath set my hand and forever fixt my seal the day and date above. witnessed: signed: JAMES HENDERSON JOHN BOND ...? MOOR. |
Mary Rhodes was born circa 1700. She married James Isaac Henderson II, son of James Isaac Henderson I, before 1720. Mary Rhodes died before 1770 at Onslow County, NC. She died before 1804. |
Joseph Henderson was the son of James Isaac Henderson II and Mary Rhodes. |
William Henderson was the son of James Isaac Henderson II and Mary Rhodes. William Henderson died before 1772. |
Lucy Henderson was the daughter of James Isaac Henderson II and Mary Rhodes.
Lucy Henderson married William Loyd Jr.
James Isaac willed Lucy some 220 acres of land on Kisabel's Creek in Onslow County, NC. This land is said to be the home place of James Isaac and is close to James Henderson's landing. (Is this landing named for James' father or himself?). |
Elizabeth "Betty" Henderson was the daughter of James Isaac Henderson II and Mary Rhodes. Elizabeth "Betty" Henderson married William Jenkins. |
Nancy "Nannie" Henderson was the daughter of James Isaac Henderson II and Mary Rhodes. |
James Henderson was the son of James Isaac Henderson II and Mary Rhodes. James Henderson died before 1737. |
The data on Argaleus and his children comes from Bob Henderson, Ed Henderson, Pegge Davis, Monica Ruttledge, Teresa Harris and 'GrammyJane'. Their information is complimentary and affirmative. The children shown are from all sources with the exception that Sarah and Molly are unique to Bob. According to Pegge, Frances was the only daughter and the youngest child of Mary and Argaleus Henderson. Bob, however shows two more daughters, Sarah T. and Molly. Monica and 'GrammyJane' list Elizabeth (An Elizabeth Nickson is mentioned in the will of Argaleus). Monica shows a Mary. It is possible that Molly is the nickname for Mary. Two other sources show the name as either Mary "Molly" or Molly Mary. Only one source shows Mary as a daughter and I believe Mary was the name of the wife. We are going to use Molly Mary for the wife's name. We will not list Molly or Mary as daughters of Argaleus. Sarah T. is another puzzlement. Only one of the four sources I have shows her as a daughter of Argaleus. That source also shows a Sarah T. as a daughter of Isaac (son of Argaleus) I suspect there is a Sarah T. somewhere in this tree but I don't think it is as daughter of Argaleus. One source shows John with a daughter named Sarah. That is where we will put Sarah T. for now. It is possible that none of these assumptions are valid but they may also be correct in whole or part. We continue to research this family in hopes of answering the questions. There is an Argalus Henderson who is given as father to Abner Newton Henderson Sr. by another source. This relationship seems unlikely given the fact that Argaleus would be over 70 years old when Abner Newton was born but the information is provided herein to provoke research. Argaleus was known by many names: Arcles, Argulus, Argullus, Arglass, Argaleus. We will use Argaleus for his given name. He was a blacksmith by trade and he apparently made distilled spirits. He loved to serve on juries (a trait according to one source that he shared with his father and grandfather) and spent a lot of time at the courthouse. He was a wealthy man having acquired a large amount of land and many slaves in his lifetime. It is said by Thelma Schoolfield that Argaleus obtained a 550 acre land grant in 1783 from Alexander Martin the Governor of North Carolina. Argaleus served in the military as a Regulator (Colonial Records, page 73, Vol VII) and protested the high taxes in North Carolina. (The Regulators group (so-called because they pledged to "regulate" the local government).was organized sometime around 1766 by a man named Herman Husband. It was started as a movement to peacefully protest the high taxes on such things as Marriage Licenses, deed recording and other similar activities mandated by The English Stamp Act. These monies were apparently needed to build a palace for the then current North Carolina Governor William Tryon. Nothing came of the peaceful protests so the mission of the Regulators changed about 1768 to one of more forceful protest even unto armed rebellion. Because of their religious beliefs the Quaker members of the Regulators withdrew from the organization at this time. Apparently Argaleus was a Quaker but chose to stay in the service. He was expelled from the church. One source indicates that the organization lost 30 members from this more warlike reorganization. Soon the protests turned to skirmishes with one such being at Alamance Creek. There they were defeated by the militia of the Governor on May 16, 1771. This action is said by some to be the first battle of the Revolutionary War.) Argaleus lived at various times in Onslow County, NC; Orange County, NC; and Chatham County, NC. He died in Chatham County. He is listed with three other Henderson men in the 1755 Orange County, NC Tax List. The other three are: Richard "The Quaker", Frances who died in SC and is likely related to Argaleus and Ezekial and William about whom nothing more is known. When he wrote his will he left his youngest son John out of it. Whatever the cause of the omission Argaleus later wrote a separate document giving John land and a house. As indicated in this deed: "This indenture made the ninth day of November in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred and four betwixt (sic) Hercules Henderson of the county of Chatham and state of North Carolina of the part and John Henderson of the county and state aforesaid of the other part witnesseth (sic) that I the said Hercules Henderson have by these present give (sic) unto my son John Henderson the house and plantation whereon he now lives all that part of my deeded land being on the East side of the Meadow Branch lying and being situated on the North side of Brookses (sic) Creek thence North to a post thence West to the first station. My life time reserved as usual on the said land and I the said Hercules Henderson do warrant and defend the said land from any claim or claims from me, my heirs, executor, administrators and assigns to be his lawful right and property and peasably (sic) to enjoy. Whereof I have set my hand and affixed my seal the day and date above written. Signed, sealed and delivered. Argaleus Henderson In the presents (sic) of John Hackney, Sr. John Stinson Chatham County November Sessions 1804. This deed duly proved in open court by the oath of John Hackney, Senr (sic), subscribing witnesses and ordered to be registered. Test Thos. Ragland Clerk of Court" Detailed information about Argaleus Hercules Henderson I. Argaleus Hercules Henderson I was born circa 1727. [Some sources have the date as c 1720. One source has him born in Scotland.]