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Mass Campbell was the son of Dwight Campbell and _____ Stevens. |
Ellen Carpenter married Dwight Campbell, son of Jake Campbell and Martha ______. |
W. J. Biggs was born on October 26, 1850. He married Betty Biggs. W. J. Biggs died on April 3, 1921 at age 70. |
Mary Alice Biggs was born on June 27, 1876. She was the daughter of W. J. Biggs and Betty Biggs. Mary Alice Biggs died on February 28, 1950 at age 73. |
Betty Biggs was born in 1846. She married W. J. Biggs. Betty Biggs died on May 9, 1942. |
John Christopher Robinson was born on May 15, 1838 at Columbus, Muscogee County, GA.
He married Mary Jordan, daughter of William Tadford Jordan Sr. and Agnes Blair, on December 1, 1859 at Coweta County, GA.
John is thought to be an only child of an Irish immigrant. He never knew his father. John enlisted in the American Civil War on September 25, 1861, at Campbell County, Georgia. He was assigned to Company H, 30th Georgia Infantry, CSA. One day, during the war, as he passed by his home place, he saw the crops in the field and knowing there was not enough help to harvest them, he deserted the war. After harvesting his crops, he returned to his company. While he was waiting in camp to be court martialed, the other soldiers were counting down the time to go into battle. But, as fate would have it, John was never court martialed because he was wounded in the foot in that battle. He was a cook in the army and was nicknamed 'Kitchens Robinson'. \\After the war, John went home to Coweta County, Georgia, where his wife and two children were waiting. Prior to the war, he had worked for the railroad, but, now, he started farming full time. \\John and his wife, Mary Jordan, had 13 children. Nine were still alive in the 1900 Federal Census. They moved to Arab, Marshall County, Alabama, in 1892. The trip took them eight days. John farmed there, and at one time, he carried the U. S. Mail from Arab to Huelak o. John was nicknamed 'Robinson Crusoe', and it was a name he was not fond of being called. \\ John was thought to have magical powers because he had never seen his father. People came from all around for him to cure Thrash Mouth, which he did by blowing in their mouth and saying some words. He could talk the fire out of a burn. It is said that when he did this, all the redness left the wound and it never blistered. \\ John never forgot his enemies. Once in 1929, he and his grand-daughter , Annie, were walking down the road and a man in a buggy stopped to give them a ride. Annie Mae started to get in until John saw who it was and stopped her. John said 'I'm not riding with you, you S.O.B. You fought against me in the war'. Annie Mae said that this was the only time she ever heard him use bad language. \\John is buried at New Friendship Church in Marshall County, Alabama. John Christopher Robinson died on April 13, 1930 at Union Grove, Marshall County, AL, at age 91. |
_____ Robinson was the child of John Christopher Robinson and Mary Jordan. |
_____ Robinson was the child of John Christopher Robinson and Mary Jordan. |
Emer Viola Robinson was born on March 14, 1861 at Coweta County, GA. She was the daughter of John Christopher Robinson and Mary Jordan. Emer Viola Robinson married George F. Hayes in 1893. Emer Viola Robinson died on October 4, 1937 at Arab, Marshall County, AL, at age 76. She was buried at Gibon Springs Cemetery, Marshall County, AL. |
Rillar A. Hayes was born in January, 1886 at GA. She was the daughter of George F. Hayes and Emer Viola Robinson. Rillar A. Hayes died. |
Eva L. Hayes was born in May, 1890. She was the daughter of George F. Hayes and Emer Viola Robinson. Eva L. Hayes died. |
James C. Hayes was born in May, 1894 at GA. He was the son of George F. Hayes and Emer Viola Robinson. James C. Hayes died. |
Ider A. Hayes was born in June, 1895 at AL. She was the daughter of George F. Hayes and Emer Viola Robinson. Ider A. Hayes died. |
Malcolm A. Hayes was born in January, 1897 at AL. He was the son of George F. Hayes and Emer Viola Robinson. Malcolm A. Hayes died. |
Joseph W. Hayes was born in May, 1898 at AL. He was the son of George F. Hayes and Emer Viola Robinson. Joseph W. Hayes died. |
Dolphus B. Hayes was born in January, 1900 at AL. He was the son of George F. Hayes and Emer Viola Robinson. |
Florence K. Hayes was born in 1902 at AL. She was the daughter of George F. Hayes and Emer Viola Robinson. |
Ulysses S. Hayes was born in 1903 at AL. He was the son of George F. Hayes and Emer Viola Robinson. |
E. Hayes was born in 1906 at AL. He was the son of George F. Hayes and Emer Viola Robinson. |
Thomas Robinson was born in February, 1864 at Coweta County, GA. He was the son of John Christopher Robinson and Mary Jordan. Thomas Robinson married Permelia W. ______ in 1884. Thomas Robinson died. |
_____ Robinson was the child of Thomas Robinson and Permelia W. ______. |
Mellia Robinson was born in September, 1885 at GA. She was the daughter of Thomas Robinson and Permelia W. ______. Mellia Robinson died. |
Nellie Robinson was born in March, 1887 at GA. She was the daughter of Thomas Robinson and Permelia W. ______. Nellie Robinson died. |
Samuel Robinson was born in March, 1889 at GA. He was the son of Thomas Robinson and Permelia W. ______. Samuel Robinson died. |
John Robinson was born in February, 1892 at AL. He was the son of Thomas Robinson and Permelia W. ______. John Robinson died. |
