An Arkansas Connection ...An Arkansas Connection ...
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Name Index 59
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Barbara Ann b. April 25, 1929, d. July 25, 1970
Mike b. December 31, 1965, d. February 15, 1997
Ada Estelle b. circa November 17, 1879, d. March, 1957
Albert b. July, 1879, d. 1943
Alfie C. b. February 12, 1912
Alfred Lee b. March 28, 1936, d. January 30, 1981
Allene [twin] b. January 1, 1936, d. January 17, 1936
Alto b. February 4, 1883, d. March 15, 1958
Alto Lee b. June 28, 1907, d. February 24, 1989
Alvin Jess
Amity b. circa 1854
Armstead T.
Armstead T. "Bud" b. circa 1855
Azalee b. 1883, d. circa 1903
Betty Lou
Beverly Yvonne
Burl Edward b. September 26, 1935, d. October 7, 1937
Burl Henry b. September 30, 1851, d. June 18, 1927
Burnice Mearl
Bythel b. between 1822 and 1826, d. September 15, 1864
Catharine b. March 21, 1851
Cecil Dwayne b. April 5, 1934, d. February 22, 1956
Charles Guy b. December 11, 1931, d. December 20, 1933
Charlotte Temple b. November 15, 1823, d. February 15, 1892
Chestine [twin] b. January 1, 1936, d. January 17, 1936
Christian Carolyn b. October 15, 1853
Horn (cont.)
Clarence Bernis b. October 18, 1916
Coy Audie
Cyrus Henry b. June 10, 1918, d. June 11, 1918
Cyrus Russell b. February 14, 1937, d. January 13, 1947
Delphia N. b. May 20, 1827, d. May 16, 1906
Dorothy Juanita
Edee b. November 14, 1845
Elijah b. before 1822
Elijah b. circa 1825, d. 1889
Elizabeth b. circa 1833, d. circa 1913
Elizabeth Jane b. November 11, 1837
Elkaner b. December 13, 1857, d. 1897
Ellis b. between 1885 and 1891, d. circa 1910
Ennis Dixon b. May 10, 1899, d. July 7, 1978
Enoch b. circa 1823, d. before 1897
Flora Ann b. 1884/85, d. 1891/92
Fred Austin
Gladys A. b. October 25, 1914, d. July 12, 1962
Harriet b. circa 1835
Henry Edward b. February 2, 1888, d. June 15, 1970
Hezzy Austin b. November 4, 1894, d. January 18, 1976
Horace Alvin b. circa May 1, 1892
Howard b. November 15, 1908, d. January 1, 1972
Horn (cont.)
Infant b. September 16, 1891, d. September 16, 1891
Infant b. September 26, 1892, d. September 26, 1892
Isaac Bee
Isabella "Isley" b. circa March, 1842, d. March 8, 1896
J. D.
James b. between 1799 and 1800, d. after 1880
James Albert b. October 30, 1875, d. December 23, 1949
James Alfred Rev. b. August 8, 1896, d. December 1, 1968
James B. "Jim" b. between 1845 and 1847, d. July 12, 1896
James David b. March 29, 1895
James Henry b. June 24, 1848, d. February 7, 1932
James Merriell "Doc" b. February 20, 1874, d. July 9, 1919
Jay Hugh b. May 10, 1893, d. February 13, 1969
Jess B. b. May 17, 1905, d. August 31, 1987
John M. b. circa 1844
John Wesley b. September 25, 1877, d. October 29, 1947
Joseph b. circa 1827, d. September, 1864
Joseph Preston b. August 26, 1890, d. March 23, 1953
Leona Virginia b. January 27, 1915, d. August 26, 1973
Lewis Caner b. 1848, d. 1903
Lewis Egbert b. April 20, 1904, d. April 29, 1964
Lucinda b. 1881, d. 1907
Lucinda b. May 7, 1889
Lucious b. July 9, 1907, d. April 3, 1911
Horn (cont.)
Lucy Christian "Kit" b. between August, 1834 and 1839, d. December 15, 1916
Mae b. 1905
Mamie Alleen b. November 6, 1916, d. December 7, 1917
Margaret b. April 3, 1856, d. July 22, 1938
Marinda b. circa 1829, d. after 1896
Marlon b. August 6, 1923, d. October 27, 1980
Martha b. February 11, 1826, d. April 9, 1903
Martha b. April 24, 1843, d. September 30, 1880
Martha Blanche b. February 20, 1906, d. May 19, 1985
Martha Ella b. September 18, 1873, d. November 6, 1959
Mary Ann b. September 1, 1839, d. December 8, 1918
Mary Ellen b. circa 1875, d. circa 1875/76
Mary Jane b. February 16, 1901, d. June 10, 1976
Mary Nancy b. circa 1825/26, d. before 1896
Mary O. b. November 18, 1862
Merritt b. September 25, 1849, d. circa 1889
Michael J.
