Adams, G.M. Allen, H.T.
Adams, J.L. Anderson, J.T.
Adams, Simpson Anderson, Mary E.
Adams, W.M. Anderson, W.J.
Ailor or Aylor, J.T. Anderson, W.W.
Alford, James M. Antioch Church
Alford, Wm. D. Arnold, J.J.
Allen, D.B. Ashcraft, S.T.
Babbitt, John Bradshaw, J.H.
Babbitt, W.M. Branch, John
Bacon, J.M. Branch, M.
Baggs, Elbert Brewer, H.T.
Baker, J.A. Brewer, Martha
Baker, P.H. Brewer, O.J. Estate
Baker, S.P. Brock, G.W.
Bankston, J.W. Brock, M.K.
Bankston, W.S. Brock, Moses Jr.
Bankston, William G. Brock, Moses Sr.
Barnes, J.D. Brock, Mrs. K.
Barton, W.P. Brock, W.F.
Beatty, Thos. L. Brooks, H.G.
Beene, W.F. Brooks, W.F.
Bethel Church Brown and Goodwin Est.
Biggs, A. Brown, T.M.
Biggs, J.F. Brown, W.M.
Biggs, W.E. Browning, R.C.
Black, D.S.P. Bruce, Nancy
Black, S.P. Bryant, J.L.
Black, W.H. Buchanan, A.J.
Blanchard, C.H. Buchanan, J.E.
Blanchard, Mrs. S.A.C. Bullard, G.W.
Blanchard, W.W. Bullard, R.F.
Bohannon, Martha Bullard, William S.
Bottoms, Henry E. Burke, R.S.
Bowen, A.M. Burns, Mary E.
Bowen, C.L. Bush, J.O.A.
Bowen, D.S. Bush, J.R. Estate
Bowen, J.D. Buster, J.T.
Bowen, J.H. Butcher, J.G.
Boyd, James W.
Caldwell, Robt. Coleman, D.S.
Calhoun, Jesse Collum, W.C.
Calley, W.D. Colyer or Collier, George
Campbell, A.B. and F.J. Conatser, D.A.
Campbell, J.C. Conatser, H.A.
Campbell, M. Conatser, W.A.
Campbell, W.B. Conatser, W.H.
Cantrell, W.E. Conatser, W.M.
Carey, J.W. Conway, J.H.
Carey, W.T. Estate Conway, Jane
Cargill, W.R. Cook, J.G.
Carlton, J.H. Cook, John H.
Carmichael, E.C. Cooley, I.C.
Carpenter, R.J. Cooley, I.M.
Carris, John B. Cooley, Isaac
Carroll, M. Cooley, J.R.
Carter, H.W. Cooley, W.T.
Carter, T.H. Cooper, John T.
Carwell, J.M.I. Cooper, S.T.
Cash, John H. Copeland, J.P.
Chamblin, J.S. Copeland, T.M.
Chaney, J.B. Corley, F.A.
Chaney, M.D. Corley, F.M.
Chapel, Amanda Cornish, J.H.
Chapel, John R. Cornish, John
Chastain, J.B. Covington, J.A.
Chumm, A.R. Covington, J.W.
Clement, B.F. Covington W. Fletcher
Clingman, A.B. Cowart, D.J.
Clingman, A.M. Cox, R.A.
Coffman, D.W. Craig, J.C.
Coffman, W.H. Craig, J.J.
Coker, Baker Craighead, H.B.
Coker, M.M. Crews, M.G.
Coker, Philip Cross, H.B.
Coker, S.M.
Davenport, Henry J. Dickson, Thos. J.
Davis, Elizabeth A. Dillard, G.B.
Davis, J.A. Dillard, Sam'l
Davis, Jett M. Dillon, Martin
Davis, John Dilworth, G.T.
Davis, John F. Dixon or Dickson, Elba
Davis, John M. Doss, J.R.
Davis, R.L. Doss, James L.
Davis, Thos. J. Doss, W.H.
Davis, W.B. Dossey, Thomas F.
Davis, W.E. Dowdle, James H.
Davis, W.L. Drafier, Elizabeth C.
Dean, J.W. Drafier, S.J.
Dean, John Estate Duggan, Elizabeth E.
Dean, M.H. Duncan, J.K.
Deese (sic), M.A. Duncan, S.J.
