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George Kiser married Cornelia Ellen Henderson, daughter of Walter C. Henderson and Olivia Lulu Clegg. |
Walter Lewis Kiser was the son of George Kiser and Cornelia Ellen Henderson. |
Ellen Susan Kiser was the daughter of George Kiser and Cornelia Ellen Henderson. |
Nonie Tripp married Harry Reid Henderson, son of Walter C. Henderson and Olivia Lulu Clegg. |
Annie Belle Johnson married Leon Gordon Henderson, son of Walter C. Henderson and Olivia Lulu Clegg. |
Barbara Ann Henderson was the daughter of Leon Gordon Henderson and Annie Belle Johnson. |
Mary Louise Henderson was the daughter of Leon Gordon Henderson and Annie Belle Johnson. |
Charles Lane married Lois Josephine Henderson, daughter of Walter C. Henderson and Olivia Lulu Clegg. |
Charles Cleveland Lane was the son of Charles Lane and Lois Josephine Henderson. |
Thomas Eugene Lane was the son of Charles Lane and Lois Josephine Henderson. |
Jerry Luther Lane was the son of Charles Lane and Lois Josephine Henderson. |
Rebecca Lynn Lane was the daughter of Charles Lane and Lois Josephine Henderson. |
Irene Burgess married Walter Clegg Henderson, son of Walter C. Henderson and Olivia Lulu Clegg. |
Sadie Euliss married Walter Clegg Henderson, son of Walter C. Henderson and Olivia Lulu Clegg. |
Victoria Irene Henderson was the daughter of Walter Clegg Henderson and Irene Burgess. |
Walter Gary Henderson was the son of Walter Clegg Henderson and Irene Burgess. |
Bonnie Gay Henderson was the daughter of Walter Clegg Henderson and Irene Burgess. |
Teresa Diane Henderson was the daughter of Walter Clegg Henderson and Irene Burgess. |
Elizabeth Thomas was the daughter of Willie T. Thomas and Mamie Johnson. Elizabeth Thomas married Robert L. 'Bob' Buckner. |
Geraldine Phillips was born in 1921. She died on July 12, 1995. |
Donald Green "DG" Fox was born in 1915. He died in 1977. |
Phyllis ______ married Robert Hershall Allred, son of Jesse Booker Allred and Eva Hanks Clark. |
Aaron Allred was born in 1975. He was the son of Robert Hershall Allred. Aaron Allred died in 1994. |
William Jenkins married Elizabeth "Betty" Henderson, daughter of James Isaac Henderson II and Mary Rhodes. |
Sarah Nixon was the daughter of Bethany Henderson. |
Samuel Houston Jones was born on April 15, 1827 at Christian County, KY. He was the son of Amos Jones and Barbara Henderson. Samuel Houston Jones married Mary J. Wilkins, daughter of John Wilkins and Mary Marrow, on January 21, 1851 at Christian County, KY. Samuel Houston Jones married America E. Lindsey, daughter of John Lindsey and Martha Mitchell, on March 31, 1864. Samuel Houston Jones died on June 29, 1906 at Christian County, KY, at age 79. He was buried at Ebenezer Cemetery, Christian County, KY. |
Isaac H. Jones was born on February 7, 1812. He was the son of Amos Jones and Barbara Henderson. Isaac H. Jones married Anna Wilkins on June 23, 1835 at Todd County, KY. Isaac H. Jones appeared as head of household in the census enumerated July 24, 1850 at Todd County, KY. Information was found on Page 202B, District Number 1, Dwelling 111; Family 112. Isaac was shown at age 37 as a married white male born in Kentucky. He was listed as a farmer with real estate valued at $500. Ann was shown at age 34 as a married white female born in Kentucky, wife of John. She was able to read and write. All the children were born in Kentucky. Daughter, Elizabeth (age 13) attended school; son, Elijah (age 12) attended school; son Isaac (age 11) attended school; daughter, Hanna (age 11); daughter, Martha (age 7); daughter, Minerva (age 5); daughter, Malinda (age 4); and son, Thomas (age 1). Also shown in the household was Hendrick Mary (maybe Mary Hendrick?) a 76 year old female pauper born in South Carolina. He died on November 25, 1868 at Christian County, KY, at age 56. He was buried at Ebenezer Cemetery, Christian County, KY. |
Martha E. Jones was born in 1814 at Christian County, KY. She was the daughter of Amos Jones and Barbara Henderson. Martha E. Jones married Charner H. McColpin on December 12, 1833 at Christian County, KY. |
Thomas H Jones. was born in 1824 at Todd County, KY. He was the son of Amos Jones and Barbara Henderson. Thomas H Jones. married Sarah Tucker on September 11, 1848 at Todd County, KY. Thomas H Jones. appeared as head of household in the census enumerated July 24, 1850 at Todd County, KY. Information was found on Page 202A, District Number 1, Dwelling 109; Family 110. Thomas was shown at age 26 as a married white male born in Kentucky. He was listed as a farmer with real estate valued at $150. Sarah was shown at age 26 as a married white female born in Kentucky, wife of Thomas. Sarah can read and write. Their son, Isaac (age 1) born in kentucky was also listed. Living in the household was Samuel Jones (age 22), a male born in Kentucky, brother of Thomas. He died before 1870. |
