Births | Births
William Orrick | Asahel L. Orrick do
Was Bornd (sic) August | was Bornd May 24th
13th 1783 | 1810
Celea Orrick Wife | Belinda Orrick do
of William Orrick | was Bornd April
Was Bornd July | 14th 1812
the 23th (sic) 1787 |
| Susan Orrick do
William and | was Bornd February
Celea Orrick (was | 15th 1814
married) February |
19th 1805 | Nancy Orrick do
| was Bornd May
James Henry | 3th (sic) 1816
Orrick son of Wm |
and Celea Orrick | William J. Orrick do
was Bornd January | was Bornd March
4th 1807 | 27th 1818
Mary Orrick Daughter | Andrew B. Orrick do
of do (ditto) was Bornd | was Bornd February
April 14th 1808 | 27th 1820
| Celea Orrick do
| was Bornd June
do = ditto | 26th 1822
William Orrick Bible, folio. Mary Ann Root, Jasper, Texas. Copy provided by
L.S. Orrick, Fort Worth, Texas postmarked 10 Nov 1999.
Update 03.19.01 David Kelley 1999 BIBLE058.HTM