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Ann Cooper married Lawrence Pearson, son of Edward Pearson and Sarah Burgis, circa 1700. |
Philip Torrey married Mary Pearson, daughter of Edward Pearson and Sarah Burgis, after April, 1727. |
Mary Janney was born between 1626 and 1652. She was the daughter of Randall Janney and Ann Knevett. Mary Janney died on January 5, 1706/7 at Etchells, Cheshire, England. |
John Bancroft was born in 1633 at Etchells, Cheshire, England. He died circa February, 1699 at Mobberly, England. |
Robert Alred was born circa 1530. He married Blanche ______. Robert Alred died on January 11, 1586/87. |
Richard Janney married Mary ______ between 1603 and 1642. Richard Janney was born in 1613. He was the son of Randall Janney II and Ellen Allred. Richard Janney died circa 1690 at Cheshire, England. |
Deborah Webb was born circa 1647 at Inkstrey, Staffordshire, England. She died on July 20, 1701 at Mobberly, England. |
Elizabeth Searcy married _____ Towns.
Elizabeth Searcy married _____ Moore.
Elizabeth Searcy was born in 1730 at Granville County, NC.
She was the daughter of John Searcy and Phoebe Hargrave.
Elizabeth Searcy married Richard Hargrove.
Elizabeth Searcy died after 1783 at Granville County, NC.
In an e-mail, Gerald Tudor explained that there is no evidence that Elizabeth ever married. Her children, with the exception of Martha, took the last name of their respective father. Martha used the name Searcy when she married John Tudor. Gerald included the following information as additional proof. The Will of Elizabeth Searcy--In the name of God amen. I Elizabeth Searcy of Granville County in the State of North Carolina being sick and weak in body but of sound and disposing mind and memory thanks be given to almighty God for the same do by these presents constitute and appoint this to be my last will and Testament in manner following. Item I give and bequeath to my natural son William Hargraves Searcy my oldest cow and her yearling. Item I give and bequeath to my natural son Joseph Moore one heifer, my knife and fork and frying pan. Item If my natural son Ozwald Towns should live to come in from Kentucky I then give him one heifer and if he should not come in then the same to go to my natural daughter Martha Tuder and the other young cow and calf together with my feather bed and furniture, my pot and waring apparel. And I hereby appoint my said son Joseph Moore and John Tuder my executors of this my last will and Testament in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 20th day of February A. D. 1784. Elizabeth (her mark) Searcy. In the presence of John Tuder and Henry (his mark) Rardon. The research and compilation of Waunita Powell leads to a very logical conclusion to the mystery of Elizabeth's family. Waunita's text is scattered throughout the notes on Elizabeth's children and draws some interesting and reasonable facts. The following is from the research and compilation of Waunita Powell of Paris, Illinois, excerpts of which she has so freely provided are added here and elsewhere in the notes for Elizabeth, daughter of John and Phoebe, and her children. We are not certain of the year that Elizabeth actually died. There is no evidence in the above will that it was proven where written. Additionally, there is a second female in the 1810 census for John Tudor age above 45, which could very well be Elizabeth living with her only daughter, Martha, also age above 45, in Kentucky. Granville Co., North Carolina-Bastardy. This examination of Elizabeth Searcy Single woman taken before us, James Paine, John Martin and Gidion Macon, Esq. this 4th Mar. 1746. This examinant Saith that the eleventh day of January last at the County of Granville she was delivered of a female bastard child born alive of her body. That she went into the woods to look after some cattle and that while she was in the woods she was taken in labour and could not get home before she was delivered. That she used her utmost endeavors to save the life of the child, but that the weather being excessive cold the sd child perished throu' extremity of the same. That after the child died she endeavored to carry it to the house of her father in order to have the same buried, but being unable to carry the same____she wrapped it in a petticoat and some leaves and laid it by the side of an old tree. That she has provided some necessary apparel for the child sometime before she was delivered. The sd. Elizabeth freely and voluntarily made the above confession but refused to sign same. certified under our Hands & seals-Respectfully the day & date aforesd-- Ja's Paine, Jn. Martin, Gidon Macon. Granville Co., N. C. sept. 5, 1750. Elizabeth Searcy, charged Richard Hargrove with having begotten by her a bastard child. He is ordered to pay the Church warders of St. John's Parish 4 lbs. proc. for the maintainance of the child 1 year next ensuing. Sept. 5, 1754. Wm. base born child of Elizabeth Searcy, bound to Reuben Searcy, to learn Shoemaker's trade. Will be 5 years old on Apr. 30, 1754. (information from Jess Cullison, N. Ogden Utah) Ref. History and Genealogies of Granville Co., N. C. 1746-1800 p. 123. Granville Co., N. C.