Aallen, John K. 1836 Alford, M.E. 1847
Adkins, C.L. 1839 Alford, Madison E. 1842
Adkins, Charles E. 1838 Alford, Winston 1848
Adkins, W.H. 1840 Anderson, David 1834
Albright, Jno. J. 1847 Ashbrook, Aaron 1848
Alford, D.W. 1846 Ashbrook, Moses 1846
Alford, D.W. 1847 Ashbrook, Moses 1847
Alford, David 1845 Ashbrook, Moses 1848
Alford, David 1846 Ashford, James 1839
Alford, David 1847 Ashford, James 1840
Alford, David 1848 Ashford, James 1841
Alford, M.E. 1844 Ashford, James 1842
Alford, M.E. 1843 Ashford, James 1843
Alford, M.E. 1845 Ashford, James 1845
Alford, M.E. 1846 Atkins, W.H. 1842
Bacon, J.D. 1844 Brewer, Harmon 1840
Bacon, J.D. 1846 Brewer, Harmon 1841
Bacon, J.D. 1845 Brewer, Harmon 1842
Bacon, John D. 1847 Brewer, Harmon 1844
Bacon, John D. 1848 Brewer, Harmon 1845
Bacon, W.T. 1844 Brewer, Henderson 1834
Bacon, W.T. 1845 Brewer, Henderson 1835
Bacon, W.T. 1846 Brewer, Henderson 1836
Bacon, W.T. 1848 Brewer, Henderson 1837
Bacon, W. Tyler 1847 Brewer, Henderson 1838
Bagwell, Milas 1841 Brewer, Henderson 1839
Bagwell, Milas 1842 Brewer, Henderson 1840
Bagwell, Milas 1843 Brewer, Henderson 1841
Bagwell, Milas 1844 Brewer, Henderson 1842
Baker, B.R. 1838 Brewer, Henderson 1843
Baker, Beverly R. 1836 Brewer, Henderson 1844
Baker, Elisha C. 1835 Brewer, Henderson 1845
Baker, Elisha C. 1834 Brewer, Henderson 1846
Bal, Fredrick 1848 Brewer, Henderson 1847
Bal, Fredrick 1846 Brewer, Henderson 1848
Ball, Fredrick 1847 Brewer, Henry 1834
Bankston, Marshal H. 1842 Brewer, Henry 1835
Barnes, James 1847 Brewer, Henry 1836
Barnes, Jesse 1839 Brewer, Henry 1837
Barnes, Jesse 1840 Brewer, Henry 1838
Barnes, Jesse C. 1837 Brewer, Henry 1839
Barnes, John 1837 Brewer, Henry 1840
Barnes, John W. 1840 Brewer, Henry 1841
Barnes, Joshua 1837 Brewer, Henry 1842
Barnes, Joshua 1838 Brewer, Henry 1843
Barnes, Joshua 1839 Brewer, Henry 1844
Barnes, Joshua 1840 Brewer, Henry 1845
Barnes, Joshua 1841 Brewer, Henry 1846
Barnet, G.J. 1838 Brewer, Henry 1847
Barnet, J.G. 1840 Brewer, Henry 1848
Barnett, Jno. G. 1841 Brewer, Henry trustee ----
Barnett, John G. 1839 of Luvisa Preston 1846
Barns, James 1843 Brewer, Henry trustee ----
Barns, Joshua 1843 for Levisa Preston 1847
Barns, Joshua 1844 Brewer, J.S. 1839
Barns, Joshua 1845 Brewer, J.S. 1840
Barns, Joshua 1846 Brewer, J.S. 1846
Basset, Thomas 1840 Brewer, James 1845
Bassett, Thomas 1841 Brewer, James S. 1834
Bassett, Thos. 1839 Brewer, James S. 1836
Basset, Thos. 1842 Brewer, James S. 1837
Baxter, Jesse 1834 Brewer, James S. 1838
Baxter, Jesse 1835 Brewer, James S. 1841
Baxter, Jesse 1836 Brewer, James S. 1843
Baxter, Jesse 1837 Brewer, James S. 1847
Baxter, Jesse 1838 Brewer, Jas. 1835
Baxter, Jesse 1839 Brewer, Jas. S. 1842
Baxter, Jesse 1841 Brewer, Jas. S. 1848
Baxter, Jesse 1842 Brewer, Jno. Est. 1846
Baxter, Jesse 1844 Brewer, John 1834
Baxter, Jesse 1845 Brewer, John 1835
Baxter, Jesse 1846 Brewer, John 1836
Baxter, Jesse 1847 Brewer, John 1837
Baxter, Jesse 1848 Brewer, John 1838
Baxter, Joel 1839 Brewer, John 1839
Baxter, Joel 1842 Brewer, John 1841
Baxter, Joel 1844 Brewer, John 1842
Baxter, Joel B. 1834 Brewer, John 1844
Baxter, Joel B. 1835 Brewer, John 1845
Baxter, Joel B. 1836 Brewer, John 1848
Baxter, Joel B. 1837 Brewer, John Estate 1847
Baxter, Joel B. 1840 Brewer, John Estate 1848
Baxter, Joel B. 1841 Brewer, John Jr. 1840
Baxter, Joel D. 1843 Brewer, John Jr. 1846
Baxter, Joel D. 1846 Brewer, John Jr. 1847
Baxter, Thomas 1841 Brewer, John Snr. 1840
Bean, Baily 1848 Brewer, O. Dec'd 1841
Benson, W.H. 1844 Brewer, Oliver 1834
Benson, W.H. 1845 Brewer, Oliver's heirs 1842
Benson, Wm. H. 1842 Brewer, Thomas 1847
Benson, Wm. H. 1843 Brewer, W.A. 1844
Bewsick, Sam'l 1848 Brewer, W.A. 1845
Billingsly, Saml. 1845 Brewer, W.A. 1847
Bittick, Francis 1834 Brewer, W.A. 1848
Bittick, Francis 1835 Brewer, W.L. 1841
Bittick, Francis 1837 Brewer, W.L. 1845
Bittick, Francis 1838 Brewer, W.L. 1846
Bittick, Francis 1839 Brewer, William 1836
Bittick, Francis 1840 Brewer, William 1837
Bittick, Francis 1845 Brewer, William 1838
Bittick, Jesse 1834 Brewer, William 1841
Bittick, Jesse 1835 Brewer, William 1847
Bittick, Jesse 1836 Brewer, William L. 1843
Bittick, Jesse 1837 Brewer, William Sr. 1841
Bittick, Jesse 1838 Brewer, Wm. 1834
Bittick, Jesse 1839 Brewer, Wm. 1835
Bittick, Jesse 1840 Brewer, Wm. 1839
Bittick, Jesse 1841 Brewer, Wm. 1840
Bittick, Jesse 1842 Brewer, Wm. 1842
Bittick, Jesse 1843 Brewer, Wm. 1844
Bittick, Jesse 1844 Brewer, Wm. 1845
Bittick, Jesse 1845 Brewer, Wm. 1846
Bittick, Jesse 1846 Brewer, Wm. A. 1840
Bittick, Jesse 1847 Brewer, Wm. A. 1842
Bittick, Jesse 1848 Brewer, Wm. A. 1843
Bittick, John 1848 Brewer, Wm. A. 1846
Bittick, Robert 1834 Brewer, Wm. L. 1834
Bittick, Robert 1835 Brewer, Wm. L. 1835
Bittick, Robert 1836 Brewer, Wm. L. 1847
Bittick, Robert 1837 Brinley, Ben 1843
Bittick, Robert 1838 Brinley, Benonia 1844
Bittick, Robert 1840 Brinley, Jacob 1834
Bittick, Robert 1843 Brinley, Jacob 1835
Bittick, Robert 1848 Brinley, Jacob 1836
Bittick, Robt. 1839 Brinley, Jacob 1837
Bittick, Robt. 1841 Brinley, Jacob 1838
Bittick, Robt. 1844 Brinley, Jacob 1839
Bittick, Robt. 1845 Brinley, Jacob 1840
Bittick, Robt. 1846 Brinley, Jacob 1842
Bittick, Robt. 1847 Brinley, Jacob 1843
Bizzell, Thomas B. 1843 Brinley, Jacob 1844
Bizzel, W.H. 1839 Brinley, Jacob 1845
