Territory of Arkansas Census Reconstructed 1820

            Hempstead County Arkansas

Alexander, James            Gerrin, John                Ogden, Isaac       
Alexander, Philander        Gibson, Elijah              Ogden, Stanley     
Alexander, Reece            Gibson, James               Orr, Green         
Alley, Rossran              Gibson, Joseph              Pate, Jeremiah     
Anderson, John B.           Gibson, Robert              Patterson, Tilman  
Andrews, Robert             Gilleland, Daniel           Paxon, Charles     
Anthony, Christopher        Gilleland, James            Peerson, Elijah    
Ashbrook, Alfred            Glass, Anthony              Pennington, Isaac  
Ashbrook, William           Gragg, John                 Pennington, Jacob  
Bailey, David               Graham, Asenath             Pennington, John   
Bailey, Robert              Graham, James               Pennington, William
Baird, John                 Gray, Thomas                Pettigrew, John    
Baird, Simon                Grayson, William            Petty, John        
Baker, Benjamin             Grider, William             Phegans, James     
Baker, Elijah               Griggs, Elizabeth           Pierce, Samuel     
Barnes, Thomas              Griggs, Squire              Pierce, Wesley     
Barron, Thomas              Gross, Christian            Pitman, Julius     
Bassett, Elizabeth          Grounds, Daniel             Polke, Thomas      
Bassett, Thomas             Halbrook, George            Pool, Walter       
Bassett, William            Halcomb, John               Porter, Joseph     
Batie, William              Halcomb, Joseph             Poston, Jeremiah   
Bean, Ellis                 Hall, J.W.                  Potter, Reuben     
Bean, Washington            Hall, John                  Price, Joseph      
Bennett, Elijah             Hall, Samuel                Props, John        
Bennifield, Robert          Hampton, Jonathan           Pugh, Samuel       
Berry, Bazil                Hanks, James                Rabb, John         
Berry, John                 Hanks, Wyatt                Ragsdale, Britton  
Berry, William              Harpole, John               Ragsdale, William  
Bishop, Nathan              Harris, Joseph              Randleman, Martin  
Black, Jacob                Haw, John                   Reed, Joseph       
Black, Jonathan             Hays, Charles               Reed, L.W.     
Blankenship, Asa            Helms, Thomas               Reed, Robert       
Boid, John                  Henderson, Francis          Reese, David       
Boyce, William              Henry, John                 Reyno, William     
Bradley, Edward             Hensley, William            Robbins, Nathaniel 
Bradley, Hugh               Henson, Philip              Roberts, David     
Bradley, James              Hewitt, Rowland             Robinson, Andrew   
Bradley, John               Hickman, Nathaniel          Robinson, Edith    
Bradley, Seth               Higgins, Clarissa           Robinson, Edward   
Bradley, Skelton            Hill, James                 Robinson, William  
Brandon, Charles            Hoag, Phillip               Ruggles, Salmon    
Bray, James                 Holder, Jesse               Rule, Henry        
Brazel, Benjamin            Hopkins, Orlando            Rule, Solomon      
Brewer, Henry               Hopson, Samuel              Russell, Samuel    
Brown, Cornelius            Howard, Samuel              Sawyer, Edmund     
Brown, Roland               Hudgins, Ambrose            Scallom, Joab      
Bryan, James                Hudspeth, Aviz              Scallom, John      
Bullard, Henry              Hughes, R.F.                Scallom, Nancy     
Bunch, Aden                 Hunter, Hardy               Scoby, Matthew     
Burnett, Matthew            Irons, John                 Scretchfield, John 
Burnham, Jesse              Jacobs, John                Sharkey, Patrick   
Burnham, Samuel             Jacobs, Nathaniel           Shaw, Andrew       
Burt, Hewitt                Jacobs, Thomas              Shaw, William      
Burton Stephen              Janes, Jarrett              She(r)ly, John     
Butler, John                Jeffrey, Joseph             Simms, J.W.        