. He was the son of James Isaac Henderson II and Mary Rhodes. Argaleus was a chain carrier along with James Collins on the surveying crew of Richard Caswell for the 300 acres granted to Edward Kirksey on November 11, 1755 in Balden County (now Orange) on the North side of the Haw River on Pokeberry Creek including the Cherry Old field. The original record was signed by Edward Kirksey and witnessed by John Haywood and Sher Haywood. The land was surveyed on August 21, 1751. - Grant 123, page 22, Greenville Patent Book 11 - The Granville District of North Carolina 1748-1763 Abstracts of Land Grants; Volume One; Margaret M. Hoffman. Argaleus Hercules Henderson I married Molly Mary Clark before 1753. He is listed on the Tax roll for the year 1755 in Orange County NC. Argaleus was a witness to the grant of 500 acres to William Armstrong on August 6, 1759. The land was in the Parish of Saint Matthwew on both sides of Moones Creek, joining Armstrongs line. The original record was signed by William Armstrong and witnessed by W. Churton and Argulus Henderson. The land was surveyed on February 10, 1757. The sworn chain carriers were Alex Gowin and Motley Hollis. The surveyor was Sherd Haywood. Argaleus was a chain carrier along with Simon Poe, JR. on the surveying crew of W Churton for the 347 acres granted to Simon Poe on October 2, 1761 in Orange County on the South side of the Haw River, joining Poe's line and John Stuart. The original record was signed by Simon Poe and witnessed by Joe Watson and Hermon Husband. The land was surveyed on June 16, 1761. - Grant 2091, page 21, Patnet Book 12 - The Granville District of north Carolina 1748-1763 Abstracts of Land Grants; Volume Two; Margaret M. Hoffman. Chatham County was created from Orange County in 1770. Argaleus spent a great deal of his time at the court house as indicated in these notes from Chatham County Court of Pleas and Quarters Sessions 1774-1779. On pg. 6 Herculis Henderson, was appointed Overseer of the road from Haw river to the Creek near Ambrose Edwards. dated May court 1774. pg. 7, In the Aug. court 1774 Herculis was on a jury, the grand jury for the coming court session. His fellow jurors were: Charles Mathews, forman, Francis Sypart, Gray Barbee, Gidion goodwin, Mathew drake, Bailam Thompson,John nall, Richard Drake, Samuel Stewart, Wm. Lester, Robert Mash, John Stewart, John Parham, Josiah Lyon and William Bynum. pg. 18, In the Feb. 1775 court session, he was again a Grand Juror.. pg. 29, In the session of Aug., 1775 he was on a road crew for a road to be laid out from the Chatham courthouse to the road leading to the Redfield Ford, near Hannah Poes. The other road crew members were: Wm. Petty, Benja. Watts, James Massey, James George, James Petty, Mial Scurlock, John Stewart, Robert Marsh, George Herndon, Joseph Fooshe, James Stewart, William Dillard, Robert Rutherford & Alexander Clark. pg. 37, In the court of Mary sessions, 1777, Herculis Henderson had been a road crew overseer but was now being replaced by John Pilkington. pg. 50 Herculis is again on a jury (grand jury) for the court sessions of Feb. 1778. on pg. 55, (same year) He is on a jury to lay out the road form William's ferry to the road that leads from the Seven Islands road to Stinking Creek. His fellow road crew and probably neighbors were: William Howard, Charles Morgan, James Massey, George Dismukes, George Herndon, William Petty, Robert Mash, Charles Stewart, James Williams, Alexander Clark, Richard Straughan, William Sanders, James Poe, Joseph Fooshe, and James George. pg. 60, May court, 1778, He is named for a Grand Jury for the court sessions of Aug. 1778. pg. 61, August Court, 1778 he is named as one of the jurors for the Grand Jury, again. pg. 75, Feb. court of 1779 and pg.76, & pg. 83 for the May court of 1779 he is is again on the jury list. According to the following deed abstract Argaleus was still in possession of the land on the Haw River on March 2, 1778. Deed Bk. B p. 128 - Mar. 2, 1778 Fanny Berry, relict [widow] of Richard Berry, dec'd , Pretteman Berry and Sarah, his wife, William Cain and Lucy, his wife, sell to Richard kennon, for 226 pds, 100 acres on the S. side of Haw River, lying at the mouth of Berry Branch and joining Herculas Henderson's land. Pretyman Berry William Cain (x) Fanny Berry (x) Sarah Berry (x) Lucy Cain (x) Wit: Isaiah Hogan Elisha Cain Roger Griffith. Argaleus appears to have sold some of his land: pg. 372, Aug., 11, 1784 - HERCULAS HENDERSON of Chatham Co., N.C. to JAMES WILLIAMS of ORANGE CO., N.C., for 100 pds, specie, 250 acres. ARGULUS HENDERSON Wit: None. Argaleus Hercules Henderson I appeared as head of household in the census enumerated 1800 at Hillsborough District, Chatham County, NC. Herculus was shown born before 1755 living with one male born between 1790 and 1800, one male born between 1774 and 1784, two females born between 1784 and 1790 and one female born before 1755. He was listed with 9 slaves. He left a will on Sep 6, 1804 in Chatham County, NC. In the name of God amen. I, Argaleus Henderson of Chatham County and the State of North Carolina being of sound and perfect mind and memory (Blessed be God) do this six day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and four, make and publish my last will and testament in manner following that is to say, first, I gave and bequeath Frances Clark [daughter, married to Silas Clark] one negro girl Hannah, and if the said negro girl Hannah lives to have a child it is to be for Mary Henderson daughter to the said Frances Clark. And also I gave to my son Hezakiah Henderson one negro Dick. Also I gave to my son Abner Henderson the manner [manor] plantation where I now live on, the bowns [bounds] of the land beginning at the mouth of the school house spring branch, running up the said branch to the back line, thence west to John Fike's spring branch, then down the said branch to Brooks Creack, then down the said creake to the first station. Also one negro wench Luce and child Humphry. Allso I give unto Molly Henderson [widow] all my land west of John Fike's spring branch during her natural life or widowhood, then to her heirs. Allso I give unto my son Lewis Henderson the land where he now lives on. All of my land on the south side of Brooks Creek, also one negro fello George. I also gave unto my son Isaac Henderson one negro wench Beck & child Tarl. I also give unto my son Ezekial one negro boy called Mike. I also give unto my granddaughter, Rachel Henderson [daughter of James (deceased) and Frances] one negro girl Eady and one bed and furniture. & I also give unto Hezakiah Henderson one negro girl more by the name of Sealy. I also give unto Frances Clark [daughter] one negro boy named Jeary to her and her heirs forever. I also lind unto Molly Henderson [widow] one negro boy Sam during her life or widdowhood & then I gave the said negro Sam to her heirs equally to be divided amunk them & also all the rest of James Henderson's [deceased] children except Rachel, twenty shillings equally to be divided amunk them & also all of the rest of my property to sold and equly divided amunk my heirs, except my still & black smith tools to be kept on the plantation of the use of all my heirs and plantation. I except one bed of my estate to Isaac Henderson's daughter Salley [Sarah] and I hereby make & ordain my worthy friends John Henderson, my son & George Dismukes & John Hackney, Senr. executors of this my last will and testament in witness whereof, I the said Argalus Henderson, have to this my last will & testament set my hand and seal the day and year above written. I gave allso unto Elizabeth Nickson, twenty dollars out of the money my pearishabel as sells for. Argaleus (his mark) Henderson (seal) Signed, sealed, published and declared by the said Argalus Henderson, the Testator, his last will & testament in the presence of us who were present at the time of signing and sealing. George Milliken William Brewer Agnes Milliken Proved August Sessions 1806 by the oath of William Brewer. He died between September 6, 1804 and August, 1806 at Chatham County, NC. [He was not allowed to be buried in the Quaker Church Cemetery because of his action with the Regulators so he was buried on his own land. His grave has since been lost.]. |
Molly Mary Clark was born between 1723 and 1733 at Scotland. She married Argaleus Hercules Henderson I, son of James Isaac Henderson II and Mary Rhodes, before 1753. Molly Mary Clark died after September 6, 1804 at Chatham County, NC. |
Sarah T. Henderson was born at Chatham County, NC. She married _____ Donaldson. Sarah T. Henderson was the daughter of John Henderson. Sarah T. Henderson died before December 29, 1823 at Chatham County, NC. |
Isaac Henderson was born on November 29, 1753 at Silk Hope, Orange County, NC.
