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William P. Ewing was born in 1802 at KY. He was the son of James Ewing II. William P. Ewing married Sarah ______ circa 1828. William P. Ewing died in 1864 at Clark County, AR. |
Sarah ______ married William P. Ewing, son of James Ewing II, circa 1828. |
James H. Ewing was born in 1829 at TN. He was the son of William P. Ewing and Sarah ______. James H. Ewing married Malinda Dillard on December 18, 1849 at Cold Bath, Clark County, AR. |
Adaline Ewing was born in 1833 at IL. She was the daughter of William P. Ewing and Sarah ______. Adaline Ewing married Alexander Maynard M.D. on April 7, 1848 at Clark County, AR. Adaline Ewing died at Saline County, AR. |
Alfred O. Ewing was born in 1836 at IL. He was the son of William P. Ewing and Sarah ______. Alfred O. Ewing married Mary Rebecca Griffith on August 15, 1852 at Clark County, AR. |
Reuben B. Ewing was born in 1839 at MO. He was the son of William P. Ewing and Sarah ______. Reuben B. Ewing married Mary Emaline McGinness on July 7, 1858 at Clark County, AR. Reuben B. Ewing died before 1864 at Clark County, AR. |
William N. Ewing was born on November 15, 1844 at AR. He was the son of William P. Ewing and Sarah ______. William N. Ewing married Mary Frances Sanders in February, 1865 at Clark County, AR. William N. Ewing married Martha C. ______. William N. Ewing died on February 6, 1914 at AR, at age 69. He was buried at Seventh Day Advetist Cemetery, Hot Spring County, AR. |
Joseph F. Ewing was born in 1846 at AR. He was the son of William P. Ewing and Sarah ______. Joseph F. Ewing married Clara K. Gann on November 4, 1866 at Clark County, AR. |
Emma Eliza "Emelizer" Ewing was born in 1849 at AR. She was the daughter of William P. Ewing and Sarah ______. Emma Eliza "Emelizer" Ewing married James S. Rogers on May 29, 1870 at Clark County, AR. |
Malinda Jane Ewing was born in 1851 at AR. She was the daughter of William P. Ewing and Sarah ______. Malinda Jane Ewing married William F. Keith on August 24, 1879 at Montgomery County, AR. |
Thomas Hollingshead married Elizabeth Jacob. |
Elizabeth Jacob was born at Edgefield County, SC. She married Thomas Hollingshead. |
Aaron Hollingshead was born in 1826. He was the son of Thomas Hollingshead and Elizabeth Jacob. |
Mose Hollingshead was born in 1824. He was the son of Thomas Hollingshead and Elizabeth Jacob. |
"Lige" [Elijah?] Hollingshead was born in 1825. He was the son of Thomas Hollingshead and Elizabeth Jacob. |
Joe Hollingshead was born in 1827. He was the son of Thomas Hollingshead and Elizabeth Jacob. |
Catherine Hollingshead was born in 1829. She was the daughter of Thomas Hollingshead and Elizabeth Jacob. |
Eleanor Patron Nutt was born on January 20, 1804 at NC. She married William Taylor Lightfoot, son of Henry Lightfoot and Martha "Patsy" Darnall, on January 8, 1826 at Wake County, NC. Eleanor Patron Nutt died on April 16, 1880 at Amity, Clark County, AR, at age 76. |
Lucinda Hollingshead was born in 1833. She was the daughter of Thomas Hollingshead and Elizabeth Jacob. |
Mary Hollingshead was born in 1831. She was the daughter of Thomas Hollingshead and Elizabeth Jacob. |
Jane Hollingshead was born in 1835. She was the daughter of Thomas Hollingshead and Elizabeth Jacob. |
Wadie Fowler Anthony was born on January 23, 1899. He married Zelma Ray Allen, daughter of George Washington Allen and Derinda Jane Lightfoot, on August 17, 1926. Wadie Fowler Anthony died on February 10, 1991 at Lovington, Lea County, NM, at age 92. |
William Vaughn Anthony was born on December 9, 1932 at Hobbs, Lea County, NM. He was the son of Wadie Fowler Anthony and Zelma Ray Allen. William Vaughn Anthony died on January 16, 1933 at Hobbs, Lea County, NM, at age 0. |
Julia Estelle Roberts married Alonzo Stanley Allen, son of George Washington Allen and Derinda Jane Lightfoot. |
Cleo Allen was the daughter of Alonzo Stanley Allen and Julia Estelle Roberts. Cleo Allen married J. D. Sarver. |
Oma Inez Allen was born on August 10, 1911 at Quinlan, Hunt County, TX. She was the daughter of Alonzo Stanley Allen and Julia Estelle Roberts. Oma Inez Allen married Klyne Pace Wright, son of Wesley Wright and Lula ______. Oma Inez Allen died on September 10, 1978 at Houston, Harris County, TX, at age 67. She was buried at South Park Cemetery, Houston, Harris County, TX. |
Rufus Taylor Lightfoot was born on January 28, 1827 at Wake County, NC. He was the son of William Taylor Lightfoot and Eleanor Patron Nutt. Rufus Taylor Lightfoot married Armilda Jane Montgomery, daughter of Hugh L. Montgomery and Sarah Lenore Blake, on November 20, 1849 at Clark County, AR. Rufus Taylor Lightfoot died on February 3, 1884 at Coleman County, TX, at age 57. |