Bizzel, W.H. 1840 Brinley, Mathias 1834
Bizzel, W.H. 1841 Brinley, Mathias 1835
Bizzell, Wm. H. 1842 Brinley, Mathias 1836
Black, James M. 1839 Brinley, Mathias 1837
Blackwood, A. 1848 Brinley, Mathias 1838
Blair, S.C. 1845 Brinley, Mathias 1839
Blair, S.C. 1848 Brinley, Mathias ----
Blair, Silas C. 1834 adjoining Jacob 1839
Blair, Silas C. 1835 Brinly, Jacob 1841
Blair, Silas C. 1836 Brock, Jackson 1844
Blair, Silas C. 1837 Brock, Jackson 1845
Blair, Silas C. 1838 Brock, Jackson 1846
Blair, Silas C. 1840 Brock, Jackson 1847
Blair, Silas C. 1843 Brock, Jackson 1848
Blair, Silas C. 1847 Brock, Leonard 1846
Blaylock, Willis 1841 Brock, Leonard 1847
Blaylock, Willis 1842 Brock, Leonard 1848
Blaylock, Willis 1843 Brock, Moses 1844
Blocker, J. Estate 1843 Brock, Moses 1846
Blocker, Jno. 1844 Brock, Moses 1847
Blocker, Jno. 1845 Brock, Moses 1848
Blocker, Jno. Est. 1845 Brock, Sam'l 1846
Blocker, Jno. Est. 1846 Brock, Sam'l 1847
Blocker, Jno. Estate 1844 Brock, Sam'l 1848
Blocker, John 1834 Brown, Gabriel 1834
Blocker, John 1835 Brown, Gabriel 1835
Blocker, John 1836 Brown, Gabriel 1836
Blocker, John 1837 Brown, Gabriel 1837
Blocker, John 1838 Brown, Gabriel 1838
Blocker, John 1842 Brown, Gabriel 1840
Blocker, John 1843 Brown, Joseph 1834
Blocker, John 1846 Brown, Joseph 1835
Blocker, John 1847 Brown, Joseph 1836
Blocker, John Estate 1847 Brown, Joseph 1837
Blocker, John Estate 1848 Brown, Joseph 1838
Blocker, John Jnr. 1840 Brown, Joshua 1848
Blocker, John Jr. 1839 Brown, Wm. Jnr. 1834
Blocker, John Jr. 1841 Bruce, Wm. 1843
Blocker, John Snr. 1840 Brunson, Geo. 1840
Blocker, John Sr. 1839 Bullock, Blunt 1846
Blocker, John Sr. 1841 Bullock, Blunt 1847
Blocker, Sarah 1842 Bullock, David 1840
Blocker, William 1840 Bullock, David 1841
Blocker, William 1841 Bullock, David 1843
Blocker, William 1843 Burge, Jerry 1845
Blocker, Wm. 1839 Burge, Jerry 1846
Boggs, William 1848 Burkett, Jonas 1842
Boney, Christon 1846 Burkett, Jonas 1843
Bony, Christon 1845 Burkett, Jonas 1844
Boon, John 1846 Burket, Jonas 1845
Boon, John 1847 Burkett, Jonas 1846
Boon, John 1848 Burkett, Jonas 1847
Boon, William 1848 Burkett, Jonas 1848
Bratcher, Charles 1847 Burns, David 1836
Brewer, Elizabeth 1837 Burns, David 1837
Brewer, Harmin 1846 Burns, William 1836
Brewer, Harmon 1834 Burns, William 1837
Brewer, Harmon 1835 Burton, Standford 1842
Brewer, Harmon 1836 Burton, W.S. 1840
Brewer, Harmon 1837 Burton, W.S. 1842
Brewer, Harmon 1838 Burton, Wm. Sn. 1840
Brewer, Harmon 1839
Cain, D.G. 1843 Clifton, Levin 1839
Caldwell, A.J. 1843 Clifton, Levin 1840
Caldwell, A.J. 1844 Clifton, Levin 1841
Caldwell, A.J. 1845 Clifton, Levin 1843
Caldwell, A.J. 1846 Closson, The Estate ----
Caldwell, A.J. 1847 of William Lorenzo 1836
Caldwell, A.J. 1848 Cochran, Benjamin 1834
Calvert, James 1839 Coe, G.W. 1846
Calvert, James 1840 Coe, G.W. 1847
Campbell, D.R. 1846 Coe, George W. 1848
Campbell, D.R. 1847 Coker, J.J. 1839
Campbell, D.R. 1848 Coker, James 1837
Canady, Rubin 1846 Coker, James J. 1834
Cannon, R.W. 1843 Coker, James J. 1835
Cannon, R.W. 1844 Coker, James J. 1836
Cannon, R.W. 1845 Coker, James J. 1838
Cannon, R.W. 1846 Coker, James J. 1840
Cannon, R.W. 1847 Coker, John 1834
Canon, R.W. 1848 Coker, John 1835
Carol, William 1847 Coker, John 1836
Caroll, William 1848 Coker, John 1837
Carpenter, J.L. 1847 Cole, George 1845
Carpenter, Jesse 1840 Cole, S.C. 1847
Carpenter, Jesse 1841 Collier, Jackson 1838
Carpenter, Jesse 1843 Collier, Jackson 1839
Carpenter, Jesse 1844 Collier, Nathan 1834
Carpenter, Jesse 1845 Collier, Nathan 1835
Carpenter, Jesse 1846 Collier, Nathan 1836
Carpenter, Jesse 1847 Collier, Nathan 1837
Carpenter, Jesse 1848 Collier, Nathan 1838
Carpenter, Jno. Jr. 1845 Collier, Nathan 1839
Carpenter, Jno. Jr. 1846 Collier, Nathan 1840
Carpenter, Jno. Jr. 1848 Collier, Nathan 1841
Carpenter, Jno. Sr. 1845 Collier, Nathan 1844
Carpenter, Jno. Sr. 1846 Collier, Nathan 1845
Carpenter, Jno. Sr. 1848 Collier, Nathan 1846
Carpenter, John 1843 Collier, Nathan 1847
Carpenter, John Jnr. 1840 Collier, Nathan'l 1843
Carpenter, John Jr. 1841 Conner, Isham 1839
Carpenter, John Jr. 1843 Conner, Isham 1840
Carpenter, John Jr. 1844 Coner, Isom 1841
Carpenter, John Jr. 1847 Conway, T.J. 1847
Carpenter, John Snr. 1840 Conway, Thos. 1846
Carpenter, John Sr. 1841 Conway, Thos. J. 1842
Carpenter, John Sr. 1844 Conway, Thos. J. 1843
Carrold, W. 1846 Conway, Thos. J. 1848
Casterson, Sam'l 1841 Cook, Reuben 1835
Cesterson, Sam'l 1840 Cox, Lewis 1840
Cesterson, Sam'l 1845 Cox, Thomas 1837
Cesterson, Sam'l 1846 Cox, Thomas 1839
Cesterson, Saml. 1847 Cox, Thomas 1840
Chapman, Wm. 1848 Cox, Thomas 1841
Cisterson, Samuel 1839 Cox, Thos. 1838
Clark, Joel 1845 Crewis, Lewis 1841
Clark, Joel 1846 Crowel, Ezra 1838
Clark, Joel 1847 Crowel, Ezra 1839
Clark, Joel 1848 Crowell, Ezra 1840
Clemens, Isaac 1848 Cunningham, ___nan 1843
Clemens, John 1848
Daniel, John 1839 Dickson, David 1836
Daniel, John 1840 Dickson, David 1837
Daniel, John 1841 Dickson, David 1838
Daniel, John 1843 Dickson, David S. 1842
Daniel, John 1844 Dickson, Jno. 1848
Daniel, John 1845 Dickson, John 1834
Davenport, James 1842 Dickson, John 1835
Davis, Abijah 1834 Dickson, John 1836
Davis, Abijah 1835 Dickson, John 1837
Davis, Abijah 1836 Dickson, John 1838
Davis, Abijah 1837 Dickson, John 1839
Davis, Abijah 1838 Dickson, John 1840