He was the son of Argaleus Hercules Henderson I and Molly Mary Clark.
He served in the military in the State Militia in 1772 under Captain Stephen Poe. According to the following abstract from the Chatham County Deed Book B-128 dated March 2, 1778 Argaleus was already a property owner in Chatham County. His property is mentioned as adjacent to the property in the deed abstract. "02 Mar 1778 Chatham Deed B-128 2 Mch 1778 Fanny Berry, relict of Richard Berry decd, Pretteman Berry & wife Sarah, William Cain and wife Lucy to Richard Kennon for 226 pds 100 ac on south side Haw River at mouth of Berry Branch adj Herculas Henderson. /s/ Pretyman Berry, William X Cain, Fanny X Berry, Sarah x Berry, Lucy X Cain. Wit. Isaiah Hogan, Elisha Cain, Roger Griffith." Isaac Henderson married Henrietta ______ before December 27, 1779. Isaac Henderson appeared as head of household in the census enumerated 1790 at Hillsborough District, Chatham County, NC. Isaac is shown living with another male born before 1774 (possibly Argaleus) and 2 males born after 1774: Joel (b 1782) and John (b. 1789). He is listed as living with his five females: likely his wife, Henrietta and daughters Frances (b. 1779), Barbara (b. 1784), Sarah T. (b. 1786) and Elizabeth (b. 1790). He appeared as head of household in the census enumerated 1820 at Chatham County, NC. Isaac was shown as born before 1775 living with two males born between 1795 and 1802, one male born between 1776 and 1795, one female born between 1810 and 1820, two females born between 1802 and 1804 and one female born between 1776 and 1795 (probably his wife). He died at Chatham County, NC. [Isaac died intestate.]. There was an estate sale after his death that netted over $600. He owned more than 550 acres of land which he left to his children after Henrietta's (Anaritta's) death. Hezekiah and Obediah bought all the land from the other children. There was a petition brought by Joel Henderson to cause the settlement of the estate of Isaac Henderson sometime in 1826. It was heard by the court in the September session. It was settled in favor of the Petitioner regarding the finalization of the estate of Isaac Henderson. It appears from the information in the document that Frances has died by 1826 and Nancy is represented by her husband, Alexander Clark. From Thelma's notes: Isaac's property was within sight of the present day Brown's Chapel Methodist Church, located off the Pittsboro Hwy(87). According to Harvey Newlin, the property was on the left side of the church on a branch. There was no church there at the time they lived. Verified by Dora Jones in 1948. In 1960 a field remained there on the side of the road towards Pittsboro. Mrs. W. F. Jones (Dora Lutterloh) was 71 years old in 1948. She Remembers: 'Regarding our Great Grandpa (Isaac), I am almost sure he was named Isaac. At the time he lived and died, there was no church at Brown's Chapel, or any churches around. He and his wife were buried in a family burying ground, I am sure, with no monument or anything at their graves more than rocks. I expect they were buried near where they lived, and no doubt their graves have been tended (plowed) over. I never saw any of my grandparents to remember them - I am sorry, I never. They were fine people.' |
James Henderson was born in 1755 at Orange County, NC. [One source indicates the birth year as 1765. One source indicates the birth place as Chatham County, NC.].
He was the son of Argaleus Hercules Henderson I and Molly Mary Clark.
He was in the military in the State Militia under Captain Stephen Poe in 1772. Thelma's records state: James was Frances' twin brother, born april 23, 1772. He married Molly and had daughter Rachel. He died prior to 1804. She doesn't give a reference or clue about where she got this data. The birth date is unlikely since he was in the State Militia in 1772. James Henderson married Christian "Molly" Rogers, daughter of Stephen Rogers. [A Christian Henderson is listed, along with Isaac Henderson as the administrator of James's estate sale. Is that this women? One reseacher indicates his wife's name was Frances _____.]. James is mentioned in the 1790 Chatham County, Hillsborough District, NC census. He is shown living with a wife, 3 white males under the age of 16 and 5 white females. He is not shown in the 1800 census which supports the death date of 1791. James Henderson died before October 3, 1791 at Chatham County, NC. An inventory of James property and an estate sale were held after his death by the administrators of his estate, Christian Henderson (his wife?) and Isaac Henderson, his brother. Below is the inventory and details of the sale: Inventory of James Henderson Deceased taken this 3rd Day of October 1791 3 Head Horses 13 head Cattle 7 Head Sheep 24 head Hoggs 3 feather Beds & furniture 3 Wheels 2 pr cards (probably combing cards for cotton) 2 Saddles and Bridles thirteen Hh'ds ( hogsheads?) ( small barrels) 2 Barrels 3 plows 4 Hoes 3 axes 1 Cutting knife and box 1 Sythe 1 Reap hook 1 Mattock's 1 Drawing knife 1 Loom 3 Slays (sleighs?) 5 Bells or Bills 1 pocket Book cash L2.13.0 1 Jugg 20 geese 2 potts 1 Oven acct. of Sales..................Notes James massey............L10.19. Hardeman Taylor...........9. Aquilla Jones.............1.19. Markh Copland.............1.4.6 Christian Henderson 12.3. John Ferington 60.4. Othniel Mc Pherson........5.0 Stephen Rogers............1.7 Returned February term 1792 Christian Henderson | Isaac Henderson | A Copy Test. John Ramsey, C. C. From Chatham County Court Minutes: Admistration on the Estate of James Henderson deceased Granted to His Widow Christian 'Rogers' Henderson and his brother Isaac Henderson who enters into Bond with Hercules Henderson and Stephen Rogers. The said Adm-rs have leave to Retain so much of the Stock as shall be sufficient to bring up the deceased's children. County Courthouse November 14, 1791. Argaleus mentions "the children" of James in his will but only Rachel is named. He appeared as head of household in the census enumerated 1820 at Chatham County, NC. James is dead by 1820 but he seems to be still listed as te head of household in the 1820 census. There is one male and one female born between 1810 and 1820, one female born between 1802 and 1804 and one female born between 1776 and 1795 (presumably the actual head of household and his widow). |
Ezekiel Henderson was born in 1763 at Orange County, NC. [One source has the birth place as Chatham County, NC.].