Mary J. Wilkins was born on February 22, 1827. She was the daughter of John Wilkins and Mary Marrow. Mary J. Wilkins married Samuel Houston Jones, son of Amos Jones and Barbara Henderson, on January 21, 1851 at Christian County, KY. Mary J. Wilkins died on May 18, 1855 at Christian County, KY, at age 28. She was buried at Ebenezer Cemetery, Christian County, KY. |
John H. Jones was the son of Samuel Houston Jones and Mary J. Wilkins. |
Martha Jane Jones was born on February 11, 1854. She was the daughter of Samuel Houston Jones and Mary J. Wilkins. Martha Jane Jones married Marrill W. Martin on October 10, 1877 at Todd County, KY. Martha Jane Jones died on June 6, 1889 at Christian County, KY, at age 35. She was buried at Ebenezer Cemetery, Christian County, KY. |
John Wilkins married Mary Marrow. |
Mary Marrow married John Wilkins. |
Marrill W. Martin was born on August 7, 1847. He married Martha Jane Jones, daughter of Samuel Houston Jones and Mary J. Wilkins, on October 10, 1877 at Todd County, KY. Marrill W. Martin died on March 4, 1935 at Christian County, KY, at age 87. He was buried at Ebenezer Cemetery, Christian County, KY. |
Eather H. Martin was born on February 29, 1884. She was the daughter of Marrill W. Martin and Martha Jane Jones. Eather H. Martin died on October 2, 1884 at Christian County, KY, at age 0. She was buried at Ebenezer Cemetery, Christian County, KY. |
Alvis W. Martin was the son of Marrill W. Martin and Martha Jane Jones. |
Ader Martin was born in April, 1881. She was the daughter of Marrill W. Martin and Martha Jane Jones. Ader Martin died in 1959 at Christian County, KY. She was buried at Ebenezer Cemetery, Christian County, KY. |
America E. Lindsey was born in May, 1833. She was the daughter of John Lindsey and Martha Mitchell. America E. Lindsey married Samuel Houston Jones, son of Amos Jones and Barbara Henderson, on March 31, 1864. America E. Lindsey married John D. Mccolpin. America E. Lindsey died on September 15, 1912 at Christian County, KY, at age 79. She was buried at Ebenezer Cemetery, Christian County, KY. |
Amanda Jones was born in November, 1864. She was the daughter of Samuel Houston Jones and America E. Lindsey. Amanda Jones died on June 27, 1915 at Christian County, KY, at age 50. She was buried at Ebenezer Cemetery, Christian County, KY. |
Louella Jones was born in September, 1866. She was the daughter of Samuel Houston Jones and America E. Lindsey. Louella Jones married James P Stinnett on February 24, 1886 at Todd County, KY. Louella Jones married J.M. Harned. Louella Jones died in February, 1948 at Christian County, KY, at age 81. She was buried at Ebenezer Cemetery, Christian County, KY. |
Charlie Douglas Jones was born on April 22, 1870. He was the son of Samuel Houston Jones and America E. Lindsey. Charlie Douglas Jones married Bertha Columbia Kirkman. Charlie Douglas Jones died on August 27, 1943 at Greenville, KY, at age 73. He was buried at Sanford Cemetery, Greenville, KY. |
Elizabeth Jones was born on April 8, 1872. She was the daughter of Samuel Houston Jones and America E. Lindsey. Elizabeth Jones died on November 11, 1875 at Christian County, KY, at age 3. She was buried at Ebenezer Cemetery, Christian County, KY. |
Lottie Jones was born on August 23, 1872. She was the daughter of Samuel Houston Jones and America E. Lindsey. Lottie Jones died on July 4, 1880 at Christian County, KY, at age 7. She was buried at Ebenezer Cemetery, Christian County, KY. |
Barbara Jones was born on June 23, 1876. She was the daughter of Samuel Houston Jones and America E. Lindsey. Barbara Jones died on May 2, 1882 at Christian County, KY, at age 5. She was buried at Ebenezer Cemetery, Christian County. |
Cornelia Jones was born in 1868. She was the daughter of Samuel Houston Jones and America E. Lindsey. Cornelia Jones married Francis C. Arvin on October 14, 1896. Cornelia Jones died on August 17, 1943 at Portland, OR. |
John Lindsey was born on October 11, 1809. He married Martha Mitchell. John Lindsey died on November 30, 1892 at Christian County, KY, at age 83. He was buried at Ebenezer Cemetery, Christian County, KY. |
Martha Mitchell married John Lindsey. |
John D. Mccolpin married America E. Lindsey, daughter of John Lindsey and Martha Mitchell. |
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