Davis, Abijah 1839 Dickson, John 1841
Davis, Abijah 1840 Dickson, John 1842
Davis, Abijah 1841 Dickson, John 1843
Davis, Abijah 1842 Dickson, John 1844
Davis, Abijah 1843 Dickson, John 1845
Davis, Abijah 1844 Dickson, John 1846
Davis, Abijah 1845 Dickson, John 1847
Davis, Abijah 1846 Dickson, John M. 1834
Davis, Abijah 1847 Dickson, John M. 1835
Davis, Abijah 1848 Dickson, John M. 1836
Davis, Clem 1845 Dickson, John M. 1841
Davis, Clem't 1835 Dickson, Leroy 1847
Davis, Clement 1834 Dickson, Leroy 1848
Davis, Clement 1836 Dickson, Lucinda 1837
Davis, Clement 1837 Dickson, Lucinda 1838
Davis, Clement 1839 Dickson, S.A. 1844
Davis, Clement 1840 Dickson, S.A. 1845
Davis, Clement 1841 Dickson, S.A. 1846
Davis, Clement 1842 Dickson, S.A. 1848
Davis, Clemen(t) 1843 Dickson, S.B. 1839
Davis, Clement 1846 Dickson, S.B. 1845
Davis, Clement 1847 Dickson, S.B. 1846
Davis, Clement 1848 Dickson, Sam'l A. 1834
Davis, J.M. 1838 Dickson, Sam'l A. 1835
Davis, J.W. 1836 Dickson, Sam'l A. 1840
Davis, J.W. 1837 Dickson, Sam'l A. 1841
Davis, J.W. 1838 Dickson, Sam'l 1842
Davis, J.W. 1839 Dickson, Saml. 1847
Davis, J.W. & Wm. ---- Dickson, Saml. A. 1836
& Jno. H. Swink ---- Dickson, Saml. A. 1837
Administrators of ---- Dickson, Saml. A. 1839
Jonathan W. Davis 1841 Dickson, Samuel A. 1838
Davis, Matthew 1839 Dickson, Sion B. 1834
Davis, Mat(t)hew 1840 Dickson, Sion B. 1835
Davis, Merick 1840 Dickson, Sion B. 1836
Davis, Merick 1841 Dickson, Sion B. 1837
Davis, Myrick 1837 Dickson, Sion B. 1838
Davis, Myrick 1838 Dickson, Sion B. 1840
Davis, Stacy 1837 Dickson, Sion B. 1841
Davis, Stacy 1838 Dickson, Sion B. 1842
Davis, W. 1844 Dickson, Sion B. 1847
Davis, W. 1846 Dickson, Sion B. 1848
Davis, William (1) 1839 Dickson, W.T. 1840
Davis, William (2) 1839 Dickson, W.T. 1844
Davis, William 1840 Dickson, W.T. 1845
Davis, William (1) 1841 Dickson, W.T. 1846
Davis, William (2) 1841 Dickson, W.T. 1847
Davis, William 1843 Dickson, W.T. 1848
Davis, William (1) 1847 Dickson, William T. 1837
Davis, William (2) 1847 Dickson, Wm. T. 1834
Davis, William (1) 1848 Dickson, Wm. T. 1835
Davis, William (2) 1848 Dickson, Wm. T. 1836
Davis, Wm. 1842 Dickson, Wm. T. 1838
Davis, Wm. (1) 1845 Dickson, Wm. T. 1839
Davis, Wm. (2) 1845 Dickson, Wm. T. 1841
Davis, Wm. 1846 Dickson, Wm. T. 1842
Day, James 1843 Dickson, Wm. T. 1843
Dickson, D.S. 1834 Dillard, James 1845
Dickson, D.S. 1835 Dillard, James 1846
Dickson, D.S. 1836 Dillard, James 1847
Dickson, D.S. 1837 Dillard, James 1848
Dickson, D.S. 1838 Dixon, Sam A. 1843
Dickson, D.S. 1839 Dixon, Sion B. 1843
Dickson, D.S. 1840 Dossey, W.G. 1845
Dickson, D.S. 1841 Dossey, W.G. 1847
Dickson, D.S. 1844 Dossey, W.G. 1848
Dickson, D.S. 1845 Dossey, Wm. G. 1836
Dickson, D.S. 1846 Draper, Thos. 1839
Dickson, D.S. 1847 Draper, Thos. 1839
Dickson, D.S. 1848 Dunn, G.W. 1846
Dickson, David 1834 Dunn, W.G. 1845
Dickson, David 1835 Dupree, J.E. 1844
Eastes, Russel 1834 Efland, George 1838
Eastwood, Lewis 1846 Eldredge, Nathan 1846
Edwards, John 1834 Eldridge, Nathan 1847
Edwards, John 1835 Elliott & Huddleston 1841
Edwards, John 1836 Elliott, M. 1838
Edwards, John 1837 Elliott, M.C. 1839
Edwards, John 1838 Eliott, M.C. 1840
Edwards, John 1839 Elridge, Nathan 1848
Edw(a)rds, John 1840 Elworth, John 1840
Edwards, John 1841 Estes, Russel 1835
Edwards, John 1842 Evans, J.M. 1845
Edwards, John 1843 Evans, J.M. 1846
Edwards, Thos. 1848 Evans, J.M. 1848
Effland, George 1834 Evans, James M. 1847
Efland, George 1835
Falkner, H.A. 1839 Ford, Absalom 1838
Falkner, H.A. 1840 Ford, Absalom 1839
Falkner, Henry 1838 Ford, Absalom 1840
Falkner, L.N. 1839 Ford, Absalom 1841
Falkner, L.N. 1840 Ford, Burrell 1840
Falkner, Lewis 1838 Forkiner, Hiram A. 1841
Falkner, Nathan 1839 Forkner, Hiram A. 1842
Falkner, Nathan 1838 Forkner, Lewis 1841
Farmer, W.D. 1844 Franklin, Sol'm 1846
Farmer, Wm. D. 1840 Franklin, Wm. J. 1843
Farmer, Wm. D. 1843 Franks, Abraham 1842
Felvel, Jennis 1848
Galbreath, Jo(s) 1845 Gould, W.B. 1844
Galbreath, Josep(h) 1841 Gould, W.B. 1845
Galbreath, Joseph 1842 Gould, W.B. 1846
Galbreath, Joseph 1843 Gould, Wm. B. 1843
Galbreath, Joseph 1844 Graham, J.R. 1846
Galbreath, Josep(h) 1846 Graves, Alexander 1848
Galiher, John 1841 Graves, Joseph 1848
Galiher, John 1844 Gray, Isaac 1845
Gallehor, John 1840 Green, Aron 1842
Garner, T.R. 1843 Green, Armstead 1841
Garner, T.R. 1845 Green, J.W. 1843
Garner, T.R. 1848 Green, J.W. 1844
Garner, Thomas 1839 Green, J.W. 1845
Garner, Thomas R. 1840 Green, Jeremiah 1834
Garner, Thos. R. 1841 Green, Jeremiah 1836
Garner, Thos. R. 1844 Green, Jeremiah 1837
Garner, Thos. R. 1846 Green, Jeremiah 1839
Garner, Thos. R. 1847 Green, Jeremiah 1843
Gay, Edmon 1843 Green, Jerry 1844
Gay, Edmund 1839 Green, Jno. 1841
Gay, Edmun(d) 1840 Green, Jno. 1846
Gentry, J.M. 1848 Green, John 1834
Gentry, James M. 1847 Green, John 1835
Gentry, William 1838 Green, John 1836
Gentry, William 1840 Green, John 1837
Gentry, Wm. 1839 Green, John 1838
Gillmore, William 1836 Green, John 1839
Gillmore, Wm. 1842 Green, John 1840
Gillmore, Wm. 1843 Green, John 1842
Gillmore, Wm. 1844 Green, John 1843
Gillmore, Wm. 1846 Green, John 1844
Gilmer, William 1837 Green, John 1845
Gilmer, William 1840 Green, John 1847
Gilmer, William 1847 Green, John 1848
Gilmer, William 1848 Green, John W. 1842
Gilmer, Wm. 1838 Green, Rich'd 1842