He was the son of Argaleus Hercules Henderson I and Molly Mary Clark.
Ezekial fought in the Revolutionary War and received a pension. In 1781, he enlisted (at age 18) as a private soldier for three months. He enlisted again in March of 1872 for twelve months. He was in the cavalry for half that time and in the infantry for the other half. He saw action within Chatham County, NC only and that was just skirmishes not battles. He was discharged in 1783 at Hillsboro, NC. Ezekiel Henderson married Elizabeth Brasher, daughter of Thomas L. Brasher, on October 17, 1782 at Chatham County, NC. [According to a note from Pegge their children migrated into Indiana, Alabama and Mississippi. One source has the wedding year as 1874. Another has the date as October 10.]. The 1790 Greenvile County SC Census (circa Jun 1790) shows Ezekial and Elizabeth with 4 children, 3 boys and 1 girl. An Ezekiel Henderson is listed in the November 1816 list of voters. Was "our" Ezekiel in Orange County, IN for a few years? Probably not. This Ezekiel was likely a younger man but we need to do more research. We know "our" Ezekiel was counted in the 1820 Greenville District Census so his sojourn to Indiana would have been short in any case. According to Robin Henderson this Ezekiel was found in Monroe County, Indiana in 1819 and lived there the rest of his life. That would mean that he is not "our" Ezekiel. Ezekiel Henderson appeared as head of household in the census enumerated 1820 at Greenville District, SC. Information was found on Page 112. 010101-01101. On July 8, 1833 Ezekial applied for and was granted a pension as a result of his service in the Revolutionary War. The pension in the amount of $57.50 per year was granted on April 17, 1834. On February 24, 1839 he published his will. In the name of God, Amen, I Ezekial Henderson of Greenville District South Carolina being but of weak boddy (sic), but of perfect mind and memory praised be God for the same and calling to mind the mortality of my boddy (sic) and knowing that it is appointed for all men wonst (sic) to die do make and ordain this to be my last will and testament (that is to say) principally and first of all I give and recommend my sole (sic) into the hands of Almighty God that gave it and my boddy (sic). I Recommend to the Earth to be buried in a decent Christian like manner at the discrission (sic) of my Executors hereafter mentioned nothing doubling but at the generael (sic) Resurrection I shall Receive the same again by the mighty Power of God And as tuching (sic) such worldly Estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me in this life I give demise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form (viz) 1st my will and desire is that all my just debts should be first paid, furthermore I leave and bequeathe (sic) unto my well beloved wife Elisabeth during her natural life the portion of the plantation whereon I now live with one Negro boy Michael, one Waggon (sic), one featherbed and furniture, one cow and calf, household and kitchen furniture consisting of one falling leaf table, chairs, Pots, ovens, plaits (sic) and dishes, knives and forks - with one Hundred Dollars in Money, and after the death of my wife Elisabeth all the above mentioned property to be Sold (Except the plantation and land which I have previously given to my son Brasher Henderson) and the money to be equally divided between my lawful heirs (viz) Argulus Henderson, Sary Long, James Henderson, Brasher Henderson, Polly Cox, John Henderson, Rebeckah Croft, Thomas Henderson, Delila Story, Franky Brasher and one Eleventh part Equally between the Heirs of Nancy Long. Furthermore I leave and bequeathe (sic) into my son John Henderson the tract of land whereon he now lives beginning on Rock Creek at the old Bridge and thence South East on Brasher Hendersons line on the Road to a red oak Corner on Rachel Storys line thence South West to a Strait (sic) line to the Sandy ford on Reedy Rivver (sic) thence up said River binding on H Foyers land to the beginning corner, during his natural life, and his heirs forever with one Set of Smith tools which is now in his possession. Furthermore it is my will and desire that the Ballance (sic) of my Estate consisting of Horses, Cows, hogs, plantation tools, household and kitchen furniture not mentioned be Immediately Sold and Equally Divided between my lawful Heirs as before mentioned. Furthermore it is my will and desire and I do hereby constitute appoint and ordain my loving wife Elisabeth and my Son Brasher Henderson to be my Whole and Sole (sic) Exetrix (sic) and Executor of this my last will and testament, and I do hereby utterly disallow revoke and disanul (sic) all and Every other former Testaments, wills and legacies Except the deeds of Gifts of Land made to my sons Brasher Henderson and Thomas Henderson and my St'Granddaughter Rachel Story which are further represented by deeds now in their possession, willed and bequeathed, Rattifying (sic) and Confirming this and this onaley (sic) to be my last will and testament. In witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this 24th day of February 1839 Signed Seald (sic) pronounced and delivered by the Said Ezekiel (sic) Henderson as his last will and Testament in presence of us the Subscribers (signed) William Thomason (signed) Ezekial Henderson (seal) (signed) Johnathan Richardson (signed) Amos Richardson. He died on November 2, 1846 at Greenville District, SC. The final judgement of the Will of Ezekial Henderson. State of South Carolina Greenville District For (rest of line is unintelligible) The Petition of H L Henderson admin swearith that he is ready and very desirous of making a Final settlement of the Estate of Ezekial Henderson, dec'd and to pay to the parties whatever may be decreed to them. The following is a true list of the Legatees, viz: 1. James Henderson, Indiana 2. Argulus Henderson, Mississippi 3. A. Brasher and Frances his Wife, Alabama 4. Thomas Henderson, Georgia 5. Lewis Croft and Rebecca his Wife, Georgia 6. Heirs of Nancy Long, dec'd in Mississippi Heirs of Nancy Long in this state 7. Kindred Story and Delilah Story his Wife, in this state 8. Heirs of Sarah Long dec'd 9. Heirs of Brahser Henderson dec'd 10. T. B. Cox and Mary his Wife, Greenville 11. John Henderson He prays that citations do issue requiring them to show cause why a Final Settlement should not be had at such time as you may see fit. And your Petition (unreadable) can pray. This 12th April 1856 (signed) H. L. Henderson. In an affidavit sworn by Henderson Brasher (son of Lawrence Aquilla Brahser and Frances Henderson) in support to the Eastern Cherokee Indian Application of William Edward Ayers (nephew of Brasher Henderson) dated September 14, 1907 it is stated that: "My mother's parents (my maternal grandparents) were Jim Henderson, my grandfather, and Lila Henderson (nee Taylor), my Grandmother." This statement creates several questions. First, was Ezekiel known by the nickname "Jim" in some circles. Second, who was Lila Taylor? Third, did Elizabeth die and did Ezekiel marrying again? Since Henderson's mother, Frances was born on October 10, 1799 Ezekiel would have to have married Lila Taylor by that time (that means that Frances, William, Rebecca, Thomas L. and Delila are not the children of Elizabeth Brasher if the statement by Henderson Brasher is true). Since Elizabeth was mentioned in Ezekiel's will (dated February 24, 1839) as his wife it seems that they were still married when Frances was born. I suspect Brahser Henderson was confused when he made the statement in the affidavit but research continues. |
Lewis Henderson was born in 1761 at Orange County, NC. [One source shows birth in 1759.].