Byrnside, James             Jeter, J.W.                 Smith, George      
Caldwell, Andrew            Johnson, Edward             Smith, Hiram       
Campbell, John              Johnson, James              Smith, James       
Campbell, Joseph            Johnson, John               Smith, Jesse       
Campbell, Matthew           Jones, D.                   Smith, Nathan      
Carr, Thomas                Jones, George               Stapleton, Thomas  
Carter, Elijah              Keller, John                Stephens, Thomas   
Chumbly, John               Knox, Jonathan              Stevenson, Henry   
Clack, James                Kuykendall, Abner           Stevenson, John    
Clack, John                 Kuykendall, Amos            Stevenson, William 
Clark, Benjamin             Lackey, John                Stow, Derrill      
Clark, Benjamin Jr.         Lamb, John                  Stow, Richard      
Clark, David                Lard, Samuel                Stuart, Abraham    
Clark, Gilbert              Lawrence, Adam              Stuart, Elijah     
Clark, James                Leatherman, Peter           Stuart, James      
Clark, John                 Lee, Isaac                  Stuart, Joseph     
Click, John                 Leeper, George              Talbot, John       
Click, Mathias              Lick, Henry                 Talbot, William    
Cochran, John               Lick, John                  Tate, George       
Colville, Joseph            Low, Robert                 Tate, Richard      
Conaway, Jeremiah           Lowery, Evans               Taylor, Isaac      
Connelly, Peter             Mabbett, William            Tenant, Hempstead  
Conner, Daniel              Maddin, Catherine           Thimbleston, John  
Conner, John                Maddin, John                Thompson, Amy      
Crabtree, John              Maddin, Reuben              Thompson, Elizabeth
Crabtree, William           Maddin, William             Thompson, Joseph   
Craig, William              Mahan, John                 Thompson, William  
Creager, George             Mailey, John H.             Thornton, John     
Cutbirth, Sarah             Martin, Neal                Throop, William    
Damons, Michael             Martin, S.C.                Thurman, Thomas    
Davis, John                 Matlock, William            Tollett, Henry     
Davis, Merick               Mattingly, James            Tripplett, Daniel  
Delacell, Benjamin          May, Morris                 Tyree, Daniel      
Denton, John                May, Samuel                 Tyree, Garland     
Devenport, Reuben           McCann, Willis              Tyree, John        
Devenport, William          McClinton, John             Vaughn, Polly      
Dillard, John               McCombs, Matthew            Wafer, Mabery      
Dixon, John                 McCown, George              Wagley, Abraham    
Dooley, Thomas              McCravens, Joseph           Walker, Alexander S
Drew, James                 McDonald, Archibald         Walker, Joel       
Drew, Merritt               McDonald, Samuel            Wallis, Andrew     
Drew, Newel                 McDonald, William           Wallis, Perly      
Dunkin, Benjamin            McDonnel, Daniel            Ward, Daniel       
Dunn, Robert                McHenry, Archibald          Ward, Elizabeth    
Duty, Eliza                 McLeland, Francis           Ward, James        
Duty, Solomon               McLeland, James             Ward, John         
Dyer, James                 McLeland, John              Ward, Rebecca      
Dyer, Joel                  McMahan, William            Ward, William      
Edwards, Larkin             Medkiff, Susan              Ware, William      
Elam, William               Merry, Calvin               Warson, J.W.       
Emberson, John              Miller, James               Wesner, Christian  
English, Bailey             Miller, Samuel              Wetmore, Alexander 
English, John               Miller, Simon               Wetmore, George    
English, Joseph             Moore, Alexander            Wheaton, Charles   
English, Simeon             Moore, Charles              White, Thomas      
Erwin, Robert               Morning, Samuel             Whiteside, William 
Estes, Russell              Morris, Curtis              Wiker, Asau        
Finley, William             Morrison, Joshua            Wiley, John        
Fisher, Seth                Morrow, Robert              Williams, John     
Fisher, William             Moss, James                 Williams, Thomas   
Flanagin, John              Moss, Matthew               Williams, William  
Fountain, Matthew           Moss, William               Wilson, John       
Fowler, James               Musick, Robert              Wilson, Stephen    
Fowler, John                Myers, Charles              Witcher, David     
Franklin, Thomas            Neely, Joseph               Witter, Daniel T.  
Frazier, James              Nelson, Charles             Woodward, William  
Frazier, Thomas             Newman, John                Woolsey, John      
Frost, Gabriel              Newman, Joseph              Woolsey, Thomas    
Fulcher, Churchill          Nichols, John               Wright, Claiborne  
Fuller, Benjamin            Norrad, Samuel              Wright, Matthias   
Fuqua, Joshua               Nugent, Jacob               Wright, Thomas     
Galihor, John               Nugent, John                Wyatt, Vincent     
Gambel, James               Nunn, John                  Yarberry, Richard  
Gates, Samuel               Oden, Robert                Yarberry Robert    
Gates, William              Ogden, Benjamin             Yates, William     
Hempstead County was created by an act of the Missouri Territory           
Legislature approved December 15, 1818 and effective March 1, 1819. The    
1820 census was taken by James S. Hanks, Deputy Sheriff, at $6.00 per      
hundred. He was paid $134.88 for making the enumeration of Hempstead County
and $4.00 for preparing two copies of the census.                          
Hempstead County Arkansas Record Books AA & BB; Hempstead County  Arkansas 
Order Book A 1819-1822; Hempstead County Arkansas Record of Marks and      
Brands; Docket of James M. Stuart, justice of the peace, Ozan township;    
Arkansas Gazette, August 13, 1822, Financial Reports for the county 1820   
and 1821; Territorial Papers of the United States, Volume XIX, pages       
Update 03.21.01              David Kelley 1997                 CEN20HMP.HTM