Marion Robinson was born in April, 1894 at AL. He was the son of Thomas Robinson and Permelia W. ______. Marion Robinson died. |
Callie Donna Robinson was born in March, 1898 at AL. She was the daughter of Thomas Robinson and Permelia W. ______. Callie Donna Robinson died. |
Jim Robinson was born in 1902 at AL. He was the son of Thomas Robinson and Permelia W. ______. Jim Robinson died. |
Betty Elizabeth Robinson was born in 1866 at Coweta County, GA. She was the daughter of John Christopher Robinson and Mary Jordan. Betty Elizabeth Robinson married Johnston Head in 1888. Betty Elizabeth Robinson was buried at Buchannon, Carroll County, GA. |
Kyetta Josephine Robinson was born in April, 1870 at Coweta County, GA. She was the daughter of John Christopher Robinson and Mary Jordan. Kyetta Josephine Robinson died. |
Ida Caldonia Robinson was born on June 15, 1872 at Coweta County, GA. She was the daughter of John Christopher Robinson and Mary Jordan. Ida Caldonia Robinson married Jefferson Davis Cummings in 1890. Ida Caldonia Robinson died on December 16, 1927 at Carroll County, GA, at age 55. She was buried at Sardis Baptist Church, Carroll County, GA. |
Mamie Gertrude Cummings was born in 1892 at Randolph County, AL. She was the daughter of Jefferson Davis Cummings and Ida Caldonia Robinson. Mamie Gertrude Cummings married Amos Mitchell. Mamie Gertrude Cummings died in 1919 at Carroll County, GA. |
Johnnie W. Cummings was born in 1893 at Randolph County, AL. He was the son of Jefferson Davis Cummings and Ida Caldonia Robinson. Johnnie W. Cummings married Agnes Rigsby. Johnnie W. Cummings died. |
Infant Cummings died in 1895 at Randolph County, AL. She was born in 1895 at Randolph County, AL. She was the daughter of Jefferson Davis Cummings and Ida Caldonia Robinson. |
Garfiee Cummings was born in 1896 at Randolph County, AL. She was the daughter of Jefferson Davis Cummings and Ida Caldonia Robinson. Garfiee Cummings married Paul Shinn. Garfiee Cummings died at Anniston, AL. |
Jeff Lewis Cummings was born on November 23, 1898 at Carroll County, GA. He was the son of Jefferson Davis Cummings and Ida Caldonia Robinson. Jeff Lewis Cummings married Willie Burgess. Jeff Lewis Cummings died in May, 1979 at Lincoln, AL, at age 80. |
Sylvester Wesley Cummings was born on January 26, 1900 at Carroll County, GA. He was the son of Jefferson Davis Cummings and Ida Caldonia Robinson. Sylvester Wesley Cummings died on October 16, 1955 at Carroll County, GA, at age 55. |
Dealieh E. Cummings was born in 1901 at Carroll County, GA. She was the daughter of Jefferson Davis Cummings and Ida Caldonia Robinson. |
Jimmie Thomas Cummings was born on November 8, 1903 at Carroll County, GA. He was the son of Jefferson Davis Cummings and Ida Caldonia Robinson. Jimmie Thomas Cummings married Bessie Lou Crews. |
Benjamin Merell Cummings was born in October, 1905 at Carroll County, GA. He was the son of Jefferson Davis Cummings and Ida Caldonia Robinson. Benjamin Merell Cummings married Eudora ______. Benjamin Merell Cummings died at Macon, Bibb County, GA. |
Monroe Virgil Cummings was born in October, 1907 at Carroll County, GA. He was the son of Jefferson Davis Cummings and Ida Caldonia Robinson. Monroe Virgil Cummings married Grace ______. |
Lenora Cummings was born in 1909 at Carroll County, GA. She was the daughter of Jefferson Davis Cummings and Ida Caldonia Robinson. Lenora Cummings married Amon Bishop. |
Lloyd Herman Cummings was born in 1911 at Carroll County, GA. He was the son of Jefferson Davis Cummings and Ida Caldonia Robinson. Lloyd Herman Cummings married Bernice Cook. |
Hugh Dorsey Cummings was born on May 15, 1915 at Carroll County, GA. He was the son of Jefferson Davis Cummings and Ida Caldonia Robinson. Hugh Dorsey Cummings died on February 16, 1945 at age 29. |
Clarence Robinson was born in 1873 at Coweta County, GA. He was the son of John Christopher Robinson and Mary Jordan. Clarence Robinson died. |
Malcolm Lafayette Robinson was born on April 11, 1874 at Coweta County, GA. He was the son of John Christopher Robinson and Mary Jordan. Malcolm Lafayette Robinson married Dealie Clemintine Cantrell in 1897. Malcolm Lafayette Robinson died on January 23, 1967 at Randolph County, AL, at age 92. He was buried at Highway Congregational Methodist Church, Randolph County, AL. |
Alice A. Robinson was born on November 29, 1897 at Randolph County, AL. She was the daughter of Malcolm Lafayette Robinson and Dealie Clemintine Cantrell. Alice A. Robinson died on September 7, 1913 at age 15. She was buried at Big Springs Church, Randolph County, AL. |
James Christopher Robinson was born on June 26, 1900 at Randolph County, AL. He was the son of Malcolm Lafayette Robinson and Dealie Clemintine Cantrell. James Christopher Robinson married Mattie L. McDonnell. |
Freddie Leon Robinson was born on June 23, 1901 at Randolph County, AL. He was the son of Malcolm Lafayette Robinson and Dealie Clemintine Cantrell. Freddie Leon Robinson married Nannie Rollins. Freddie Leon Robinson died on March 31, 1969 at Randolph County, AL, at age 67. |
Mattie Sue Evie Robinson was born on November 23, 1903 at Randolph County, AL. She was the daughter of Malcolm Lafayette Robinson and Dealie Clemintine Cantrell. Mattie Sue Evie Robinson married Hyrem Dewey Baldwin. Mattie Sue Evie Robinson died in 1973. |
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