An Act to Change the Name of

Martha Rosanna Weeks &c.

             An Act to Change the Name of Martha Rosanna Weeks               
        to the name of Martha Rosanna Cannon, and to constitute her          
            a lawful heir to the estate of Richardson W. Cannon.             
   1. Name changed.                          3. Act in force from passage.   
   2. Made heir to Richardson W. Cannon.                                     
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Arkansas, That 
the name of Martha Rosanna Weeks, the adopted daughter of Richardson W.      
Cannon, and his wife Elizabeth P. Cannon now living in the county of Pike    
and State of Arkansas, be, and the same is hereby changed to that of Martha  
Rosanna Cannon.                                                              
Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the said Martha Rosanna Weeks, now       
Martha Rosanna Cannon, be, and she is hereby constituted a legal heir to the 
estate of the aforesaid Richardson W. Cannon, and his wife Elizabeth P.      
Cannon to all intents and purposes as she would be if she was his own        
legitimate offspring.                                                        
Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect and be in     
force from and after its passage.                                            
                        T.B. Flournoy, Speaker of the                        
                          House of Representatives.                          
                          John R. Hampton, President                         
                                of the Senate.                               
                         Approved, January 10th, 1851.                       
                               John Seldon Roane                             
Acts, Passed by the General Assembly of the State of Arkansas, 1851,         
page 294.                                                                    
David Kelley 1997