Gilmer, Wm. 1839 Green, Richard 1841
Gilmer, Wm. 1841 Green, Washington 1841
Gilmore, Wm. 1845 Griffin, Green 1844
Girtman, Daniel 1834 Griffin, Green 1845
Girtman, Daniel 1835 Griffin, Green 1846
Glasscock, G.W. 1847 Griffin, Green 1848
Glasscock, Geo. 1846 Griffin, J.E. 1839
Glenn, John 1847 Griffin, J.E. 1840
Glenn, John 1848 Griffin, J.E. 1845
Golden, James 1840 Griffin, J.E. 1846
Goliher, Jno. 1842 Griffin, J.E. 1848
Gollihar, John 1834 Griffin, James E. 1838
Gollihar, John 1835 Griffin, James E. 1841
Gollihar, John 1837 Griffin, James E. 1842
Gollihar, John 1838 Griffin, James E. 1844
Gollihar, John 1839 Griffin, James E. 1847
Gollihar, Matthew 1835 Griffin, Wade 1838
Golliher, Thos. M. 1847 Griffin, Wade 1839
Gollihor, John 1836 Griffin, Wade 1840
Gollihor, Matthew 1836 Griffin, Wade 1841
Goodman, Arch 1841 Griffin, Wade 1844
Goodman, Arch 1842 Griffin, Wade 1848
Goodman, Joseph 1837 Griffin(g), L.B. 1837
Goodman, Joseph 1841 Griffin(g), L.B. 1838
Goodman, Josiah 1838 Griffin(g), L.B. 1839
Goodman, Josiah 1839 Griffin(g), L.B. 1840
Gott, Rich'd 1844 Guest, John & ----
Gott, Rich'd Jr. 1845 Joseph Guest 1835
Gott, Rich'd Sr. 1845 Guest, Martin 1834
Hale, E.G. 1843 Holliday, W.H. 1844
Hale, E.G. 1844 Holliday, W.H. 1845
Hale, E.G. 1845 Holliday, W.H. 1848
Hale, E.G. 1846 Holliday, Wm. H. 1843
Hale, E.G. 1847 Ho(l)mes, Jesse 1840
Hale, E.G. 1848 Hoover, Casander 1846
Hale, E.G. & John 1840 Hoover, Cassandra 1847
Hale, E.G. & Jno. 1841 Hoover, Cassandra 1848
Hale, Elbert G. 1842 Hopkins, John 1834
Halkins, W. 1843 Hopkins, John 1835
Hall, S.P. 1847 Hopkins, John 1836
Hall, Samuel 1848 Hopkins, John 1837
Hamie, W. 1848 Hopkins, John 1838
Hancock, A.H. 1837 Hopkins, Thomas 1834
Hancock, A.H. 1841 Hopkins, Thomas 1835
Hancock, A.H. 1843 Hopkins, Thomas 1836
Hancock, Ab H. 1842 Hopkins, Thos. 1837
Hancock, Abner 1834 Hopkins, Thos. 1838
Hancock, Abner 1835 Hopkins, Thos. 1847
Hancock, Abner 1836 Huddleston & Elliot 1843
Hancock, Abner 1838 Huddleston, D.C.K. 1845
Hancock, Abner 1839 Huddleston, D.L. 1844
Hancock, Abner 1840 Huddleston, D.L. 1845
Hancock, Abner 1844 Huddleston, D.L. 1846
Hancock, Abner 1845 Huddleston, David 1836
Hancock, Abner 1846 Huddleston, David 1837
Hancock, Abner 1847 Huddleston, David 1838
Hancock, Abner 1848 Huddleston, David 1839
Hancock, J.D. 1848 Huddleston, David 1840
Hancock, John D. 1847 Huddleston, David 1841
Hancock, W. 1844 Hud(d)leston, David 1842
Hancock, W.J. 1846 Huddleston, David 1843
Hancock, William 1838 Huddleston, David 1844
Hancock, William 1847 Huddleston, David 1845
Hancock, Wm. 1837 Huddleston, David 1846
Hancock, Wm. 1839 Huddleston, David 1847
Hancock, Wm. 1840 Huddleston, David 1848
Hancock, Wm. 1842 Huddleston, David L. 1843
Hancock, Wm. 1843 Huddleston, J.W. 1837
Hancock, Wm. 1845 Huddleston, J.W. 1839
Hancock, Wm. 1846 Huddleston, J.W. 1840
Hancock, Wm. T. 1834 Huddleston, J.W. 1841
Hancock, Wm. T. 1835 Huddleston, J.W. 1844
Hancock, Wm. T. 1836 Huddleston, Jno. 1848
Hardin, A.K. 1836 Huddleston, Jno. W. 1842
Hardin, A.K. 1837 Huddleston, John W. 1843
Hardin, A.K. 1838 Huddleston, Lewis 1844
Hardin, A.K. 1839 Huddleston, Lewis 1845
Hardin, Joseph 1838 Huddleston, Lewis 1846
Harel, Thompson 1842 Huddleston, Lewis 1847
Harl, Thompson 1839 Huddleston, Lewis 1848
Harl, Thompson 1845 Huddleston, Sa___ 1848
Harl, Thompson 1846 Huddleston, W.J. 1846
Harl, Thompson 1847 Huddleston, W.L. 1844
Harrell, Tho. 1840 Huddleston, W.L. 1845
Harris, A.F. 1842 Huddleston, W.L. 1847
Harris, A.F. 1843 Huddleston, Wm. 1838
Harris, A.F. 1844 Hudsen, Davis 1848
Hasley, Sam'l 1840 Hudson, Jack 1846
Hasley, Sam'l 1842 Hudson, Joab 1846
Hasley, Sam'l 1845 Huet, James L. 1843
Hasley, Sam'l. 1835 Hughes, Andrew 1834
Hasley, Saml. 1836 Hughes, Andrew 1835
Hasley, Saml. 1837 Hughes, Andrew 1836
Hasley, Saml. 1839 Hughes, Andy 1838
Hasley, Samuel 1834 Hughes, A(n)dy 1840
Hasley, Samuel 1838 Hughes, J. 1845
Hasly, Samuel 1841 Hughes, J.H. 1844
Hasley, Samuel 1844 Hughes, J.H. 1845
Hasty, Sam C. 1847 Hughes, J.H. 1846
Hay, Daniel 1845 Hughes, J.H. 1848
Hay, Isaac 1845 Hughes, James 1834
Hay, Isaac 1846 Hughes, James 1835
Helm, John 1842 Hughes, James 1836
Helm, Owen 1842 Hughes, James 1837
Henderson, A. 1845 Hughes, James 1838
Henderson, Abner 1846 Hughes, James 1839
Henderson, Abner 1847 Hughes, James 1840
Henderson, Abner 1848 Hughes, James 1841
Henderson, David 1847 Hughes, James 1842
Henry, James 1839 Hughes, James 1843
Henry, James 1840 Hughes, James (1) 1844
Henry, James 1841 Hughes, James (2) 1844
Henry, James 1842 Hughes, Jno. 1845
Henry, James 1843 Hughes, Jno. Estate 1847
Henry, James 1844 Hughes, Jno. H. 1847
Hensley, G.W. 1835 Hughes, John 1834
Hensley, G.W. 1837 Hughes, John 1835
Hensley, Geo. 1844 Hughes, John 1836
Hensley, Geo. W. 1834 Hughes, John 1837
Hensley, Geo. W. 1840 Hughes, John 1838
Hensley, George 1839 Hughes, John 1839
Hensley, George 1842 Hughes, John 1840
Hensley, George 1843 Hughes, John 1841
Hensley, George W. 1836 Hughes, John 1842
Hensley, George W. 1838 Hughes, John 1843
Henson, Jno. 1848 Hughes, John 1844
Henthorn, C.M. 1841 Hughes, Nathan 1834
Henthorn, Cyrus 1839 Hughes, Nathan 1843
Henthorn, Cyrus 1840 Hughes, T.M. 1844
Henthorn, Cyrus 1843 Hughes, T.M. 1845
Henthorn, Cyrus 1844 Hughes, Thos. M. 1842
Henthorn, Cyrus 1845 Hughes, Thos. M. 1843
Henthorn, Cyrus 1847 Hughes, William 1836