He was the son of Argaleus Hercules Henderson I and Molly Mary Clark.
Lewis Henderson appeared as head of household in the census enumerated 1790 at Chatham County, NC. Information was found on Hillsborough District. Lewis was shown living with one female, probably his wife.
He appeared as head of household in the census enumerated 1800 at Chatham County, NC. Information was found on Hillsborough District. Lewis was shown as born between 1774 and 1784 living with 2 males born between 1790 and 1800; one male born between 1784 and 1790; 3 females born between 1790 and 1800 and one female born between 1774 and 1784 (likely his wife).
He appeared as head of household in the census enumerated 1810 at Chatham County, NC. Information was found on Page 208.
Lewis sold his property in Chatham County, NC in August 1815. He appeared as head of household in the census enumerated 1830 at Perry County, AL. Listed with 5 males, 5 females and 17 slaves. It is not known if this is the same Lewis Henderson but there is also a James Henderson listed with 1 male and 1 female in the same census. One researcher indicates this is not Lewis, son of Argaleus. Her evidence is pretty convincing. However, I am leaving this information here while research continues. |
John Henderson was born in 1767 at Orange County, NC. [One source has his birth place as Chatham County, NC.]. He was the son of Argaleus Hercules Henderson I and Molly Mary Clark. John Henderson appeared as head of household in the census enumerated 1790 at Chatham County, NC. Information was found on Hillsborough District. John was shown living alone as a head of household. He married Frances ______ after 1790. John Henderson died circa 1838. |
Henrietta ______ was born on November 29, 1760.
She married Isaac Henderson, son of Argaleus Hercules Henderson I and Molly Mary Clark, before December 27, 1779.
Henrietta (Anaritta) filed two petitions with the 1822 Term of the Chatham County Court. The first was to request a share from the estate of the crops, stock and provisions sufficient to sustain her and the ten children that survived Isaac for one year. It is unclear if the petition was granted. The second petition was to secure for her dower one third of the land (including the home place and out buildings) upon which Isaac lived at the time of his death. It appears that this petition was granted. The petitions indicate that some of Isaac's children were living in Tennessee. Text of the two petitions is shown below. The words in brackets ([ ]) are of questionable transcription. Words that could not be deciphered are indicated by _______ . -------------------------------- State of North Carolina Chatham County To the worshipful, the Justices of the Court of Pleas and Quarters Sessions for said County the Petition for Anaritta Henderson, widow Respectively showeth that Isaac Henderson late of said County died sometime in the present year intestate and without Will and that letters of Administration on his estate have been granted by this Worshipful Court to Charles I. Williams, Esq. That the said intestate left surviving your petitioner, his widow and his children and was possessed of a considerable [crop] stock and provisions [and from which] sufficient for the support of your petitioner and her family for one year. Your petitioner therefore prays your Worships to appoint a Justice of the Peace and three free holders to [asses] and set apart to her such part of the said crop stock and provisions as may be sufficient for the support of herself and family for one year.[Pursuant] to the provision of an act of assembly in such case made or provided and that all [necessary proofs may [open] to carry that prayer herself into full effect and your petitioner J.F. Taylor [Irb] ----------------------- Anaritta Henderson Vs Administrator of Isaac Henderson, dec'd Petition for Dower For Term 1822 Service of Petition admitted C. J. Williams, Administrator Prayer Granted State of North Carolina Chatham County To the worshipful, the Justices of the Court of Pleas and Quarters Sessions for said County the Petition for Anaritta Henderson, widow of Isaac Henderson dec'd Respectively showeth that Isaac Henderson late of said County died sometime in the month of _____ in the present year intestate and without a will [and leaving] your petitioner, his widow and ten children a part of whom reside in the state of Tennessee and a part in this state and that letters of Administration on the estate of the said Isaac have been [yestardy] granted at the present term of this court to Charly I. Williams That the said Isaac was seized at the time of his death of a tract of land lying on Terrells [Ank] in said County. The same being the land and plantation whereon the said Isaac lived at the time of his death. To the end therefore that her dower may be [assessed] to her out of the said land your petitioner prays your Worships to issue a writ directed to the Sheriff of said County commanding him to summon a jury of good, lawful men, of whose duty it shall be to [assess] and set apart to your petitioner by [proper] metes and bounds one third part of the said land including the dwelling house and other houses where the said Isaac lived. [Pursuant] to the provisions of an act of assembly in such case made and provided and that a [discretion] be made of these proceeding - and that all necessary proofs may [appear]for the above [purpose] - by your petitioner J.F. Taylor [Irb]. Henrietta ______ died on July 14, 1826 at Silk Hope, Chatham County, NC, at age 65. After the death of Henrietta (Anaritta) there was an estate sale. It netted about $250. |
Sarah T. "Sallie" Henderson was born on July 23, 1786 at Silk Hope, Chatham County, NC.
She was the daughter of Isaac Henderson and Henrietta ______.
Sarah T. "Sallie" Henderson married Robert Woody.
The couple moved to Roane County, TN. Sally was mentioned in her grandfather Argaleus's will. Sarah T. "Sallie" Henderson married Abraham Odum. Sarah T. "Sallie" Henderson died at Roane County, TN. |
Benjamin Mosley Henderson was the son of Isaac Henderson and Henrietta ______. |
John Henderson was born on March 6, 1789 at Silk Hope, Chatham County, NC. [Both Bobs indicates birth date as 1782. Another source indicates year as 1788 and a third source indicates 1802 as the birth year. Based on information in the 1850 Todd County Census he was born in 1790.].
He was the son of Isaac Henderson and Henrietta ______.
John Henderson married Candace ______.