Dickson, E. Estate Dunn, Andrew A.
Dickson, J.F. Dunn, James P.
Dickson, J.M.E. Dunn, S.W.
Dickson, John W. Duren, William L.
Dickson, L.A. Durett, J.M.
Dickson, Leroy
East, Sam T. Eley, S.J
Eastwood, H. Estate Elzy, J.H.
Eastwood, J.P. Elzy, Rebecca
Ebenezer Church Elzy, W.H.
Echols, J.B. Epperson, James
Edds and Munson Erwin, Ben
Edwards, Henry L. Erwin, C.T.
Elam, J.H. Evans, J.H.
Eley, J.A. Evans, W.D.
Eley, J.L. Evans, W.M.
Fagan H.F. Forrester, F.N.
Fagan, Francis M. Forrester, S.S.
Fagan, T.J. Forrester, W.F.
Fant, James Forrester, W.J.
Fant, Thos. H. Forrester, William
Farley, J.C. Fortson, W.G.
Fenter, C.C. Estate Foshee, J.N.
Fenter, J.A. Fox, J.C.
Fenter, John Fox, James
Fields, R.C. Fox, Thos. J.
Flemens, M.D. French, R.H.W.
Flemister, W.H. French, S.S.
Floyd, S.C. Funderburk, Francis M.
Folker, J.H.
Gaddie, W.W. Gosnell, J.C
Gammill, J.A. Gosnell, J.P.
Garner, Minerva Gosnell, Peter
Gay, J.G. Gould, W.M.
Gentry, A.A. Gould, William
Gentry, Alfred Golden, B.A.
Gentry, J.R. Gray, J.N.
Gentry, R.C. Green, W.D.
Gentry, W.C. Green, W.H.
Gentry, W.S. Green, W.M.
Gilham, Jere or Jerry Green, W.W.
Gilleylen, John W. Griffin, G.C.
Gilleylen, T.B. Griffin, L.L.
Gilmer, Mrs. G.A. Gunn, Jas. H.
Good, Frank
Ha-He missing Hopper, W.A.
Hickey, W.W. Horn, B.H.
Hicks, W.C. Horton, J.W.
Higgins, C.C. Howard, H.C.
Higgins, Jas. P. Howard, John
Hill, M.W. Huddleston, D. Estate
Hilton, W.G. Huddleston, Jas. D.
Hipp, J.T. Huddleston, L.A.
Hipp, Mary L. Huddleston, S.A.
Hobson, W.L. Huddleston, W.J.
Hohmes (sic), Walter Huey, L.C.
Holcomb, John Hughes, C.C.
Holcombe, J.R. Hughes, J.J.
Holden, I.C. Hughes, Nathan
Holder, W.G. Hughes, S.F.
Holiday, John L. Humphrey, H.C.
Hollam, T.W. Hunt, William
Holland, C.C. Hutchinson, A.S.
Holland, G.W. Hutchinson, James
Holland, J.A. Hutson, A.J.
Holland, Saleta Hutson, Davis
Holland, W.F. Hutson, G.W.
Holman, H.B. Hutson, J.D.
Holmes, S.P. Hutson, J.M.
Hoover, Elizabeth M. Hutson, J.T. Estate
Hopper, G.W. Hutson, W.C.
Jackson, Nicholas Johnson, John F.
Jackson, W.J. Johnson, Sam
James, B.S. Jones, Columbia
Jester, J.H. Jones, Lewis
Johnson, F.S. Jones, Mary J.
Johnson, H. Jones, N.L.
Johnson, J.D. Jones, Wm. M.
Johnson, J.R. Jordan, Albert H.
Johnson, Jesse
Keen, Joel Kennedy, J.L.
Kelley, A.H. Keys, Mrs. L.
Kelley, D.W. Kidd, Thomas
Kelley, Elijah Killian, E.S.
Kelley, Elizabeth Kirby, J.J.
Kelley, Giles Kirby, J.W.
Kelley, J.A. Kirkham, E.M.
Kelley, John Kirkham, Mrs. Emily
Kelley, John S. Kizer, A.J.
Kelley, Mrs. J.D. Kizzia, N.
Kelley, S.N.C. Knox, Clementancy
Kelley, Sam'l Kuykendall, William B.
Kennedy, C.R.