Henthorn, Cyrus 1848 Hughes, William 1837
Henthorn, Ja's. 1835 Hughes, William 1840
Henthorn, James 1834 Hughes, William 1841
Henthorn, James 1836 Hughes, William 1842
Henthorn, James 1837 Hughes, William (1) 1847
Henthorn, James 1838 Hughes, William (2) 1847
Henthorn, James 1839 Hughes, Wm. 1834
Henthorn, James 1840 Hughes, Wm. 1835
Henthorn, James 1841 Hughes, Wm. 1838
Henthorn, James 1843 Hughes, Wm. 1839
Henthorn, James 1844 Hughes, Wm. 1843
Henthorn, Jas. 1845 Hughes, Wm. Jr. 1844
Henthorn, Jas. 1846 Hughes, Wm. Jr. 1845
Herreld, Thompson 1841 Hughes, Wm. Sr. 1844
Hill, James 1842 Hughes, Wm. Sr. 1845
Hill, James 1844 Hughett, J.L. 1845
Holliday, Peter 1834 Hughett, J.O. 1846
Holliday, Peter 1835 Hughett, J.O. 1848
Holliday, Peter 1836 Hughett, Jas. L. 1844
Holliday, Peter 1837 Hughett, Jno. 1845
Holliday, Peter 1838 Hussey, E.W. 1845
Holliday, Peter 1839 Hussy, E.W. 1846
Hollida(y), Peter 1840 Hutson, David 1847
Hollida(y), Peter 1841 Hutson, Isaac 1847
Holliday, Peter Est. 1846 Hutson, Isaac 1848
Holliday, Peter Estate 1847 Hutson, Joab 1847
Holliday, Thos. 1848 Hutson, Joab 1848
Holiday, Wm. H. 1842
Jackson, A.K. 1848 Jentory, Jas. M. 1846
Jackson, J.C. 1848 Jhonston, Micajah 1844
Jackson, J.L. 1848 Johnson, Charles 1847
Jackson, James 1845 Johnson, Lawson 1834
Jackson, James C. 1847 Johnson, Lawson 1835
Jackson, Jas. 1846 Johnson, Lawson 1836
Jackson, Jas. Sr. 1846 Johnson, Micajah 1841
Jackson, W. 1848 Johnson, William 1837
Jackson, William 1843 Johnson, William 1843
Jackson, William 1847 Johnson, Wm. 1841
Jackson, Wm. 1844 Johnston, Charles 1841
Jackson, Wm. 1845 Johnston, Charles 1842
Jackson, Wm. Sr. 1846 Johnston, Charles 1843
Jacobs, English 1834 Johnston, Charles 1844
Jacobs, English 1835 Johnston, Charles 1846
Jacobs, English 1836 Johnson, Charles 1848
Jacobs, English 1837 Johnston, James 1837
Jacobs, English 1838 Johnston, James 1838
Jacobs, English 1839 Johnston, James 1839
Jacobs, English 1840 Johnston, M. 1845
Jacobs, English 1841 Johnston, Mi. 1846
Jacobs, English 1842 Johnston, Mj. 1839
Jacobs, English 1843 Johnston, Mj. 1840
Jacobs, English 1844 John(ston), Micajah 1836
Jacobs, English 1845 John(ston), Micajah 1837
Jacobs, English 1846 Johnston, Micajah 1838
Jacobs, English 1848 Johnson, Mic(a)jah 1842
Jacobs, John 1834 Johnston, M(i)cajah 1843
Jacobs, John 1835 Johnson, Micajah 1847
Jacobs, John 1836 Johnson, W. 1848
Jacobs, John 1837 Johnston, William 1836
Jacobs, John 1838 Johnson, William 1842
Jacobs, John 1840 Johnson, William 1847
Jacobs, John 1841 Johnston, Wm. 1838
Jacobs, John 1844 Johnston, Wm. 1839
Jacobs, John 1845 Johnston, Wm. 1840
Jacobs, John 1846 Johnston, Wm. 1844
Jacobs, John 1847 Johnston, Wm. 1846
Jacobs, John 1848 Joiner, J.W. 1847
James, E.L. 1848 Joiner, J.W. 1848
James, Enoch L. 1847 Joiner, Wesley 1842
James, Henry 1845 Joiner, Wesley 1843
Jenkins, David 1844 Jones, Absalom 1838
Jenkins, Jesse 1838 Jones, Absalom 1839
Jenkins, Jesse 1839 Jones, Absalom 1840
Jenkins, Jesse 1841 Jones, Absalom 1841
Jenkins, Jesse 1842 Jones, Absalom 1842
Jenkins, Jesse 1843 Jones, Absalom 1843
Jenkins, Jesse 1844 Jones, Absalom 1844
Jenkins, Jesse 1845 Jones, Absalom 1845
Jenkins, Jesse 1847 Jones, Absalom 1846
Jenkins, Jesse 1848 Jones, D.D. 1848
Jenkins, Thomas 1836 Jones, William 1840
Jenkins, Thomas 1840 Jones, Wm. G. 1841
Jenkins, Thomas 1843 Jones, Wm. J. 1842
Jenkins, Thos. 1841 Joniner, J.W. 1844
Jenkins, Thos. 1842 Jordan & Marks 1840
Jenkins, Thos. 1844 Jourden, Sam'l J. 1843
Jenkins, Thos. 1845 Justice, J.B. 1844
Jenkins, Thos. 1848 Justice, Jacob B. 1842
Jenkins, W.N. 1844 Justice, Jacob B. 1843
Jenkinses 1838 Justice, Richard 1843
Jentory, James 1845 Justiss, J.B. 1845
Keer, J.L. 1839 Kestersen, Saml. 1848
Keer, James L. 1838 Kesterson, Sam'l 1844
Kelley, Elijah 1834 Kirkham, J.H. 1834
Kelley, Elijah 1835 Kirkham, J.H. 1838
Kelley, Elijah 1836 Kirkham, J.H. 1840
Kelley, Elijah 1837 Kirkham, J.H. 1841
Kelley, Elijah 1838 Kirkham, J.H. 1843
Kelley, Elijah 1839 Kirkham, J.H. 1846
Kelley, Elijah 1840 Kirkham, J.H. 1847
Kelley, Elijah 1841 Kirkham, J.H. 1848
Kelley, Elijah 1842 Kirkham, James 1839
Kelley, Elijah 1843 Kirkham, James 1836
Kelley, Elijah 1844 Kirkham, James 1844
Kelley, Elijah 1845 Kirkham, James H. 1837
Kelley, Elijah 1846 Kirkham, James H. 1842
Kelley, Elijah 1847 Kizzia, Hiram 1837
Kelley, Elijah Jr. 1848 Kizzia, Hiram 1839
Kelley, Elijah Sr. 1848 Kizzia, Hiram 1840
Kelley, Giles 1841 Kizzia, J.C. 1840
Kelley, Giles 1842 Kizzia, James 1839
Kelley, Giles 1843 Kizzia, James 1843
Kelley, Giles 1844 Kizzia, James 1847
Kelley, R.M. 1845 Kizzia, James C. 1842
Kelley, Robert 1842 Kizzia, James C. 1843
Kelley, Robert 1843 Kizzia, James C. 1847
Kelley, Robt. 1844 Kizzia, James Jr. 1840
Kelley, Robt. 1846 Kizzia, James Snr. 1840
Kelley, Robt. 1847 Kizzia, John 1839
Kelley, Robt. 1848 Kizzia, Thomas J. 1843
Kelley, Saml. 1839 Kizzia, Thos. J. 1847
Kelley, W. 1844 Kizzia, William 1842
Kelley, Wesley 1842 Kizzia, Wm. 1839
Kelley, Wesley 1844 Kizzia, Wm. 1843
Kelley, Wesley 1845 Kizziah, Hiram 1838
Kelley, Wesley 1846 Kizziah, John 1838
Kelley, Wesley 1847 Kizziar, Hiram 1841
Kelley, Wesley 1848 Kizziar, J.C. 1844
Kelley, William 1835 Kizziar, J.C. 1845
Kelley, William 1836 Kizziar, J.C. 1846
Kelley, William 1837 Kizziar, J.C. 1848
Kelley, William 1838 Kizziar, James 1841