Bernice Allen was born on September 23, 1913 at Hunt County, TX. She was the daughter of Alonzo Stanley Allen and Julia Estelle Roberts. Bernice Allen married Richard Goodridge. Bernice Allen died on June 24, 1997 at Angleton, Brazoria County, TX, at age 83. She was buried at Confederate Cemetery, Alvin, Brazoria County, TX. |
Mamie Ada Crawford was born on October 5, 1893 at Quinlan, Hunt County, TX. She married Freddie Earnest Allen, son of George Washington Allen and Derinda Jane Lightfoot, on October 25, 1908 at Quinlan, Hunt County, TX. Mamie Ada Crawford died on July 17, 1991 at Houston, Harris County, TX, at age 97. |
Ethel Vera Allen was born on September 5, 1909 at Quinlan, Hunt County, TX. She was the daughter of Freddie Earnest Allen and Mamie Ada Crawford. Ethel Vera Allen married John Sherman Martindale on April 25, 1931. Ethel Vera Allen died on June 17, 1989 at Houston, Harris County, TX, at age 79. |
Ardis Ona Allen was born on November 7, 1913 at Quinlan, Kerr County, TX. He was the son of Freddie Earnest Allen and Mamie Ada Crawford. Ardis Ona Allen died on August 8, 1917 at Anson, Jones County, TX, at age 3. |
Cara William Allen was born on October 27, 1916 at Anson, Jones County, TX. He was the son of Freddie Earnest Allen and Mamie Ada Crawford. Cara William Allen died in January, 1981 at Houston, Harris County, TX, at age 64. |
Nancy Sisca Lightfoot was born on May 17, 1828. She was the daughter of William Taylor Lightfoot and Eleanor Patron Nutt. Nancy Sisca Lightfoot died in September, 1829 at age 1. |
Callie Thomas married Elzie McNew Allen, son of George Washington Allen and Derinda Jane Lightfoot. |
Patsy Ruth Allen was the daughter of Elzie McNew Allen and Callie Thomas. |
Charles Allen was the son of Elzie McNew Allen and Callie Thomas. |
Roy James Christian married Zola May Allen, daughter of George Washington Allen and Derinda Jane Lightfoot. |
Billy Dean Christian was the son of Roy James Christian and Zola May Allen. |
Mary Zel Christian was the daughter of Roy James Christian and Zola May Allen. |
Shirley Bell Christian was the daughter of Roy James Christian and Zola May Allen. Shirley Bell Christian died on September 28, 1995 at Beaumont, Jefferson County, TX. |
James Allen Christian was the son of Roy James Christian and Zola May Allen. |
Peggy Christian was the daughter of Roy James Christian and Zola May Allen. |
Albert Christian was the son of Roy James Christian and Zola May Allen. |
Oscar P. Bradford was born on December 30, 1892 at AR. He was the son of William Jackson "Jackie" Bradford and Nancy Jane Burnham. Oscar P. Bradford married Rosa P. Randles, daughter of Odis Randles, on October 1, 1911 at Pike County, AR. Oscar P. Bradford died in September, 1979 at Delight, Pike County, AR, at age 86. |
Beverly Christian was the daughter of Roy James Christian and Zola May Allen. |
Sarah A. Elizabeth Spears was born on March 18, 1878 at Pike County, AR. She was the daughter of Pleasant Solomon Spears and Sarah Ellen Josephine Lightfoot. Sarah A. Elizabeth Spears married James Bradford Fuller on October 17, 1895 at Pike County, AR. Sarah A. Elizabeth Spears died on February 20, 1963 at age 84. |
Walter William Spears was born on May 26, 1879 at Pike County, AR. He was the son of Pleasant Solomon Spears and Sarah Ellen Josephine Lightfoot. Walter William Spears married Zoda Aylor on September 12, 1901 at Amity, Clark County, AR. Walter William Spears died in 1960 at Atlanta, Cass County, TX. |
George Hugh Spears was born on May 23, 1880 at Pike County, AR. He was the son of Pleasant Solomon Spears and Sarah Ellen Josephine Lightfoot. George Hugh Spears married Clara Catherine Markham on June 22, 1902 at Clark County, AR. George Hugh Spears died on January 19, 1965 at Lynn County, TX, at age 84. |
Martha Edna Spears was born on July 27, 1881 at Pike County, AR. She was the daughter of Pleasant Solomon Spears and Sarah Ellen Josephine Lightfoot. Martha Edna Spears married James Johnson. Martha Edna Spears died in February, 1972 at age 90. |
[infant] Baker [twin] died in August, 1921 at Glenwood, Pike County, AR. She was born in August, 1921 at Glenwood, Pike County, AR. She was the daughter of Robert Jesse "Bob" Baker and Ara Lee "Ada" Hubbert. [infant] Baker [twin] was buried at Bethel Cemetery, Glenwood, Pike County, AR. |
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