--This indenture made the 5th day of September in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred & Fifty Four. Between William Person, Esq. first justices in the Commission of the peace for the said County of Granville in behalf of the justices of the said County & their Successors of the one part and Reuben Searcey________of the said County of the other part Witnesseth that the said justices by virtue of the power & authority in them vested do put and place unto the said Reuben Searcey, William Searcey, son of Elizabeth Searcey_____aged five years the last day of Apr. 1754 with the said Reuben Searcey to live after the manner of an Apprentice & Servant until he the said William Searcey shall accomplish the age of twenty one years during all which time the said Servant his sd. Master shall faithfully serve his lawful commands every where gladly obey and in all things shall behave as a faithful Servant ought to do And the said Reuben Searcey_____doth Covenant promise & agree to & with the said Justices & the successors that he will teach and instruct or cause to be taught & instructed the said William Searcey__in the rt & Mystery of a Shoemaker & that he will constantly during the said tenor find & Provide for Sufficient Diet Washing Lodging & Apparel fitting for an apprentice & all other necessaries both in sickness & in health in Testimony whereof the parties to these presents have interchangeably set their hands & Seals the day & year above mentioned. Sealed & Delivered William Person (Seal) in presence of Reuben Searcy (Seal) John Thornton Will of William Hargrove Searcy (contributed by Jeff Cullison) [States that he is in a low state of health but of sound mind & perfect memory] First my will and desire is that all my just debts be paid out of my Estate: Secondly I lend to my beloved wife Dorcoss Searcy all the lands of my estate real & personal during her natural life or widowhood provided she uses it for her support only---to not rent out to any person the land whereon I now live to my heirs. To not cut down and destroy sd land more than for her support and after her death my will and desire is that my daughter, Sally Hudspeth be paid out of my Estate by my executors one dollar and all the ?___that may remain on hand I give and bequeath unto my grandson William L. Fletcher the land where on I now live and all the rst of my Estate of Every Discription that may remain on hand at the death of my wife to him and his heirs forever. Also I leave Joseph Fletcher & James Jenkins my Ests. & and my wife Dorcas Searcy Extrs. to this my last will and Testament in Witness whereof I have set my hand and seal this fourth day of Nov. in the year of out Lord Eighteen hundred & twenty one--- Wm. Searcy (Seal) Will proved Nov. court 1840 Granville Co., NC. Will Book 14 p. 606, 1840. |
Annis ______ married John Searcy Jr., son of John Searcy and Phoebe Hargrave. |
John Searcy Jr. was born in 1727 at England. He was the son of John Searcy and Phoebe Hargrave. John Searcy Jr. married Annis ______. John Searcy Jr. died in 1791 at Granville County, NC. |
Lucy Anderson married Bartlett Searcy, son of John Searcy and Phoebe Hargrave, at Granville County, NC. |
Bartlett Searcy was born circa 1725 at Nottinghamshire, England. He was the son of John Searcy and Phoebe Hargrave. Bartlett Searcy married Lucy Anderson at Granville County, NC. Bartlett Searcy died in 1787 at Granville County, NC. |
Mary ______ was born between 1595 and 1624. She married Richard Janney, son of Randall Janney II and Ellen Allred, between 1603 and 1642. Mary ______ died between 1629 and 1708. |
Nathaniel Henderson was born on December 1, 1736 at Hanover County, VA. He was the son of Samuel Henderson and Elizabeth Williams. Nathaniel Henderson married Charlotte Morgan between 1752 and 1779. Nathaniel Henderson married Susan Lewis between 1752 and 1779. Nathaniel Henderson died in 1789 at Edgefield District, SC. |
Sarah Alston married William Henderson, son of Samuel Henderson and Elizabeth Williams, circa 1760. |
Elizabeth Henderson was born on February 19, 1737/38 at Hanover County, VA. She was the daughter of Samuel Henderson and Elizabeth Williams. Elizabeth Henderson married John Beckham on August 12, 1761 at Granville County, NC. Elizabeth Henderson died on August 17, 1831 at Union District, SC, at age 93. |
Samuel Henderson was born on February 6, 1745/46 at Granville County, NC.
He was the son of Samuel Henderson and Elizabeth Williams.