Kelley, William 1840 Kizziar, James 1842
Kelley, William 1841 Kizziar, James 1844
Kelley, William 1842 Kizziar, James 1845
Kelley, William 1843 Kizziar, James 1846
Kelley, William 1847 Kizziar, James Sr. 1848
Kelley, William 1848 Kizziar, T.J. 1845
Kelley, Wm. 1834 Kizziar, T.J. 1848
Kelley, Wm. 1839 Kizziar, Thos. 1844
Kelley, Wm. 1845 Kizziar, Thos. 1846
Kelley, Wm. 1846 Kizziar, Wm. 1844
Kennedy, R. 1848 Kizziar, Wm. 1845
Kennedy, R.W. 1848 Kizziar, Wm. 1846
Kennedy, Rheubin 1847 Kizziar, Wm. C. 1841
Lackey, J.C. 1845 Latimer, Isom 1841
Lacky, J.C. 1848 Latimore, I.P. 1840
Lail, Jno. 1848 Lattimore, I.P. 1845
Laird, Patrick 1847 Lattimore, I.P. 1846
Laird, Patrick 1848 Lattimore, I.P. 1847
Landers, Major 1843 Lattimore, Isam 1844
Landers, Major 1844 Lattimore, Isham 1842
Landers, Major 1847 Lattimore, Isham P. 1843
Landers, Major 1848 Lenvell, John 1844
Langdon, Robert 1842 Linn, Levi 1846
Langdon, Robert Estate 1847 Linville, Jno. 1845
Langdon, Robert M. 1843 Linville, Richard 1834
Langdon, Robt. Est. 1845 Linvill(e), Worly 1844
Langdon, Robt. Est. 1846 Linville, Worly 1845
Langdon, Robt. Est. 1848 Long, James 1839
Langdon, Robt. Estate 1844 Long, James 1840
Langdon, Robt. M. 1841 Loudwell, W.B. 1841
Latimer, I.P. 1848 Lupton, Richard 1842
Latimer, Isham 1839
Maddin, Charles 1837 McLaughlin, W.C. 1848
Madin, Charles 1838 McLaughlin, W.F. 1844
Ma(d)ra, Lazarus 1839 McLaughlin, W.F. 1845
Madra, La. 1840 McLaughlin, W.F. 1846
Madry, Lasry 1845 McLaughlin, W.F. 1847
Mansfield, J.C. 1839 McLaughlin, W.F. 1848
Mansfield, J.C. 1840 McLene(n) , Jno. 1848
Mansfield, J.C. 1844 McLinton, Jno. 1845
Mansfield, J.C. 1845 McMenas, Joseph 1847
Mansfield, J.C. 1846 McMennis, Jo. 1846
Mansfield, J.C. 1847 McNorton, Hugh 1840
Mansfield, J.C. 1848 McWalkins, J.M. 1840
Mansfield, James C. 1838 McWalkins, James 1843
Mansfield, James C. 1842 McWalkins, James 1844
Mansfield, Jas. C. 1841 McWalkins, James 1847
Manuel, Wm. 1841 McWalkins, James 1848
Marks & Jordan 1837 McWalkins, Jas. 1845
Marks & Jordan 1839 McWalkins, Jas. 1846
Marks & Jordan 1841 McWalkins, Jas. C. 1842
Marks & Jordan 1845 (Mc)Walkins, Jas. M. 1841
Marks & Jordan 1847 Medford, Johnathan 1839
Marks & Jordan 1848 Melson, J.G. 1834
Marks (&) Jourden 1838 Melson, J.G. 1838
Marks & Jourden 1846 Melson, J.G. 1839
Mason, Phillip 1836 Melson, Ja's. G. 1835
Massey, P.F. 1839 Melson, James G. 1836
Massey, P.P. 1842 Melson, James G. 1837
Massey, P.P. 1843 Melson, Solmon 1838
Massey, P.P. 1844 Melson, Solomon 1836
Massey, P.P. 1845 Melson, Solomon 1837
Massy, P.P. 1840 Melson, Solomon 1839
Massy, P.P. 1841 Melson, Solomon 1840
Mayberry, David 1834 Melson, Thomas 1834
Mayberry, David 1835 Melson, Thomas 1835
McDaniel, Leroy 1841 Melson, Thomas 1836
McDonald, Alvin 1848 Melson, Thomas 1843
McDonald, Robert 1843 Melson, Thos. 1844
McDoneld, Alex. 1838 Messer, Robert 1843
McDoneld, Alex. 1841 Messer, Robt. 1844
McDoneld, Alvin 1838 Messer, Robt. 1845
McDoneld, Alvin 1841 Miles, Joel 1839
McDoneld, Alvin 1842 Millsap, Jas. 1844
McDoneld, J.M. 1841 Millwee, S.H. 1839
McDoneld, James 1838 Mill(e)r, J.B. 1845
McDoneld, Jas. M. 1842 Milson, Thomas 1840
McDoneld, Leroy 1842 Milson, Thomas 1842
McDoneld, Robert 1838 Milson, Thos. 1839
McDoneld, Robt. 1841 Mitchell, A. 1844
McDoniel, Alvin 1839 Mitchell, A. 1845
McDoniel, Leroy 1839 Mitchell, Allen 1846
McDoniel, Leroy 1840 Mitchell, Allen 1847
McDonield & Stone 1840 Mitchell, Allen 1848
McDonield, Alex. 1839 Mobley, David 1837
McDonield, Alex. 1840 Mobley, David 1838
McDonield, Alvin 1844 Mobley, David 1839
McDonield, J.M. 1839 Mobley, David 1840
McDonield, J.M. 1840 Mobley, David 1841
McDonield, Robt. 1839 Mobley, David 1842
McDonield, Robt. 1840 Mobley, David 1843
McDonield, Robt. 1842 Mobley, David 1844
McIntyre, Richard 1836 Mobley, David 1845
McLaughlin, H.G. 1834 Mobley, David 1846
McLaughlin, H.G. 1835 Mobley, David Jr. 1847
McLaughlin, J.C 1839 Mobley, David Jr. 1848
McLaughlin, J.C. 1840 Mobley, David Sr. 1847
McLaughlin, J.C. 1841 Mobley, David Sr. 1848
McLaughlin, J.C. 1844 Mobley, William 1838
McLaughlin, J.C. 1845 Mobley, William 1840
McLaughlin, J.C. 1846 Mobley, William 1841
McLaughlin, J.C. 1847 Mobley, William 1842
McLaughlin, Jno. 1842 Mobley, William 1843
McLaughlin, John 1838 Mobley, William 1847
McLaughlin, John 1843 Mobley, Wm. 1839
McLaughlin, W.C. 1841 Mobley, Wm. 1844
McLaughlin, W.C. 1842 Mobley, Wm. 1845
McLaughlin, W.C. 1843 Mobley, Wm. 1846
McLaughlin, W.C. 1844 Mobley, Wm. 1848
McLaughlin, W.C. 1846 Morris, Isaac A. 1842
McLaughlin, W.C. 1847 Morris, J.A. 1841
Nelson, R. 1848 Newman, Moses 1835
Nelson, Robt. 1845 Newman, Moses 1836
Nelson, Robt. 1846 Newman, Moses 1837
Nelson, Robt. 1847 Newman, Moses 1838
Nelson, Sam'l 1845 Newman, Moses 1839
Nelson, Sam'l 1846 Newman, Moses 1840
Nelson, Sam'l 1847 Newton, William 1843
Nelson, Saml. 1848 Newton, Wm. 1844
Newman, Moses 1834
Oliver, W.H. 1841 Orrick, Andrew B. 1843
Oliver, W.H. 1843 Orrick, William 1842
Oliver, W.H. 1844 Orrick, William 1843
Oliver, W.H. 1846 Orrick, Wm. J. 1842
Oliver, W.H. 1848 Owens, David 1848
Oliver, William 1839 Owens, Edwin 1841
Oliver, Wm. 1840 Owens, Edw. 1842
Oliver, Wm. H. 1842 Owens, Edwin 1844
Orrick, A.B. 1844 Owens, Edwin 1845
Orrick, A.B. 1845 Owens, Edwin 1846
Orrick, A.B. 1847 Owens, Edwin 1847