Thelma Schoolfield lists his name as John B. and indicates he moved his family to Todd County Kentucky. He served as the attorney for his brothers and sisters in the petition to settle the estate of Isaac Henderson, their father in 1826. There is a John Henderson listed in the 1850 Todd County, Kentucky Census married to Polly _____ with a 10 year old son, James. He is living next door to the son of Barbara Henderson Jones. Barbara is the sister of John. Linda Allred Cooper indicates that John was married to Candas _____. And there is indeed a John and Candas listed in the 1850 Chatham County North Carolina Census. The question is whether John was the man listed in Chatham County or the man listed in Todd County. It is unlikely he was in both places. I am of the belief that John was in Todd County and that another John, son of ____ married Candas and remaind in Chatham County. However, until proof is found I am leaving John and Candas as they are. Research continues. John Henderson appeared as head of household in the census enumerated August 19, 1850 at Chatham County, NC. Information was found on Page364B, Reel 432-624, Upper Regiment, Dwelling 192, Family 193. John was shown at age 48 as a married white male born in North Carolina. He was listed as a wheelwright with real estate valued at $150. Candas was shown at age 38 as a married white female born in North Carolina, wife of John. Their children were all born in North Carolina. Son, William (age 23) a wheelwright; son, James (age 17) a farmer; son, Joseph (age 14); daughter, Elizabeth (age 11); daughter, Melissa C. (age 7); son, John S. (age 4); and daughter, Narcissa (age 1). He enlisted in Confederate Soldiers of America: PVT, Co. B. Discharged a couple of months later because he was too old. The following children are probably the children of Susan Spurlin but it is unclear if they are the children of this John Henderson. He married Susan Spurlin. |
Joel Nathan Henderson was born in 1788 at Pittsboro, Chatham County, NC. He married Susannah Morgan "Stucky" "Sucky" Smart circa 1815. Joel Nathan Henderson died in 1868 at Montgomery County, NC. |
Stewart Henderson was born on February 8, 1794 at Silk Hope, Chatham County, NC. [One source indicates birth date as March 8, 1794.]. He was the son of Isaac Henderson and Henrietta ______. Stewart Henderson died before 1822. |
Hezekiah Henderson was born on March 23, 1797 at Chatham County, NC.
He was the son of Isaac Henderson and Henrietta ______.
Hezekiah Henderson married Anna Johnson, daughter of Joshua Johnson and Annie Whitehead, before 1822.
Hezekiah Henderson appeared as head of household in the census enumerated July 18, 1850 at Chatham County, NC. Information was found on Page 354A, Reel 432-624, Upper Regiment, Dwelling 27, Family 28. Hezekiah (age 53) was listed with his wife, Anna (age 50). One source shows the name of the wife as possibly Susia but Thelma Schoolfield clearly indicates it is Anna. He was shown with four children: Emma (age 28), Ruth (age 17), Caroline (age 13) and Isabella (age 11). It would appear Isaac, Rachel and Camellia have already married and left the home. There were three unrelated people living in the household (all born in North Carolina): James Johnson (age 30) a shoemaker; Atlas Dawson (age 24) a shoemaker; and William Johnson (age 21) a farmer.
Hezekiah and Obediah, his brother bought their fathers land from their siblings. This land is the current Henderson Tanyard Road. According to Thelma Schoolfield Hezekiah and Obediah are the only children of Isaac to remain in Chatham County. The two brothers operated a tannery and a general store during the Civil War. The proceeds from the activity brought by the war made them wealthy men. Thelma Henderson Schoolfield wrote of a conversation with Mrs. Dora Jones (Dora Lutherloh Jones, granddaughter of Hezekiah and daughter of Ruth Henderson and Dr. A. I. H. Lutherloh): "Hezekiah died in 1877, at the age of 71. He was crippled with rheumatism for a year or more before death. I have heard my father say, and mother too, that Grandpa Hezekiah fed the hungry and clothed the naked. He had good property at that time he and Uncle Obed had a store together, and tanyard, I think he did a good lot of farming also. He employed several hands, mother told me, and carried on a good business. He lived to be right old. Grandmother died first of fever and he was down with rheumatism for a year or more. My mother (Ruth Henderson - Mrs. A. I. H. Lutterloh) waited on him, and she and father and we children taken care of him. I was 2 years old when he died. Mother said I should run and pick up his tin he spat in, and hand it to him when he dropped it on the floor." He is listed as 58 years old in the 1860 Chatham County NC Census. [It is interesting to note that most of the birth dates changed by 4 or 5 years between the 1850 census and the 1860 census.] He is listed with his wife Ann (Anna, age 56) and children: Carrie (Caroline, age 21) and Isabell (Isabella, are 17). There are three boarders listed as living in the house too: Andy Johnson (age 12), Dr. Franklin Cook (age 21) and William Newlin (age 35). He is listed as 68 years old in the 1870 Chatham County NC Census. He is shown with his wife, Ann (Anna, age 66) and three boarders: a black farm laborer named Adam (age 19), Isabella George (age 13) whom he mentions in his will and Joseph Brown (age 15). It is assumed that Isabella George is the daughter of Elizabeth Henderson George (the great-granddaughter of Argaleus). Isabella would be Hezekiah's grandniece. Hezekiah wrote the following will on January 25, 1876. In it he indicates that his wife Anna and children, Rachel, Ruth, Caroline, Isabella and Bettie (Betsy) are still living. Since the other children are not mentioned it is assumed that they have predeceased him. Hezekiah also indicates the female children are all married and apparently all but Caroline have children. From a comment in the will it seems that Caroline may also be in ill health. The husbands of the females are, respectively, Mr. Perry, Dr. A. I. H. Lutterloh, Osage Lutterloh, John Dark and Mr. Straughan. Hezekiah also mentions one of the boarders in his house, Isabella George in his will. There is no indication of the relationship between the two people. The will was probated in August 1877. The Will of Hezekiah Henderson Chatham County, North Carolina In the name of God, Amen, I, Hezekiah Henderson of the County of Chatham, and State of North Carolina, being of sound mind, do make, publish and declare this to be my last Will and Testament as follows. Item 1 That my Executor hereinafter named shall provide for my body a decent burial, suitable to the wishes of my relatives and friends. Item 2nd That my Executors hereinafter named shall pay all my just debts out of the first moneys that shall come into their hands. Item 3rd I give, derize(?) and bequeath to my faithful and beloved wife, Anne, all of my real estate, and so much of the stock, crop, provisions, on hand and household and kitchen furniture as she may elect to retain for the time or term of her natural life. Item 4th After the death of my wife, Anne, I give the real estate hereinbefore bequeathed to her, during her natural life, to be equally divided, share and share alike, between my daughters Isabella wife of John H. Dark, Ruth wife of Dr. A. I. H. Lutterloh and Caroline wife of Osage Lutterloh and if my said daughter Caroline shall die without issue surviving of her body, then the share of my real estate herein derized(?) to her shall be divided equally between my said daughter Isabella and my said daughter Ruth or to their legal heirs of my