In Reminiscences and Memoirs of North Carolina, Watauga County on page 461 is the following story about the woman that later became the wife of Samuel. "On July 14, 1776, as three young ladies (two of them daughters of Colonel Calloway and one of them a daughter of Colonel Boone) were strolling in the woods, they were captured by the Indians. At the time Boone was off hunting, but when he returned, without any aid or waiting to collect a force, he followed the trail of the indians, and came in sight of them, and by his unerring rifle killed two, recovered the girls and returned to the fort in safety. One of these married Samuel Henderson, the brother of Judge Henderson and Pleasant Henderson. This romantic incident obtained more notoriety by its mention in The Last of the Mohicans, by James Fennimore Cooper." Samuel Henderson married Elizabeth Calloway on August 6, 1776 at Boonesboro, KY. Samuel Henderson died on December 16, 1826 at Winchester, TN, at age 80. |
Anna B. Henderson was born on March 13, 1738/39 at Hanover County, VA. She was the daughter of Samuel Henderson and Elizabeth Williams. Anna B. Henderson married Daniel Williams between 1753 and 1786. Anna B. Henderson married Adam Potter on July 30, 1753 at Union District, SC. Anna B. Henderson died in 1831. |
Marsha Foster Searcy was the daughter of Bennett Searcy and Mary B. Wendell. |
John Searcy was born in 1694 at Nottinghamshire, England. He married Phoebe Hargrave in 1722. John Searcy died in 1787 at Granville County, NC. |
Aaron Searcy was the son of John Searcy Jr. and Annis ______. |
Elizabeth Juliet Wendel was born between 1764 and 1783. She was the daughter of David Wendell and Susannah Deaderick. Elizabeth Juliet Wendel died between 1799 and 1868. She married Robert Searcy Colonel, son of Colonel Reuben Searcy and Susanna Henderson, before 1800 at Nashville, Davidson County, TN. |
Joseph Moore was the son of _____ Moore and Elizabeth Searcy. |
Mary Searcy was born circa 1732 at Granville County, NC. She was the daughter of John Searcy and Phoebe Hargrave. Mary Searcy died after 1783. |
Richard Hargrove married Elizabeth Searcy, daughter of John Searcy and Phoebe Hargrave. |
Reuben Searcy was the son of John Searcy Jr. and Annis ______. |
Richard Searcy was the son of John Searcy Jr. and Annis ______. |
John Tudor was the son of John Tudor I and Elizabeth ______. John Tudor married Martha Searcy, daughter of Elizabeth Searcy. |
Jeremiah Searcy was the son of John Searcy Jr. and Annis ______. |
Daniel Searcy was the son of John Searcy Jr. and Annis ______. |
Bartlett Searcy was the son of John Searcy Jr. and Annis ______. |
_____ Towns married Elizabeth Searcy, daughter of John Searcy and Phoebe Hargrave. |
_____ Moore married Elizabeth Searcy, daughter of John Searcy and Phoebe Hargrave. |
Daniel Searcy was born circa 1740 at Granville County, NC. He was the son of John Searcy and Phoebe Hargrave. Daniel Searcy died at Johnson County, NC. |
Ruth Searcy was born circa 1742 at Granville County, NC. She was the daughter of John Searcy and Phoebe Hargrave. |
Richard Searcy Captain was born on August 21, 1738 at Granville County, NC. He was the son of John Searcy and Phoebe Hargrave. Richard Searcy Captain married Mary ______ before 1767. Richard Searcy Captain died on October 26, 1824 at Woodford County, KY, at age 86. |
Colonel Reuben Searcy was born on June 22, 1729 at Granville County, NC. He was the son of John Searcy and Phoebe Hargrave. Colonel Reuben Searcy married Susanna Henderson, daughter of Samuel Henderson and Elizabeth Williams, on April 23, 1760 at Granville County, NC. Colonel Reuben Searcy married Susannah Elizabeth Jett circa 1779. Colonel Reuben Searcy died in 1815 at Sumner County, TN. |
Mary ______ married Richard Searcy Captain, son of John Searcy and Phoebe Hargrave, before 1767. |
Susanna Henderson was born on April 23, 1742 at Hanover County, VA. She was the daughter of Samuel Henderson and Elizabeth Williams. Susanna Henderson married Colonel Reuben Searcy, son of John Searcy and Phoebe Hargrave, on April 23, 1760 at Granville County, NC. Susanna Henderson died in 1787 at [childbirth]. |
Sarah Searcy was born circa 1737 at Granville County, NC. She was the daughter of John Searcy and Phoebe Hargrave. Sarah Searcy died after 1783. |
William Hargrove Searcy was born on April 30, 1749. He was the son of Richard Hargrove and Elizabeth Searcy. |
Leonard Searcy was the son of Richard Searcy Captain and Mary ______. |
Martha Searcy was the daughter of Elizabeth Searcy. Martha Searcy married John Tudor, son of John Tudor I and Elizabeth ______. |
Oswald Towns was the son of _____ Towns and Elizabeth Searcy. |
Enoch Pearson was born on April 18, 1757. He was the son of John Pearson and Sarah ______. Enoch Pearson died on January 2, 1831 at Butts County, GA, at age 73. |
Sarah ______ was born between 1717 and 1739. She married John Pearson, son of Enoch Pearson and Marguerite Smith, between 1759 and 1792. Sarah ______ died between 1760 and 1827. |
Bishop John Pearson was born between 1592 and 1635. He died between 1632 and 1716. |
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