Orrick, A.B. 1848 Owens, Edwin 1848
Orrick, And B. 1842
Patterson, E.R. 1843 Preston, W.H. 1841
Patterson, Edmon R. 1842 Preston, W.H. 1842
Pearce, Jesse 1836 Preston, W.H. 1845
Pearce, S.E. guardian ---- Preston, W.H. 1846
for Wesly Loller 1848 Preston, W.H. 1847
Pearce, Samuel E. 1847 Preston, W.H. 1848
Pierce, Jesse 1834 Price, Erwin 1834
Pierce, Jesse 1835 Price, Ervin 1835
Pike County, ---- Price, Ervin 1836
Commissioners of, ---- Price, Ervin 1837
Stone, F.G., Robt. ---- Price, Ervin 1838
McDonald, Elijah ---- Price, Ervin 1839
Kelley, John Hughes & ---- Price, Ervin 1840
Henry Brewer 1841 Price, Ervin 1841
Polston, Jno. 1848 Price, Erwin 1842
Prator, F.P. 1840 Price, Erwin 1843
Prator, Phillip 1839 Prince, C.G.M. 1842
Prator, Phillip 1841 Propes, H.J. 1846
Preston, Henry 1847 Propes, H.J. 1847
Preston, Henry 1848
Rainey, John 1834 Roberson 1847
Rainey, John 1838 Roberson 1848
Rainey, John 1839 Rob(er)son, Benjamin 1841
Rainey, John 1841 Roberson, B.F. 1845
Rainy, John 1835 Roberson, B.J. 1844
Rainy, John 1840 Roberson, B.J. 1846
Rainy, John 1846 Roberson, B.J. 1847
Rainy, John 1847 Roberson, B.J. 1848
Ramsey, W.F.B. 1847 Roberson, Bj. 1839
Ramsey, Wm. F.B. 1843 Roberson, J.B. 1840
Ramsy, W.F.B. 1844 Roberson, Saml. 1837
Ramsy, W.F.B. 1846 Roberson, Samuel 1838
Randle, Owen 1839 Roberts, Mason 1834
Rany, John 1844 Roberts, William 1836
Raney, John 1845 Roberts, Wm. 1834
Rany, John 1848 Roberts, Wm. 1835
Rasser, Josiah 1843 Roberts, Wm. 1838
Ray, Wm. 1846 Roberts, Wm. 1839
Raymond & Anderson 1845 Robert(s), Wm. 1840
Raymond & Anderson 1846 Robinson, B.J. 1843
Raymond & Anderson 1847 Rodgers. H.H. 1840
Raymond & Anderson 1848 Rodgers, Harmon 1848
Redding, Joseph 1837 Rodgers, J.R. 1848
Redding, Joseph 1839 Rogers, Chesl(e)y 1840
Reece, J.G. 1848 Rogers, Chesley 1843
Re(e)der, M. 1835 Rogers, Chesly 1841
Reeder, Micajah 1836 Rogers, Harmin 1844
Reeder, Micajah 1837 Rogers, Harmon 1847
Reeder Micajah 1840 Rogers, J.R. 1845
Reeves, Willis 1834 Rogers, James 1847
Reeves, Willis 1836 Rogers, John 1841
Reeves, Willis 1837 Rogers, John 1844
Reeves, Willis 1839 Rogers, John R. 1846
Reeves, Willis 1840 Rogers, John R. 1847
Reeves, Willis 1841 Rosser, Josiah 1844
Reeves, Willis 1844 Rosser, Josiah 1845
Reeves, Willis 1845 Rosser, Josiah 1846
Reeves, Willis 1846 Rosser, Josiah 1847
Reeves, Willis 1847 Rosser, Josiah 1848
Reeves, Willis 1848 Royston, G.D. 1846
Renfro, E.W. 1844 Royston, G.D. 1847
Right, John 1844 Royston, G.D. 1848
Right, John 1845 Russey, John 1846
Roberson 1846
Sampson, Jesse 1847 Simpson, Samuel 1836
Sanders, Daniel 1840 Simpson, Samuel 1843
Sanders, J.T. 1843 Sites, Joseph 1848
Sanders, J.T. 1845 Slone, H.C. 1848
Sanders, J.T. 1846 Sloot, John 1838
Sanders, John T. 1842 Smawley, Josiah 1834
Sanders, Samuel 1839 Smith, George 1838
Saunders, J.T. 1847 Smith, John 1840
Scott, Ben 1844 Smith, Phillip 1838
Scott, Benj. 1842 Smith, Phillip 1841
Scott, Benj. 1845 Smith, Rob't 1835
Scott, Benjamin 1841 Smith, Robert 1834
Scot(t), Benjamin 1843 S__oes, J.C. 1848
Scott, James 1839 Sorrels, J.L. 1835
Scott, James 1840 Sorrels, J.L. 1836
Scott, James 1841 Sorrels, James L. 1834
Scott, James 1842 Sorrels, James L. 1837
Scott, James 1843 Sorrels, P.C. 1834
Scott, James 1844 Sorrels, P.C. 1835
Scott, James 1845 Sorrels, Rebecca 1837
Scott, James 1846 Sorrels, S.J. 1835
Scott, James 1847 Sorrels, Saml. J. 1834
Scott, James 1848 Sorrels, W. 1835
Scott, P.M. 1840 Sorrels, Washington 1834
Scott, P.M. 1844 Sorrels, Washington 1836
Scott, Patrick M. 1841 Speer, Francis 1848
Scott, Patrick M. 1842 Speer, James 1844
Scott, Thomas 1840 Speer, James 1846
Scott, Thomas 1842 Speer, James 1847
Scott, Thomas 1843 Speer, James 1848
Scott, Thomas 1845 Speer, James A. 1843
Scott, Thomas 1846 Speer, John 1834
Scott, Thos. 1844 Speer, John 1837
Scott, W.T. & B. 1845 Speer, John 1840
Scott, William 1847 Speer, John 1843
Scott, William 1848 Speer, John Sr. 1847
Self, Cooper 1844 Speer, S.B. 1848
Self, Copper 1845 Speer, William B. 1847
Self, Daniel 1843 Speer, Wm. 1844
Self, Daniel 1844 Speer, Wm. 1845
Self, Daniel 1845 Speer, Wm. 1846
Self, David 1834 Speer, Wm. B. 1843
Self, David 1835 Stalcup, P. 1840
Self, David 1836 Stallcup, Pleasant 1836
Self, David 1837 Stallcup, Pleasant 1838
Self, David 1838 Stallcup, Pleasant 1839
Self, David 1839 Standford, Wesley 1846
Self, David 1840 Starky, Harman 1845
Self, David 1841 Starky, Isaac 1845
Self, David 1843 Starky, Othel 1845
Self, David 1844 Steel, Thomas 1834
Self, David 1845 Steel, Thomas 1835
Self, Forge 1843 Steel, Thomas 1837
Self, Forges 1839 Steel, Thomas 1840
Self, Forges 1841 Steel, Thomas 1842
Self, Forgey 1842 Steel, Thos. 1839
Self, Forgey 1844 Steel, Thos. 1841
Self, Forgey 1845 Steele, Thos. 1838
Self, Forgus 1834 Stell, Armstrong 1845
Self, Forgus 1835 Stell, Armstrong 1846
Self, Forgus 1836 Stell, Armstrong 1847
Self, Forgus 1837 Stell, Armstrong 1848
Self, Forgus 1838 Stell, Hiram 1848
Self, Forgus 1840 Stell, Jos. 1848
Self, L.W. 1837 Stell, Joseph 1844
Self, L.W. 1839 Stell, Joseph 1845
Self, Lack W. 1840 Stell, Joseph 1846
Self, Lack Wm. 1836 Stell, Joseph 1847
Self, Lackey W. 1838 Stinett, Geo. Q. 1848
Self, Lackey W. 1842 Stinett, Jno. 1848
Self, Lacky 1841 Stinett, John 1847
Self, Lacky Wm. 1834 Stinnett, Geo. 1846
Self, Lacky Wm. 1835 Stinnett, Jno. 1846
Self, Lewis 1834 Stone & McDoneld 1841