said daughters Isabella and Ruth. Item 5th I give and bequeath to Isabella George one bed, stead and furniture and ten dollars in cash to be paid to her by my executors hereinafter named. Item 6th Such of my stock, crop, provisions, farming utensils and household and kitchen furniture, as my wife Anne may not elect to have, and such as may be left at my wife's death, shall be sold by my executors and the proceeds after payment of my just debts; to be divided equally between my daughters; Isabella, Ruth, Caroline, Bettie Straughan [the last name is added above the line with a caret] and Rachel Perry. Item 7 I hereby authorize and appoint my executors to carry on and continue the business of H. Henderson & Co both in the tan yard and store if they shall see fit or to sell my interest in the same if they may deem proper and if they shall elect to carry on said business, then the profits arising from said business and my share of the debts due said firm of H. Henderson & Co. shall be equally divided between my said daughters; Isabella, Ruth, Caroline, Bettie and Rachel, or to their legal representatives; but and if my said executors shall elect to sell my said interest in the co-partnership of H. Henderson & Co including store and tan yard, then the proceeds arising from the said sale, as well as the debts due said firm for existing(?) stock(?) stock on hand shall be equally divided between my said daughters; Isabella. Ruth, Caroline, Bettie and Rachel or their legal representatives Item 8th I hereby nominate constitute and appoint my sons in law John H. Dark and Dr. A. I. H. Lutterloh executors of this my last Will and Testament; In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 25th day of January, 1876. (signed) H. Henderson (seal) Signed,sealed, published and declared by H. Henderson in our presence to be his last Will & Testament. And we, at his request, in his presence and in the presence of each other, subscribe our names as witnesses thereto the 25th Jan. 1876 (signed) H. Henderson, Jr. (signed) S. Bunton --------------- Codicil to the will I H. Henderson of Chatham County, N.C. add this codicil to my will -- Whence in the purchase of the Sun Spring tract of land by me and conveyed by me by deed of worries(?) and seizes to A. I. H. Lutterloh and H.P. Straughan my sons in law, there is a dispute(?) of title viz certain outstanding interests in the heirs of Wm B. U_____. Now I do by this codicil change the portion of my daughter Bettie Straughan with the payment of whatever sum or sums the said A. I. H. Lutterloh or myself or my estate may have to pay for the purchase of said outstanding interests - and said sum or sums are to be paid by my said daughter Bettie or her heirs to the said A. I. H. Lutterloh and to my executors before she the said Bettie and her heirs are entitled to any share of my estate under my will to which this is a codicil. I witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 20th day of May 1876 signed, sealed, published (signed) H. Henderson (seal) and declared by H. Henderson in our presence to be a codicil to his will and in at his request, in his presence, and in the presence of each other subscribe our names as witnesses thereto (signed) H. Henderson, Jr. (signed) S. Bunton ------------- Chatham County: -- In the Probate Court IN THE MATTER OF THE WILL OF Hezekiah Henderson Before Wm. F. Foushee Judge of Probate. A. I. H. Lutterloh being sworn doth say: That Hezekiah Henderson, late of said County, is dead, having first made and published his last Will and Testament; and the John Dark & A. I. H. Lutterloh are the executor (sic) named therein. Further, that the property of the said H. Henderson, consisting of a tract of land kline(?) 3 to 2400(?) acres, 1/3rd is least (sic) in the tan yard and store, Household and kitchen furniture, stock cost(?) -- is worth about $2000.00 so far as can be ascertained at the date of this application; and that Ruth Lutterloh, Caroline Lutterloh, Rachel Perry, Isabella Dark, Elizabeth Straughan and Isabella George all of full(?) age and residing in Chatham County NC, are the parties entitled under said will to the said property. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 7th day of August 1877 (signed) A. I. H. Lutterloh (signed) Wm. F. Foushee Probate Judge ----------------- Proof of the will North Carolina Probate Court Chatham County August 7, 1877 A paper purporting to be the last will and testament of Hezekiah Henderson deceased is exhibited before me, the undersigned, Judge of Probate for said County - by A. J. H. Lutterloh and John H. Dark - the executors therein named and the due executors thereof by the said Hezekiah Henderson was proved by the oath and examination of H. Henderson Jr and S. Bunton the subscribing witnesses thereto: who being duly sworn, doth depose and say, and each for himself deposeth and saith that he is a subscribing witness to the paper writing now shown him, purporting to be the last will and Testament of H. Henderson, that said H. Henderson in the presence of this deponent subscribed his name at the end of said paper writing, which is now shown as aforesaid and which has dates of the 25 day of January 1876 and to the codicil to said will which has date of the 2nd day of May 1876. And the deponent partties (sic) saith that this said H. Henderson the testator aforesaid did at the time of subscribing his name as aforesaid to said will and codicil declare the said writings so subscribed by him and exhibited to be his last will and Testament, and these deponents did thereupon subscribe their names to the end of said will and codicil as an attesting witness thereto, and at the request and in the presence of the said testator, and these deponent partties (sic) say that at the said time when the said Testator subscribed his name to the last will and codicil, as aforesaid, and at the time of the deponents subscribing their names as attesting witnesses to said will and codicil, as aforesaid, the said H. Henderson was of sound mind and memory, of full age to execute a will and was not under any restraint to the knowledge information or belief of the deponent. And further these deponents say not. (signed) H. Henderson (seal) (signed) S. Bunton (seal) Sinsraly(?) sworn and subscribed this 7th day of August 1877 before me (signed) Wm. F. Foushee Probate Judge ----------- Oath of John Dark North Carolina Probate Court Chatham County Before W. F. Foushee Judge of Probate August 7, 1877 In the matter of the will of H. Henderson. To all whom it may concern know ye that I John H. Dark of the County of Chatham and state of North Carolina one of the executors named in said will do hereby come in to court and 78nnounce my ________ as executor of said will (signed) John H. Dark Witness Wm. F. Foushee CSC. He died on July 27, 1877 at Silk Hope, Chatham County, NC, at age 80. He was buried at Brown's Chapel, Silk Hope, Chatham County, NC. |
Obediah Henderson was born on September 13, 1799 at Chatham County, NC. [One source indicates the birth date as 3/20/1797.].
He was the son of Isaac Henderson and Henrietta ______.
Obediah Henderson married Mary "Polly" Perry, daughter of Turner Perry and Mary "Polly" Rogers, on October 25, 1827.
Obediah Henderson appeared as head of household in the census enumerated July 29, 1850 at Chatham County, NC. Information was found on Page 359A, Reel 432-624, Upper Regiment, Dwelling 112, Family 113. Obediah was listed as Obed (age 50). He was shown with his wife, Mary (age 45) and eight of his children: Isaac (age 18), Turner (age 15), Mary (age 13), Frances 9age 11), Martha (age 8), Maria (Mariah, age 5) and James G. (age 1).