Lamb, George W. Lefevers, W.D.
Lamb, Jacob Lewis, Q.H.
Lamb, L.J. Ligon, Amanda
Lamb, Thos. Lindzy or Lindsey, Lucy
Langley, Andrew V. Lindzy or Lindsey, M.
Langley, S.S. Lingo, Yerby
Lawless, J.H. Lingo, Z.L.
Lawless, John H. Logan, D.A.
Lawrence, T.S. Logan, G.W.
Leath and Crownover Lomax, Josephine
Ledbetter, James C. Long, James S.
Lee, Frank Lowry, Nathan
Lee, G.B. Lynn, Eliza J.
Lee, James Lynn, William
M.E. Church Meredith, H.H.
Mansfield, J.A. Mitchell, C.P.
Mansfield, J.D. Mitchell, J.P.
Marble, J.M. Mitchell, John
Markham, John W. Mitchell, Rebecca
McKethan, J.C. Mobley Bros. and Pollard
McKinnon, H.T. Mobley, Elijah
McKinnon, William Mobley, John B.
McLaughlin, E.B. Mooman (sic), S.A.
McLaughlin, James A. Moore, James
McLaughlin, John A. Moore, W.A.
McLaughlin, R.W. Moore, Wilburn
McLaughlin, T.C. Moran, G.
McMillan, R.C. Moran, S.J.
McRae, Silas Moran, W.J.
McWha, John B. Morphew, Silas
McWha, William Morphew, Soloman
Meeks and Barton Morphew, Thos.
Meeks, A.D. Morris, S.M.
Meeks, Britton Morton, William D.
Meeks, O.O. Mount, Mary J.
Meeks, Silas Mt. Tabor Church
Meeks, Susan Musgrove, S.A.
Meeks, Tennessee Myers, D.M.
Meeks, W.I. Myers, Elijah D.
Nabors, William Neal, James D.
Nail, N.A. Neighbors, J.
Nash, I.P. New Hope Church
Nash, Mary Nolan, Mary T.
O'Neal, C.H. Osborn, Henry
O'Neal, E.J. Osborn, J.J.
O'Neal, James D. Osborn, J.W.
O'Neal, S.P. Osborn, J. Wiley
Oldham, D.J. Osborn, M.V.
Oldham, G.L. Osborn, Nancy
Oldham, John G. Osborn, W.E.
Oliver, J.W. Owen, R. Estate
Orrick, Mary J. Owen, R.S.
Orrick, P.H. Owens, O.B.
Orrick, W.D.
Palmer, A.H. Patterson, John
Palmer, Charles H. Peele, R.B. and Brothers
Palmer, Janius P. Peele, Robt. B.
Pannell, John E. Perrine, J.M.
Pannell, N.B. Phillips, W.F.
Parker, A.C. Polk, H.C.
Parker, A.W. Polk, H.D.
Parker, Elizabeth Pollard, J.T.
Parker, J.F. Ponder, W.N.
Parker, Sam'l Porterfield, Geo. W.
Parsons, J.L. Power, J.B.
Parsons, Jos.B. Power, John R.
Parsons, Mary Power, S.H.
Paslay, John Power, Z.T.
Pate, C.B. Price, B.
Pate, Mary Prince, Peter
Patten, Bradford
Quinlap, W.J.
Ray, J.L. Rhodes, M.J.
Ray, Silas R. Richardson, M.A.
Ray, William Risener, John R.
Reed, A.H. Roberts, D.
Reed, Asa B. Robinson, J.M.
Reed, George Rodden, Joseph C.
Reed, Nancy Rogers, Z.T.
Reed, W.J. Roland, William A.
Reese, D.D.J. Rollins, Francis
Reese, S.W. Ross, Isaac W.
Reid, C.W. Rountree, J.B.
Reid, G.W. Royston
Reid, Mrs. J.B. Russell, J.A.
Reid, R.A. Estate
Sanford, A. Stell, J.H.
Sanford, R.M. Stell, Sam
Scoggin, Steve Stelle, Charles E.
Scott, J.M. Stelle, Mrs. S.C.
Scott, W.J. Stephens, T.B.
Sears, J.F. Stevens, John A.
Self, Forgus Stevens, John T.
Self, Vincent Stevens, O.M.