Self, Lewis 1837 Stone & McDonel(d) 1842
Self, Lewis 1838 Stone, F.G. 1838
Self, Lewis 1839 Stone, F.G. 1840
Self, Lewis 1840 Stone, F.G. 1841
Self, Lewis 1841 Stone, F.G. 1842
Self, Lewis 1843 Stone, F.G. 1844
Self, Lewis 1844 Stone, Hiram 1847
Self, Lewis 1845 Stone, William 1837
Sharp, Erban 1847 Stone, William 1841
Sharp, Erbin 1848 Stone, William 1842
Sharp, John 1842 Stone, William 1847
Sharp, John 1843 Stone, William 1848
Sharp, John 1844 Stone, William & Sarah ----
Sharp, John 1845 Blocker, adm. Estate ----
Sharp, John 1846 of John Blocker 1842
Sharp, John 1847 Stone, Wm. 1833
Shelton, Wm. 1834 Stone, Wm. 1835
Shook, Jno. 1845 Stone, Wm. 1836
Shook, John 1846 Stone, Wm. 1838
Shook, John 1847 Stone, Wm. 1839
Shook, John guardian ---- Stone, Wm. 1840
for W.A. Shook 1848 Stone, Wm. 1843
Shouse, Robt. 1848 Stone, Wm. 1844
Simpson, Austin 1848 Stone, Wm. 1845
Simpson, Jesse 1834 Stone, Wm. 1846
Simpson, Jesse 1835 Stringer, Rice 1834
Simpson, Jesse 1836 Stringer, Rice 1835
Simpson, Jesse 1837 Stringer, Rice 1836
Simpson, Jesse 1838 Stringer, Rice 1837
Simpson, Jesse 1839 Stringer, Rice 1838
Simpson, Jesse 1840 Stringer, Rice 1839
Simpson, Jesse 1841 Stringer, Rice 1840
Simpson, Jesse 1842 Stringer, Rice 1841
Simpson, Jesse 1843 Stringer, Rice 1842
Simpson, Jesse 1844 Stringer, Rice 1843
Simpson, Jesse 1846 Stringer, Rice 1844
Simpson, Jesse 1848 Stringer, Rice 1845
Simpson, S. 1835 Stringer, Rice 1846
Simpson, Sam'l 1840 Stringer, Rice 1847
Simpson, Sam'l 1841 Stringer, Rice 1848
Simpson, Sam'l 1842 Sutton, J.S. 1847
Simpson, Sam'l 1844 Swan, Wilson H. 1840
Simpson, Sam'l 1845 Swan, Wilson H. 1842
Simpson, Sam'l 1846 Swink, J.H. 1845
Simpson, Saml. 1834 Swink, J.H. 1846
Simpson, Saml. 1837 Swink. J.H. 1847
Simpson, Saml. 1839 Swink, J.H. 1848
Simpson, Samuel 1838
Talbot, Jesse W. 1837 Thorn, W.B. 1844
Taylor, Hiram 1841 Thorn, W.B. 1845
Thompson & Calvert 1840 Thorn, W.B. 1846
Thompson, Asa 1835 Tollet, John 1848
Thompson, Asa 1836 Tope, Fredrick 1837
Thompson, Asa 1837 Trimble, Wm. 1841
Thompson, Asa 1838 Tryfoot, Aaron 1846
Thompson, Asa 1839 Tryon, Seldon 1838
Thompson, Asa 1840 Tryon, Seldon 1839
Thompson, Wm. 1841 Tyron, Seldon 1840
Van Hook, Benjamin 1843 Vanrensler, R.T. 1844
Van Rensalier, R.T. 1843 Vardenburg, Jno. 1848
Vanrensler, R.T. 1845
Wadkins, James 1839 White, John Snr. 1834
Wakely, Sam 1844 White, John Snr. 1835
Wakley, Samuel 1842 White, John Snr. 1836
Wakley, Samuel 1847 White, John Snr. 1837
Ward, John 1841 White, John Snr. 1840
Ward, John 1842 White, John Sr. 1838
Ward, John 1843 White, John Sr. 1839
Ward, John 1844 White, John Sr. 1841
Ward, Math. M. 1835 White, John Sr. 1846
Ward, Thos. 1841 White, John Sr. 1847
Ward, Wm. 1834 White, John Sr. 1848
Ward, Wm. M. 1835 White, Jordan 1834
Warner, Thos. J. 1838 White, Jordan 1835
Watson, J.W. 1848 White, Jordan 1836
Weaver, Jeremiah 1839 White, Jordan 1837
Weaver, Jeremiah 1840 White, Jordan 1838
Weaver, Jeremiah 1842 White, Jordan 1840
Weaver, Jerry 1841 White, Jordan 1841
Weaver, Jerry 1843 White, Jordan 1842
Well, S. 1847 White, Jordan 1845
Westbrook, S.W. 1838 White, Jordan 1847
Westbrook, S.W. 1839 White, Jordan 1848
Wethers, Beshran 1846 White, Jourdan 1844
Wheat, James 1834 White, Jourden 1839
Wheat, James 1835 White, Pleasant 1839
Wheat, James 1836 White, Pleasant 1840
Wheat, James 1837 White, Pleasant 1841
Wheat, James 1838 White, Pleasan(t) 1848
Wheat, James 1839 White, Ples 1844
Wheat, (James) 1840 White, Ples 1845
Wheat, James 1841 White, Ples 1846
White, Absalom 1834 White, Spence 1846
White, Absalom 1835 White, Spencer 1847
White, Absalom 1836 White, Spencer 1848
White, Absalom 1837 Williams & Blevins 1846
White, Absalom 1840 Williams & Blevins 1847
White, Absalom 1841 Williams & Blevins 1848
White, Absalom 1847 Williams, E.K. 1834
White, Absalom 1848 Williams, E.K. 1835
White, Absolem 1843 Williams, E.K. 1836
White, Absolum 1839 Williams, P.R. 1847
White, H.L. 1848 Williams, R.P. 1845
White, Isaac 1834 Williams, R.P. 1846
White, Isaac 1835 Williams, W.P. 1839
White, Isaac 1836 Williams, W.P. 1840
White, Isaac 1837 Williams, W.P. 1845
White, Isaac 1838 Williams, W.P. 1848
White, Isaac 1839 Williams, Walker P. 1841
White, Isaac 1840 Williams, Walker T. 1842
White, Isaac 1841 Willis, ------ 1845
White, Isaac 1842 Wilson, John 1838
White, Isaac 1843 Wilson, John 1840
White, Isaac 1844 Wilson, John 1841
White, Isaac 1845 Wilson, John 1844
White, Isaac 1846 Wilson, R.L. 1844
White, Isaac 1847 Wilson, Rich'd L. 1846
White, Isaac 1848 Wilson, Richard 1843
White, J.D. 1846 Winford, Benj. 1847
White, J.D. 1847 Winford, Benj. 1848
White, J.H. 1848 Wingfield, Charles 1834
White, Jack 1845 Wingfield, Elija(h) 1845
White, John 1841 Wingfield, Elijah 1846
White, John 1844 Wingfield, Elijah 1848
White, John 1845 Wingfield, W.M. 1845
White, John Jnr. 1834 Winn, Thomas 1848
White, John Jnr. 1835 Wood, J.T. 1843
White, John Jnr. 1836 Wood, J.T. 1844
White, John Jr. 1837 Wood, J.T. 1845
White, John Jr. 1838 Wood, J.T. 1846
White, John Jr. 1838 Wood, J.T. 1847
White, John Jr. 1840 Wood, Jefferson T. 1841
White, John Jr. 1844 Wood, Jno. 1848
White, John Jr. 1846 Wood, John 1846
White, John Jr. 1847 Wray, William 1848
White, John Jr. 1848 Wright, R.D. 1846
Yarbary, James 1843 Yates, Geo. 1846
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