Obediah was shown in the 1860 Chatham County NC Census as Obidire (age 60). He was listed with his wife, Mary (age 50) and eight of his children: T. (Turner, age 22), Frances (age 18) Martha (age 15), Hezekiah (age 15), Mira (Mariah, age 11), James (age 9), Virginia (age 6) and Taylor (Mann, age 4). He died on October 11, 1863 at Chatham County, NC, at age 64. [Bob has year as 1827.]. He was buried at Henderson Family Cemetery (on Henderson Tanyard Road), Chatham County, NC. Thelma Schoolfield tells the story about Obediah that he had little education so as a store owner, he had to draw pictures of the items sold in order to keep his accounts. It is said that he once mistook his drawing and sold an expensive millstone for the price of a hoop of cheese. A family graveyard is located on property that belonged to Obediah, but today cows have knocked down the fence and broken the gravestones. |
Mary Henderson was born on November 6, 1806 at Chatham County, NC. She was the daughter of Isaac Henderson and Henrietta ______. Mary Henderson died before 1822 at Chatham County, NC. |
Susannah Morgan "Stucky" "Sucky" Smart was born in 1792 at NC. She married Joel Nathan Henderson circa 1815. Susannah Morgan "Stucky" "Sucky" Smart died in 1862 at Montgomery County, NC. |
Nathaniel Henderson was born on November 6, 1816 at Montgomery County, NC. He was the son of Joel Nathan Henderson and Susannah Morgan "Stucky" "Sucky" Smart. Nathaniel Henderson married Harriet Smart on September 17, 1840 at Fairburn, Campbell County, GA. Nathaniel Henderson died on March 11, 1892 at Fairburn, Campbell County, GA, at age 75. |
Lockey Arnold Henderson was born in 1819 at Chatham County, NC. One source has birth date as 1818. He was the son of Joel Nathan Henderson and Susannah Morgan "Stucky" "Sucky" Smart. Lockey Arnold Henderson married Mary Abigale Russell. Lockey Arnold Henderson married Mary "Polly" Davis. Lockey Arnold Henderson died in 1893 at Eldorado, Montgomery County, NC. |
Lewis Henderson was born in 1823 at NC. He was the son of Joel Nathan Henderson and Susannah Morgan "Stucky" "Sucky" Smart. Lewis Henderson married Eliza H. ______. |
Massa Anne Henderson was born in 1824. She was the daughter of Joel Nathan Henderson and Susannah Morgan "Stucky" "Sucky" Smart. Massa Anne Henderson married Matthew Davis Jr.. |
George Henderson was born in 1827 at GA. He was the son of Joel Nathan Henderson and Susannah Morgan "Stucky" "Sucky" Smart. George Henderson died circa 1868 at Fulton, Campbell County, GA. |
Alexander Lewis Henderson was born on April 28, 1830 at Montgomery County, NC. He was the son of Joel Nathan Henderson and Susannah Morgan "Stucky" "Sucky" Smart. Alexander Lewis Henderson married Piety Dennis Harris, daughter of Benjamin Harris, on July 28, 1851. Alexander Lewis Henderson died on October 31, 1888 at Eldorado, Montgomery County, NC, at age 58. He was buried at Henderson Family Cemetery, Montgomery County, NC. |
William "Billy" Henderson was born on August 17, 1833 at Montgomery County, NC. He was the son of Joel Nathan Henderson and Susannah Morgan "Stucky" "Sucky" Smart. William "Billy" Henderson married Julia Taylor. William "Billy" Henderson died on April 4, 1912 at age 78. |
Mary Ann Henderson was born in 1837 at Montgomery County, NC. She was the daughter of Joel Nathan Henderson and Susannah Morgan "Stucky" "Sucky" Smart. Mary Ann Henderson married John A. Peacock. |
Harriet Smart was born on July 7, 1821 at Montgomery County, NC. She married Nathaniel Henderson, son of Joel Nathan Henderson and Susannah Morgan "Stucky" "Sucky" Smart, on September 17, 1840 at Fairburn, Campbell County, GA. Harriet Smart died on October 15, 1890 at Fairburn, Campbell County, GA, at age 69. |
Martha Ann "Mary" Henderson was born in 1841. She was the daughter of Nathaniel Henderson and Harriet Smart. Martha Ann "Mary" Henderson married John Taylor. Martha Ann "Mary" Henderson died in 1900. |
Massie Ann 'Matt' Henderson was born in 1843. [One source has birth as 1845.]. She was the daughter of Nathaniel Henderson and Harriet Smart. Massie Ann 'Matt' Henderson died in 1910. |
Elisha A. Henderson was born in 1847. He was the son of Nathaniel Henderson and Harriet Smart. Elisha A. Henderson died at CSA. |
Arminda Emily 'Mindy' Henderson was born in 1850. She was the daughter of Nathaniel Henderson and Harriet Smart. Arminda Emily 'Mindy' Henderson married W. Frank Morgan. Arminda Emily 'Mindy' Henderson died in 1912. |
Joel Thomas Henderson was born in 1851. He was the son of Nathaniel Henderson and Harriet Smart. Joel Thomas Henderson married Nancy Isabelle Catherine "Kate" Ramsey. Joel Thomas Henderson died in 1910. |
Sarah Tabitha Henderson was born in 1854. She was the daughter of Nathaniel Henderson and Harriet Smart. Sarah Tabitha Henderson married Howell P. Smith. |
Joshua Allen Henderson was born in 1857. He was the son of Nathaniel Henderson and Harriet Smart. Joshua Allen Henderson married Margaret Jane "Maggie" Smith. Joshua Allen Henderson died in 1925. |
George Emory Henderson was born in 1863. He was the son of Nathaniel Henderson and Harriet Smart. George Emory Henderson married Ora Kidd. George Emory Henderson died in 1935. |
John Taylor married Martha Ann "Mary" Henderson, daughter of Nathaniel Henderson and Harriet Smart. |
Nancy Isabelle Catherine "Kate" Ramsey was born in 1854. She married Joel Thomas Henderson, son of Nathaniel Henderson and Harriet Smart. Nancy Isabelle Catherine "Kate" Ramsey died in 1937. |
William Nathaniel Henderson was born in 1873. He was the son of Joel Thomas Henderson and Nancy Isabelle Catherine "Kate" Ramsey. William Nathaniel Henderson married Effie Harrison. |
Emma Jewell Henderson was born in 1877. She was the daughter of Joel Thomas Henderson and Nancy Isabelle Catherine "Kate" Ramsey. Emma Jewell Henderson married George Looney Watkins. Emma Jewell Henderson died in 1921. |
Perle Dink Henderson was born in 1882. She was the daughter of Joel Thomas Henderson and Nancy Isabelle Catherine "Kate" Ramsey. Perle Dink Henderson married Homer McDaniel. Perle Dink Henderson died in 1957. |
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