Sevier, J.C. Stevens, T.B.
Sevier, Mary Stevens, T.P.D.
Shannon, H.A. Stevens, T.R.
Sharrack, W.P. Stewart and Brothers
Sherron, John Stewart, D.S.
Shockley, Z.B. Stewart, E.J.
Shott, John Stewart, J.G.
Sloan, J.C. Stewart, J.S.
Sloan, R.B. Stewart, Mary
Smallen, Wade H. Stewart, Nancy N.
Smedley, Minerva Stewart, W.W.
Smith, Daniel B. Stokes, G.W.
Smith, Jane Stokes, R.P.
Smith, W.W. and Brothers Story, A.R.
Sparks, C.N. Stough, D.C.
Sparks, H.T. Stough, Richard W.
Sparks, John B. Stracener, John M.
Sparks, S. Caroline Strawn, Austin
Spear, Isaiah Stringer, Scott
Speer, W.B. Stroope, Wm. S.
Springer, Robt. Stroupe (sic), F.I.
Start, Rebecca Sullivan, L.R.
Steed, T.J. Sutton, S.D.
Stell, A.A. Swader, S.H.
Talbott, W. John Thompson, N.J.
Tallent, Rich Thompson, R.B.
Tarpley, G.W. Thompson, S.F.
Tate, M.M. Thompson, T.B.
Taylor, John N. Thompson, W.J.
Taylor, W.P. Thornton, I.N.
Tedder, Thos. Thornton, I.W.
Thomas, J.B. Thornton, R.B.
Thomas, Mrs. M.H. Thrash, Levi
Thomas, Nancy Threlkeld, C.W.
Thomas, Wm. Timmons, A.N.
Thomas, Z.F. Tolleson, J.A.
Thomasson, H.J. Tolleson, M.A.
Thomasson, J.S. Tolleson, R.A.
Thomasson, N.T. Tolleson, T.J.
Thomasson, W.B. Tribble, R.O.
Thomasson, W.B. Jr. Trout, G.H.
Thompson, Eli Trout, W.N.
Thompson, J.B. Tye, R.S.
Thompson, John D.
Vaughn, Robt. Vickery, Lydia C.
Vickery, James A. Vickery, S.
Wagner, John White, P.
Wagner, Mike White, W.J.
Waldrop, J.R. White, W.V.
Walker, James A. Widener, George W.
Wall, I.H. Widener, Henry
Wall, Jos. R. Widener, Isaac
Wall, Martha Widener, W.G.
Walston, Henry J. Widener, Wm. B.
Walton, Benj. Wiley, Martin M.
Ward, Green Wiley, W.J.
Ward, William H. Willett, C.B.
Warren, J.C. Williams, G.B.
Watkins, S.T. Williams, W.M.
Watson, James Williams, Wm.
Watson, W.S. Williamson, Abner
Watterson, Mary A. Willis, John A.
Webb, Abner Wilson, W.A.
Webb, Eri Wilson, W.W.
Webb, Isaac Winford, S.A.
Welch, Elizabeth Wingfield, J.S.
Welch, James P. Wingfield, Jack
Welch, John A. Wingfield, Jacob J.
Wesson, E.J. Wingfield, Mrs. Frances
Wesson, H.J. Wingfield, S.H.
West, John Wingfield, W.C.
Westbrook, A.B. Wisener, F.H.
Westbrook, S. Wisener, J.F.
Westerman, C.N. Wisener, J.J
Westerman, M.F. Wisener, Jeptha
Westerman, M.L. Wisener, W.J.
Whatley, S.M. Womack, T.M.
Whatley, William C. Wood, Henry J.
Whisenant, N.C. Wood, J.H.
Whisenhunt, M.R. Wood, J.T.
White, Abner B. Wood, W.D.
White, David B. Woodall, Martha E.
White, George W. Woodall, P.M.
White, J.L. Woodall, S.A.
White, J.M. Woodall, W.S.
White, John Wright, D.A.
White, Mary E. Estate
Yarborough, Sebron A. Yeargan, T.D.
Yarborough, Wm. H.
Prepared from the "Index to the 1883 Real Estate Tax Book for Pike County, Arkansas" by Russell P. Baker with revision by David Kelley. Joseph P. Gosnell was the Pike County, Arkansas tax assessor 1882-1886.