Nancy E. b. March 3, 1859/60
Nannie Eve b. February 16, 1911
Narcissa b. circa 1839
Nathan b. 1806, d. July 9, 1862
Norma Jean b. October 11, 1929, d. September 28, 1932
Odis Bryan
Ora Lee b. 1894, d. circa 1920
Horn (cont.)
Otis Wilburn b. April 7, 1933, d. May 12, 1959
Priscilla Ann "Prissy" b. September 30, 1855
Raymond Henry "Ray" b. October 6, 1924, d. October 10, 1981
Richard Marion
Ronald Milan
Rufus L. b. February 9, 1904, d. October 23, 1963
Sarah b. circa 1818
Sarah b. between 1837 and 1839
Sarah Jane b. August 28, 1853, d. July 14, 1909
Serena Adaline b. May 5, 1847, d. August 16, 1932
Thomas b. circa 1851
Walter b. circa 1875
William A. [or H.] b. between 1830 and 1836, d. December 27, 1900
William Bythel b. December 2, 1882, d. April 23, 1938
William Fletcher b. May 30, 1902, d. February 22, 1967
William Harvey b. April 8, 1922, d. January 18, 1977
Willis E. b. November 19, 1893, d. 1983
Denver Herrel b. April 27, 1916
Jimmy Levi b. November 16, 1893, d. August 4, 1959
Delore Jane b. May 11, 1951, d. June 11, 1983
Gladys Edna b. January 17, 1912, d. May 24, 1987
Josephine b. May 20, 1917, d. May 17, 1987
Pearl Lee b. November 12, 1907, d. April 18, 1987
Ruby Elzra b. December 14, 1909, d. July 17, 1990
William Franklin b. February 13, 1913, d. January 6, 1976
Wyatt Dwight b. February 26, 1887, d. February 19, 1920
Albert Sylvester b. May 27, 1896, d. January 5, 1971
Daniel Timothy b. June 29, 1874, d. May, 1923
Emmett b. October 18, 1913, d. February 3, 1991
Ethel Lenora b. September 28, 1879
George Dewey b. October 3, 1917, d. May 23, 1918
George W.
J. Eugene
James Monroe b. January 31, 1876, d. October 21, 1947
John Eli b. June 12, 1872, d. September 12, 1943
Katie Bell b. May 14, 1907, d. January 5, 1997
Lillie E.
Mary Bell b. November 7, 1909, d. January 9, 1938
Minnie Pearl b. April 1, 1911, d. October 9, 1975
Nathan Walter b. October 9, 1877, d. June 21, 1964
Talmage Waller b. July 2, 1902
Thomas Wesley b. March 8, 1871, d. 1933
William Ennis
William Henry b. May 23, 1869, d. March 30, 1951
William Loys b. January 28, 1916, d. June 12, 1932
[Infant] b. March 12, 1909, d. May 12, 1909
[Infant] b. December 17, 1910, d. December 17, 1910
Leah Phameul b. February 19, 1743/44
Elmer b. 1900
Henry Clayton
Isa Belle b. 1871, d. 1948
John b. 1816, d. December 28, 1875
Martha b. March, 1849
Martha [Mary?] b. June, 1854, d. February 19, 1923
Mary Jane "Molly" b. February 19
Mary Suzzy Anna b. between 1874 and 1897, d. between 1919 and 1985
Myrtle Jessie b. November 24, 1904, d. December 28, 1994
Perry Richard b. 1897
Robert Cecil "R. C." d. March 10, 1996
Sarah A. b. circa 1820, d. 1911
Theresa Marie
Vera Mae
Nathan Evert b. June 25, 1900, d. January, 1980
Esther b. between 1836 and 1867, d. between 1857 and 1950
Isaac Coleman Jr. b. January 27, 1926, d. September 19, 1975
Martha Matilda
Nancy b. between 1828 and 1864, d. between 1849 and 1944
William Edward
William Snead b. between 1858 and 1884, d. between 1908 and 1972
Joseph B.
Nicky Joe
Baby b. April 21, 1919
Cloyce Edward b. February 15, 1943, d. October 22, 1984
Ella H. b. November 3, 1858, d. November 13, 1929
Frances Jean b. February 25, 1930, d. March 21, 1988
Geneiva Ruth b. November 27, 1913
Harris Jewel
James Elbert b. February 27, 1905, d. February 10, 1944
James Elbert b. November 26, 1933, d. August 27, 1994
John Wilson "Wilks" b. November 6, 1882, d. August 23, 1931
Langley b. December 27, 1893, d. May 30, 1955
Lavonne b. January 8, 1926, d. May 21, 1938
Orville Dean b. October 29, 1927, d. June 27, 1989
Robert A. b. November 27, 1913
Robert Lee
Solon W.
