SEC. 1.  Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Territory of          
         Arkansas, That all that portion of the counties of Hempstead and   
Clark included within the boundaries following, to wit: beginning at the    
Antoine bridge, running thence (with) the old road to John Wood's, on the   
Missouri river, thence up said river to the mouth of Ozan, and thence up    
the Ozan two miles to a point, thence to the dividing ridge between         
Missouri and Ozan to the Sevier line, commencing at the above named bridge, 
thence up the Antoine to its source, thence a north direction to the west   
fork of the Caddo, thence up said fork to the beginning, be, and the same   
hereby is, erected into a separate and distinct county, to be called and    
known by the name of Pike county.                                           

SEC. 2.  And be it further enacted, That, from and after the taking effect  
         of this act, the said county of Pike shall have and possess all    
the powers, privileges, and immunities, of a separate and distinct county;  
and that, in all suits and prosecutions, both of a civil and criminal       
nature, pending in the county and circuit courts, either of the county of   
Hempstead or Clark, at the time this act takes effect, against any person   
or persons residing in the county hereby established, it shall be the duty  
of the plaintiff, in civil, and of the prosecuting attorney, in all         
criminal or other cases, where the United States is a party, to procure     
from the clerk of the county and circuit courts of said county of           
Hempstead or Clark, as the case may be, a faithful transcript of all        
records and proceedings, and of any and all depositions and other papers    
on file in his office, and file the same, or cause it to be done, on or     
before the commencement of the first terms of the county and circuit courts 
to be holden for the said county of Pike, with the clerk of said courts;    
and all executions that may be issued at the taking of this act, upon       
judgements rendered in the county and circuit courts of the county of       
Hempstead or Clark, against persons residing in the said county of Pike,    
for any debt, fine, or forfeiture, or other matter, that shall be due under 
such proceedings, in the hands of, or served by, the sheriff of either of   
said counties, shall be handed over to the proper office of the county of   
Pike; and all administrators, executors, and guardians, who shall now live  
in the county hereby established, and who may have, before the taking       
effect of this act, administered on any estate, or have taken on him, her,  
or them, the execution of any last will and testament or guardianship,      
within that part of either of said counties of Hempstead and Clark, hereby  
made the county of Pike, such administrator, executor, or guardian, shall   
be at liberty to obtain a copy of their respective cases, and file the same 
in the office of the clerk of the county court of the said county of Pike,  
and make final settlement in said county, as they might, could, or would    
have done, in the counties of Hempstead and Clark aforesaid.                

SEC. 3.  Be it further enacted, That all persons acting as justices of the  
         peace in that part of the county of Hempstead or Clark, who shall  
be included within the bounds of the county of Pike, hereby established,    
shall be and continue justices of the peace for the said county of Pike,    
and shall possess the same powers, and proceed in all causes in the same    
manner, both in suits now commenced and those that may be hereafter         
commenced, as though this law had not been passed, changing only the name   
in said proceedings and conforming to the limits of the county aforesaid    
instead of Hempstead and Clark.                                             

SEC. 4.  Be it further enacted, That the temporary seat of justice for the  
         said county of Pike shall be at the house of Paschal C. Sorrels.   
The courts to be holden in and for said county shall be holden at the place 
aforesaid, until permanently located by law, "under the act providing for   
the permanent location of seats of justice," passed at the session of 1831. 

SEC. 5.  Be it further enacted, That there shall be holden, on the first    
         Monday of January next, at the house of Paschal C. Sorrels, in     
said county of Pike, a special election for county officers of said county, 
at which election, to be holden at said place, all the qualified voters     
residing within the bounds of said county, shall vote; and the sheriff of   
Clark county is hereby required to give notice of said election, by placing 
up six advertisements fifteen days previous to said special election, in    
the most public places of said county. The judges of the former election in 
the townships heretofore established, shall sit and act as judges of said   

SEC. 6.  Be it further enacted, That the county of Pike, hereby             
         established, shall be attached to, and form a part of, the first   
judicial circuit; and the circuit courts in said county shall be holden by  
the judge of said circuit, on the third Monday in March and September, in   
each year after the organization thereof.                                   

SEC. 7.  And be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect, and be 
         in force, from and after the first day of December next.           

                            JOHN WILSON, Speaker                            
                      of the House of Representatives.                      

                         JOHN WILLIAMSON, President                         
                         of the Legislative Council.                        

                         Approved: November 1, 1833                         

                                 JOHN POPE.                                 

OF ARKANSAS: which was begun and held at the town of Little Rock, on        
Monday, the seventh day of October, and ended on Saturday the sixteenth day 
of November, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three. LITTLE ROCK:      
Printed by William E. Woodruff, Printer to the Territory, 1834, page 30-32: 
An act to erect and establish the county of Pike.                           

David Kelley 2000