Velma b. May 21, 1915, d. April 2, 1996
House (cont.)
Versie b. October 22, 1911, d. December 1, 1969
Virgie Elvia b. November 14, 1909, d. November 1, 1931
William Cicero b. March 2, 1917, d. 1994
William Ed
Willie b. November 30, 1912
Amanda b. circa 1880, d. between 1927 and 1975
Ernest b. August 29, 1905, d. November 29, 1996
Etta b. August 9, 1888, d. September 14, 1968
David b. circa 1713, d. circa 1761
Emaline E. "Emma" b. March 16, 1839, d. February 19, 1909
Hannah b. circa 1780, d. circa 1840
Martha Hannah
Mary b. circa 1897
Walter b. between 1762 and 1797, d. between 1788 and 1876
William b. circa 1739, d. circa 1803
Allen M. b. circa 1843
Andrew Price b. November 25, 1899
Ann b. circa 1637
Anna Lee
Anne b. circa 1643
Anne Pauline
Belinda Gail
Benjamin b. February 17, 1739/40, d. June 4, 1828
Benjamin b. March 11, 1780
Carl Furman b. July 18, 1904
Charles Donald b. August 31, 1936, d. July 6, 1993
Clifton Jewell
Cornelius b. circa 1637
Cornelius b. April 7, 1782
Daniel b. February 25, 1607/8
Debora b. circa 1668
Descretion b. July 29, 1764
Douglas F. b. circa 1878
Dr. Andrew Swofford b. April 25, 1861, d. November 2, 1938
Elizabeth b. circa 1641
Elizabeth b. 1752
Elizabeth b. February 1, 1774
Howard (cont.)
Elizabeth b. April 15, 1787, d. October 4, 1854
Essie Mae b. June 5, 1901
Ester Lucille
Florence b. circa 1898
Francis Marion L.
Fred League b. September 26, 1901
George b. February 4, 1770
Grace b. April 15, 1616
Henderson b. November, 1827, d. April 10, 1910
Henry Monroe
Ida b. October 28, 1867, d. January 2, 1939
James H. I
James H. II b. circa 1838
James W.
James Wyatte
John b. 1578, d. April 4, 1642
John b. January 30, 1609/10
John b. 1635
John A. b. circa 1876
John Wesley b. between 1837 and 1857, d. between 1871 and 1943
Johnny Lester
Howard (cont.)
Leatha Laverne
Lewis Gordon
Lilla Belle b. August 5, 1898, d. May 12, 1977
Louisa " Lula"
Mary b. March 5, 1615/16
Mary b. circa 1645
Mary b. 1768
Mary Ann
Matthew b. circa 1608, d. before 1659
Matthew b. 1609, d. September 4, 1659
Matthew b. circa 1640
Melvin b. February 20, 1917
Milford Oliver
Nancy b. February 20, 1784
Nolan Wyatte
Oliver D. b. 1889, d. 1968
Ophelia b. February, 1880
Perry d. June 17, 1973
Phillip b. circa 1649
Phillip b. circa 1671, d. 1704
Howard (cont.)
Phillip b. 1704, d. circa 1784
Phillip b. January 6, 1766
Prudence b. 1787
Rachel b. December 27, 1776
Rebecca b. February 10, 1778, d. 1836
Rebecca O. b. circa 1868
Richard I
Robert b. circa 1607
Ruth b. circa 1675
Samuel b. circa 1639, d. 1703
Samuel b. circa 1639, d. November 9, 1703
Sarah b. October 21, 1771
Stella Violet
Susan b. circa 1673
Syrena A. b. August, 1869
Thomas b. April 4, 1614
Walter Charles b. February 23, 1887
Walter M. b. circa 1900
Annie Mae
Elizabeth b. circa 1699, d. September 20, 1744
Ina Mae
Laura Estelle b. January 6, 1903, d. June 28, 1961
Martha Carolyn b. April 5, 1884, d. August 1, 1966
Martha Jane b. April 11, 1862, d. September 19, 1937
Sarah Dorcas
_____ b. circa 1892
Albert Edward b. February 13, 1909, d. December 24, 1951
Coy Thurman
Dessie Neen
Deva b. July 17, 1914
Edward D.
Elizabeth Rebecca
Hubert Floyd
James Rutherford "Pode"
Jessie Lee b. February, 1913
Mae Bell b. November 15, 1883, d. April 5, 1961
Marvin Edward
Mary Ann
May Maverneen
Naomi [Oma] b. June 19, 1910
Raymond Lee
Troy Haskell
Walter d. after October, 1914
Wesley Herman
Maud K.
Mary Elizabeth b. between 1662 and 1688, d. between 1715 and 1776
Nicholas 21st Baron
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